All Shell Types in the Mortal Shell Beta

There are a couple of different Shells that players can try in the Mortal Shell beta, here's a look at each one of them.
This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

An open beta for Mortal Shell is available right now which gives gamers a small taste of the challenging gameplay featured in this upcoming indie title from developer Cold Symmetry. At the start of the beta, you’re given access to your first Shell. However, you aren’t limited to a single Shell. Wondering what other Shell types are available in the Mortal Shell beta? Let’s take a closer look!

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All Shell Types in the Mortal Shell Beta

In the Mortal Shell beta, you’ll be able to explore two distinct areas and unlock two different Shell types. When the full game is released, you’ll have access to even more areas and Shell types. Wondering what “Shells” are?

Similar to classes found in other games like knights and archers, Shells are bodies you can inhabit that give you access to the unique abilities and skills those bodies possess. In the beta for Mortal Shell, you can try out two different Shells.

The first Shell you come across is called Harros, the Vassal. Visually, Harros takes the form of a knight and his stats are nicely balanced across the board. Each stat has a max of 10 in Mortal Shell and Harros has 5 in all three areas: Durability, Stamina, Resolve.

While Harros can take more hits and deal more damage, he can also feel a little slow during combat, especially when trying to dodge out of the way of incoming attacks. If you grow fond of a particular Shell, you can unlock new abilities for them and make them even more effective.

Below, we’ve listed all of the abilities listed for Harros, the Vassal in the Mortal Shell beta.

Harros, the Vassal – Abilities

  • Accretion of Resolve
    • Cost: 700 Tar
    • Glimpses: 3
    • Harden cooldown is reduced by 25%.
  • Accretion of Foresight
    • Cost: 700 Tar
    • Glimpses: 6
    • Picking up a glimpse has a chance to restore some health.
  • Accretion of Dominance
    • Cost: 700 Tar
    • Glimpses: 7
    • For a short time after hardening, enemies killed have a chance to drop an additional glimpse.
  • Accretion of Inheritance
    • Cost: 700 Tar
    • Glimpses: 8
    • Hardening lasts for twice as long upon being broken.
  • Accretion of Ascent
    • Locked in demo.
  • Accretion of Endurance
    • Locked in demo.
  • Accretion of Yearning
    • Locked in demo.
  • Recollection of Strength
    • Locked in demo.
  • Recollection of Knowledge
    • Locked in demo.
  • Recollection of Death
    • Locked in demo.

The second Shell you unlock in the Mortal Shell beta is Tiel, the Acolyte. Tiel can be found in the Catacombs in the room adjacent to the one where you find Sester Genessa and takes the form of a skeleton in tattered clothing. On a wall near Tiel, you’ll also find a brand new weapon, the Hammer and Chisel.

Unlike Harros, Tiel isn’t as evenly balanced when it comes to stats. Tiel has 3 Durability, 10 Stamina, and 3 Resolve. While he lacks the same Durability and Resolve as Harros, he more than makes up for it with his overpowered Stamina.

If you find you’re constantly running out of Stamina while playing as Harros, you’ll love playing as Tiel. As an added bonus, Tiel’s dodge feels more effective than the dodge available to Harros. Again, each Shell in Mortal Shell has access to abilities that can help make them more effective.

Below, we’ve listed all of the abilities listed for Tiel, the Acolyte in the Mortal Shell beta.

Tiel, the Acolyte – Abilities

  • Accretion of Ascent
    • Cost: 800 Tar
    • Glimpses: 9
    • Tiel gains a 20% chance to lose stamina instead of health on taking damage.
  • Accretion of Endurance
    • Cost: 750 Tar
    • Glimpses: 4
    • Gain a damage bonus when low on stamina.
  • Accretion of Foresight
    • Cost: 700 Tar
    • Glimpses: 6
    • On Empowered Riposte, Tiel will sometimes release a poisonous cloud.
  • Accretion of Yearning
    • Cost: 900 Tar
    • Glimpses: 9
    • Taking poison damage heals Tiel for a portion of the damage that would have been dealt.
  • Accretion of Resolve
    • Locked in demo.
  • Accretion of Dominance
    • Locked in demo.
  • Accretion of Inheritance
    • Locked in demo.
  • Recollection of Strength
    • Locked in demo.
  • Recollection of Knowledge
    • Locked in demo.
  • Recollection of Death
    • Locked in demo.

In the game’s Compendium, two additional Shells can be seen alongside Harros and Tiel, though it’s unclear who these Shells belong to as they’re unavailable in the Mortal Shell beta.

Once additional Shells become available, we’ll be sure to update our guide outlining the stats and abilities available to those Shells.

If you’re interested, you can check out the Mortal Shell beta right now for free over on the Epic Games Store. Mortal Shell is scheduled to release later this year for PC via the Epic Games Store, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

For more on Mortal Shell and general gaming news, check out the links below:

Have you been able to try out the Mortal Shell beta? If so, what do you think about it? Let us know on our Twitter or Facebook page!



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Image of Morgan Shaver
Morgan Shaver
Morgan is a writer, metalhead, horror lover, and indie game enthusiast. When it comes to games, they love nothing more than to wax poetic about all the latest and greatest indies to anyone who'll listen. They're also a Tetris fanatic who's fiercely competitive in games like Tetris 99... and all games in general. But mostly Tetris. You can follow Morgan on Twitter @Author_MShaver