Enshrouded Sulfur Kindlewastes
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Best Farm Locations for Sulfur in Enshrouded

Next stop, Sulfur!

Sulfur is a resource you will need in Enshrouded to craft items or upgrade your Flame Altar. Leveling up your Flame Altar, in particular, is essential if you want to access all areas of the map without meeting certain death. You do need a hefty amount of Sulfur to achieve this, however, so here are the best places to farm Sulfur in Enshrouded.

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Where to Find Sulfur in Enshrouded

Sulfur is found all throughout the Nomad Highlands and Kindlewastes, but there are a few locations in particular that are very rich in Sulfur. Those areas are southwest of the Nomad Highlands Ancient Spire and east of the Kindlewastes Ancient Spire.

You can identify Sulfur by looking for yellow veins of ore on the side of cliffs and rock faces. All you need to mine Sulfur is a pickaxe! You don’t need anything fancy, even the lowest quality Pickaxe can mine the ore, but a better one will allow you to collect much more Sulfur in a shorter amount of time.

Enshrouded Sulfur Nomad Highlands Extra Spot
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If you have already explored both regions and unlocked the Ancient Spires, the trip to pick up Sulfur should be a quick one. If not, you should focus on clearing and unlocking the region’s Ancient Spires before taking the time to look for anything. Having a fast-travel point readily available to you makes collecting any area’s resources much easier.

Best Place to Farm Sulfur in the Nomad Highlands

Enshrouded Sulfur Nomad Highlands Map Location
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The best place to farm Sulfur in the Nomad Highlands is at a small Scavenger camp southeast of the Nomad Highlands Ancient Spire. You will have to prepare for a fight before you head down there, but the place is only inhabited by around three to four enemies, so you should be able to clear them out relatively quickly.

Enshrouded Sulfur Nomad Highlands Scavenger Camp
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The camp is visible from the Ancient Spire itself and is tucked into the mouth of the cave where the light sands of the Nomad Highlands start to change into dark reddish-brown rock. There is a little Sulfur around the outside of the cave and a lot more just inside the mouth, but make sure you keep your eyes peeled for any bear traps the Scavengers may have set up.

If you keep running up the hill to the right of the Scavenger Camp cave entrance and turn left, you will find yet another patch of Sulfur. This patch is surrounded by plenty of Lapislazuli, too, so you can stock up on both resources at the same time.

Best Place to Farm Sulfur in the Kindlewastes

Enshrouded Sulfur Kindlewastes Map Location
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There is also plenty of Sulfur ready to be mined in the Kindlewastes. The first and most reliable spot to find it is just east of the Kindlewastes Ancient Spire. From the Spire, you will be able to spot a few different patches of Sulfur pretty close together. Mining both will bag you a decent amount of ore before you exhaust the veins.

Enshrouded Sulfur Kindlewastes Location
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There is another spot to the west of the Ancient Spire, as well, if you still need more. This spot is a little less rich in Sulfur, however, and it can be quite high up on the cliff face, so you’re better off trying the east patches first.

How to Use Sulfur in Enshrouded

You will need Sulfur for a variety of valuable crafting recipes, like Poison Arrows, the Alchemist’s Mortar, the Shroud Meteor Staff Charge, the Ghost Glider, and more. You will also need 40x Sulfur to upgrade your Flame Altar to level six, which is the second-highest level.

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