In the days leading up to Tokyo Game Show 2018, Square Enix has released a new mech-filled trailer for the upcoming survival action shooter, Left Alive. The trailer showcases a war-ravaged landscape and an impending mech invasion. The trailer also introduces the game’s three protagonists, who will each have their own stories and missions when the game releases next year.
The mech-filled future of Left Alive should come as no surprise, as Takayuki Yanase, the mech designer for Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Xenoblade Chronicles X, is on the development team for the game. Yanase is joined by fellow veteran developers Toshifumi Nabeshima, who is the former director of the Armored Core series, and Kojima Productions’ Yoji Shinkawa, who was a character designer for the Metal Gear series.
Set during an invasion in Novo Slava in the year 2127, Left Alive “tells a human story of survival,” according to Square Enix. You can watch the full trailer for Left Alive in the video above. First announced a year ago, Left Alive is scheduled to release in 2019 for PlayStation 4 and PC (Steam). For more details, visit the official Left Alive website.
Published: Sep 10, 2018 08:15 pm