The Mortal Kombat 11 Sindel ending has been revealed ahead of the character’s full launch thanks to the YouTube channel Gamer’s Little Playground. This early access preview was approved by WB and Netherrealm Studios, though it does contain spoilers for those wishing to go in with a completely blank mindset.
The video below shows off how the world would be impacted should Sindel take on the incredible time abilities showcased in the game. In the preview video, we see Sindel obliterating Kornika and harnessing her powers for yourself. This then leads to her revelation that she believed she was a good person in her humble beginnings and only throughout her progression seen throughout the series did she become less than a paragon for good (to put it lightly).
Given that earlier last month leaked details of Sindel retcon immediately sparking backlash for fans that felt Netherrealm was ignoring lore, this video shows off that the changes were with the new timeline version of Sindel in mind. Whether that will make it better or worse for fans remains to be seen, but at least it provides context for the changes ahead of this fighter’s launch.
We’ll learn more about how her story has changed and what new content comes alongside her when she arrives on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on November 26th in Mortal Kombat 11.
Published: Nov 22, 2019 9:50 PM UTC