After defeating countless infected and humans alike, you have risen to a new level of survivor. In this eGuide we will cover advanced combat mechanics, directing and controlling the infected and upgrading Joel.
Advanced Combat Mechanics
As you have noticed in The Last of Us, Joel gets himself into difficult situations. Now we are going to combine previous knowledge as we cover one of the most pulse pounding events in the game. While it happens early, this moment sets the precedent on how you will handle future conflicts.
The first event involves killing runners and clickers in a dark tight space. Joel, Tess and Ellie escape soldiers by entering a dilapidated subway system. Once inside, they quickly realize things have gone from bad to worse. They have entered a den of the infected. There are Clickers stalking the hallways, Runners convulsing in doorways and people taking their last breath as their flesh is separated from muscle and bone. Joel, Ellie and Tess must take out their enemies and we’ll tell you how.
When dealing with this amount of infected, you must take cover and immediately enter Listen Mode. You may have to maneuver around the area to gain different vantage points. Once you have properly scouted the area, count each type of infected in the room.
Now it is time to make shivs. Throughout the game, you want to make sure you have at least three shivs at all times and the materials to make more. Find a safe location to check your inventory, and if you need to make more, do so immediately. These will be used to eliminate the Clickers.
Once you have the weapon, stalk the Clickers and isolate them the best you can. This is not an area where you want to throw bottles or bricks as it may attract too much attention. Isolate the Clickers, approach them from behind and force the shiv into their throats by pressing Triangle. Although they let out a sound before dying, it will not be loud enough to alert other infected. Continue this until you have used all your shivs. There should be at least one Clicker left standing and we will kill it last.
Next, focus on the Runners. While the area may be dark, too much motion will attract the Runners to your location. Stalk the runners the same way you did the Clickers. Do not get too close, as the Runners will not follow the same pattern every time. Remember, at this stage of the infection, their behavior is erratic.
Once the coast is clear, approach them from behind and press Triangle to begin the strangle animation, then press Square to finish the job. Once all the Runners are dead in the open corridor, focus on the individual rooms. Use Listening Mode to determine how many infected are in the room. Once these rooms are clear, focus on the last Clicker we left standing.
Approach the Clicker and pull out your gun. You want to be a safe distance away because your cover is blown the moment you pull the trigger. Choose an area where you have your back to the wall and can see all entrances and exits. Aim for the head and pull the trigger. As you fire, the fungus will drop off the host’s body. The Clicker will charge, so continue to shoot until it’s dead. Do not get nervous. If you followed the above tips, you will survive. After the Clicker is dead, prepare for an attack
While you attempt to eliminate all infected, a Runner appears. Immediately press Square to separate from the Runner and use a melee weapon or your fists to kill the infected. With that task complete, it is safe to search the room for items and collectables. Once you have picked the room clean you can exit and move on.
Directing the Attention of the Infected
The infected in The Last of Us are focused on killing, destruction and spreading the virus. Lucky for you, this can be used against the infected to your advantage. The infected can be directed, and all you need is a bottle or brick.
In The Last of Us, few things survived the outbreak 20 years ago. Still, there are an odd number of bricks and bottles lying around. While the bottles and bricks can be used as weapons to deliver powerful and blunt blows to the head, they are best used as a distraction.
When entering an area, silence is key to discovering the horrors within, and you may hear infected before seeing them. Listen for the erratic groaning of the Runners or the disturbing clicking of the Clickers. Once you do, locate a bottle or brick (you can also carry one on your person) and take cover.
Remember that you want your back to a wall if possible and the entry point clearly identified. Then pick a central spot and throw the bottle. This can be done by pressing L1 when the bottle is selected and pressing R1 to throw it. When the bottle crashes to the ground, watch as the infected swarm out of their hiding areas. Just be prepared to attack or sneak pass them before they discover the bottle’s point of origin.
Evolving Joel
With the Cordyceps fungus evolving and attacking in The Last of Us, Joel has been forced to evolve as well. You have the power to transform Joel into a more efficient survivor. This is possible by collecting certain items in the game.
Throughout the game, Joel collects supplements that alter his physiology. These supplements are normally tucked away in a drawer or corner and are a little harder to find than normal items. Once collected, these items can advance Joel’s skills to make him stronger.
When upgrading Joel with supplements, focus on increasing two specific skills. First, increase Joel’s overall health, which allows Joel to take more damage throughout the game. Second, upgrade his Listening Mode. This increases the spatial distance, allowing him to boost his range and locate more threats. Increasing both of these skills will give Joel an advantage and ensure that he survives.
More Life-Saving Tips
The Last of Us Beginner’s Mini eGuide
The Last of Us Intermediate Mini eGuide
The Last of Us: Top 10 Tips for Surviving the Infected
Published: Jun 14, 2013 12:10 pm