For those that followed my work at other sites like CBS, you’ll remember that I am an absolute mod addict. Fallout New California is one of those mod projects that I have religiously followed through the years, and the impressive total conversion mod is just about ready to leave Beta.
For this mod to work (only on PC, sorry console players), Fallout: New Vegas is imperative. Once the mod is loaded, the vanilla game will pop up with a new menu asking players if they want to play New Vegas or New California. After 8 years of development, the mod finally went into beta back in October of last year and now, after tireless testing, it looks like it’s just about ready for its full official launch.
Some Bethesda fans may be curious as to how this mod fell under Obsidian or Bethesda’s radar. Good news, it hasn’t! Not only that, it’s actually received Bethesda’s blessing, even more so when VP of marketing, Pete Hines, had to step in to help them navigate the legal waters once an official New California tabletop game was revealed.
Stability and bug fixes were a huge focus for the team when the beta first went live and they detailed all of the changes they’ve made since then right here. For many Fallout fans, Obsidian’s take on the Wasteland with New Vegas was a favourite, so being able to take that experience and relive it anew is a wonderful accomplishment for those that have been looking for another reason to dive back in.
The team previously mentioned: “Some people grossly underestimate how massive FNC is! Some people gross overestimate it. But in the end, you’ll just have to play it. It is very rich with Fallout lore, packed with characters that are memorable and interesting, has many deeply immersive moments, epic battles, wild plot twits, it looks great, and players will be hapy, I’m sure to finally get a rich non-linear single player role playing game back in the original West Coast close in spirit with Fallout 1 and 2, between 3 and New Vegas.”
Get started with your own beta experience right here.
Published: Jul 25, 2019 7:01 PM UTC