Fortnite’s v7.20 content update arrived today, introducing a new stealth item to Fortnite Battle Royale while vaulting some others. Sniper Shootout is also back for those who enjoy using scoped weapons. Players can also make their way over to The Block on the northeast side of the map to check out the Omega Pyramid, the latest fan creation made by Directingpete.
We’ve highlighted some of the details of today’s content update below and have listed the v7.20 patch notes for Fortnite Battle Royale. To view the patch notes for Creative and Save the World, head over to the full v7.20 patch notes on the Epic blog.
Sneaky Snowman
The v7.20 content update marks the debut of the Sneaky Snowman, a new stealth item that can either be worn or thrown as a projectile to create a destructible snowman. When worn by the player, the Sneaky Snowman acts as a shield.
While this frosty new consumable seems like an appropriate winter replacement for the Bush, it’s important to note that the player wearing the Sneaky Snowman cannot build or use items and will be destroyed if the player swaps to another item or build mode. The Sneaky Snowman comes in stacks of five, with a max stack level of 10. Look for this new item wherever loot typically is found in Fortnite.
Vaulted Weapons & Items
A few items and weapons were vaulted alongside today’s content update as well. These items include the Quad Rocket Launcher, the Port-a-Fortress, and the Grappler. Epic didn’t go into details as to why those items have been vaulted. However, reintroducing glider redeploy as a consumable item may have something to do with the Grappler being shelved.
Sniper Shootout LTM
The Sniper Shootout limited-time mode is now available in Fortnite. This mode limits battle to scoped weapons only, so this is a great mode to get in some long-ranged eliminations. The mode features suppressed snipers and legendary scoped pistols as well.
Fortnite Battle Royale v7.20 Patch Notes
- Sneaky Snowman
- Use Primary Fire to throw a projectile that creates a destructible snowman.
- Use Secondary Fire to wear the Sneaky Snowman.
- Sneaky Snowman has 100 Health and acts as a shield when worn by a player.
- Sneaky Snowman is destroyed when its Health reaches zero or when the player wearing the snowman swaps to a different item or building mode.
- This means that a player wearing a Sneaky Snowman cannot build or use other items. Movement of all types is allowed.
- Available in Common variant.
- Can be found from Floor Loot, Chests, and Supply Llamas.
- Drops in stacks of 5.
- Max stack size of 10.
- Swapped the drop chance of Shield Potions and Small Shield Potions.
- Shield Potion
- Reduced drop chance from Floor Loot from 16.53% to 13.22%.
- Reduced drop chance from Chests from 14.26% to 9.51%.
- Small Shield Potion
- Increased drop chance from Floor Loot from 13.22% to 16.53%.
- Increased drop chance from Chests from 9.51% to 14.26%.
- Vaulted the following items:
- Quad Rocket Launcher
- Port-A-fortress
- Grappler
- Reduced the drop chance of Gliders.
- Reduced drop chance from Chests from 11.89% to 4.43%.
- Reduced the drop chance of Balloons.​​​​​​​
- Reduced drop chance from Chests from 7.58% to 3.24%.
- Reduced the spawn chance of Quad Crashers from 100% to 50%.
- Reduced the spawn chance of X-4 Stormwings from 80% to 50%.
- Fixed an issue where building would cause a major drop in FPS.
- Added additional dates for Explorer Pop-Up Cup.
- Updated additional materials gained on elimination to now drop with the eliminated player, rather than being granted immediately.
Today’s content update comes hot on the heels of the new Ice Storm event in Fortnite, which presents a new set of Ice Storm challenges for players to complete. Check out our guide on how to destroy ice fiends and ice brutes to get caught up on the chilling new challenges!
Published: Jan 22, 2019 10:30 PM UTC