Gearbox Software managed to deliver us some good news today…while at the same time also presenting some unexpected bad news.
The good news is that their fifth playable character in their hit sequel Borderlands 2, the much anticipated Mechromancer Gaige, is now available for download. You can get her for free if you’ve subscribed to the Premiere Club, or you can download her for 400 Microsoft points ($5).
However, there is some bad news to report. Players who have been playing as her might experience a reset in their Badass Ranks in the game, along with the removal of particular skins and, dare we say it, Golden Keys.
Gearbox is aware of the problem, we believe, and may be researching a fix, but nothing official has been announced yet. If you wish to try out the Mechromancer, she’s definitely worth a play, but others might want to wait until all the download issues are remedied before risking losing their reputation.
Sigh…the troubled life of a Vault Hunter. Guess it really doesn’t get any easier, now does it?
Published: Oct 9, 2012 07:59 pm