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OK, so maybe our title was a little deceiving, since you’re absolutely going to get shot in the back when you play on Pearl Market, one of the four new maps in the Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth DLC. Hopefully, due to our top notch advice, you’ll get shot in the back less? That’s the goal, at least. Either way, if you are looking for tips on the other three multiplayer levels, try these articles for Sunken Dragon, Propaganda and even Lumphini Garden. Just don’t forget to come back and find out some of our strategies for getting out of Pearl Market alive.
Area of Interest – The Ground War
For our other three maps, we focused on different landmarks that you could identify and interact with throughout any game mode. For Pearl Market, however, there is a whole lot of everything looking like everything else. While not set in the same area of the world, it of has that clustered feeling from the movie Black Hawk Down. Come to think of it, the fighting is quite intense as well. Because of this, we’re going to focus on the ground fighting throughout the entire map, and mix in our loadout suggestions with areas of interest, which won’t be nearly as distinct as other Dragon’s Teeth maps.
If you plan to hang out on the ground (like we do), you might want to consider the Engineer class. First of all, Pearl Market has a lot of close quarters combat, and the PDW class of weapons will give you a major leg up in these battles. If you’re not sure what to go for, try the MP7 or MPX. The MP7 is unlocked by completing the Make a Dent assignment from the China Rising DLC, and the MPX is obtained from completing Not the Weakest Link from the Dragon’s Teeth DLC. Seriously though, if you never had a turn with the MP7, you need to get that sorted out.
Of course, if you don’t enjoy being an Engineer, there are other options. From the Assault class, you can go with the Assault Rifles, which are never a bad option, and if you’d rather go with Support or Recon, there are always the Shotguns, which can be accessed by any class. Basically, it’s completely up to you and what best fits your play style, which for us is the PDW option.
One thing is certain, however. You’re going to want to run with a squad, or you will find yourself outnumbered and out-gunned all game long. Even if you don’t know the people in the room, jump into a random squad and turn on your microphone if you have one. You never know, you might even make a new friend.
Area of Interest – Battle for the Rooftops
If you’ve been following our Battlefield 4 content since the release of the game last October, you’ll know that we have a bone to pick with people who camp on rooftops. Luckily, Pearl Market is not your standard vertical experience.
When you’re up there, your best bet is the Assault class, but make sure someone in your squad brings the Ammo Box and a Claymore from the Support group. Assault is essential because the rooftop to rooftop battles are a perfect range for the Assault Rifles, and the Medic Bag and Defibrillators will keep your squad in the fight no matter what. In fact, in a five person group that plans to work the rooftops, try three Assault, one Support and one Engineer for your loadouts. Feel free to play with the numbers to suit your squad’s play style, but that is a decent idea of the type of experience you’ll get up there.
Of course, getting to the rooftops is one thing. Staying there is another. This is where your Support person comes in handy. Try placing a Claymore in the stairwell close to you, then either guard it with a Shotgun or return to the roof and use the power of your LMG to keep the targets on the streets below scurrying for cover. Don’t forget to drop that Ammo Box. Don’t even wait for someone to ask. Just drop it near a batch of soldiers. You can never have enough ammunition.
Area of Interest – Center Rooftop and E Objective
The only distinct area on this map is the E objective if you’re playing Conquest Large. To see what we mean, look at the map at the top of this article. Because of its elevation and central location, this area is key to any game mode, allowing you to quickly move to any part of the map without much trouble at all; expect heavy resistance in this area.
Because of the intense fighting at this location, don’t be ashamed to spam this area with all types of grenades. If you plan to try and take over this rooftop (assuming you don’t already hold it), make sure to have someone (or a few someone’s) shooting at it from other nearby vantage points. When you assault this area from the ground, be extra careful of Claymores in the stairwells, or campers in the same location. When you finally do have it locked down with your team, tuck a Radio Beacon or two in some corners to make sure you can get back there quickly when the enemy inevitably comes for revenge.
Overall, Pearl Market is just a mess, but it’s also a crazy amount of fun. There isn’t one particular class or strategy that is going to guarantee victory, so make sure to play to your strengths and squad up. The team that wins is typically the one that puts their PTFO boots on and sticks together.
A big Prima Games thank you to DatRageGuy for acquiring the images you see in this article.
Head Back to the Free Prima Games Dragon’s Teeth Guide
Published: Jul 21, 2014 6:24 PM UTC