Dragon Age: Inquisition – The Captain of the Chargers

Clear the Storm Coast and Ghislain Estate to add Iron Bull and Vivienne to your party, then beat the boss, Alexius!
This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

Quest Objective: Speak to the messenger, then meet Iron Bull at the Storm Coast

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Head outside the building and speak to Krem who is waiting just outside the main door. To continue the main story, you need a power level of four once again. If you do not have a power level that high, there are numerous side quests you can partake by heading back to the Hinterlands, Val Royeaux or the Imperial Enchanter. Once you have a high enough power level, head back to the war table and select the Ferelden region, then scout the Storm Coast.

After the initial cut-scene, speak to the Requisition Officer again and ask for a report. Head north to engage a group of enemies. Defeat all of the enemies to initiate a cut-scene with Iron Bull. If you choose to hire the group, Iron Bull (a warrior) will join your party.

Quest Objective: Advance to the rendezvous point

Make your way to the waypoint on your map, which is the rendezvous point the Requisition Officer mentioned. As you approach, the mini-map will turn dark. Use the quest map in the main menu to ensure you’re still heading in the right direction. Along the way you’ll encounter a group of bandits and a structure they’re guarding. Kill the bandits and then loot the structure.

When you reach the waypoint, take out the guards just outside the Hessarian Camp, then enter the camp and finish off the remaining enemies. Search the inside of the camp for several loot items. At this point you can continue to partake in the side quests of the area, or fast travel to Ghislain Estate to continue the main story line.

Quest Objective: In Hushed Whispers

Travel to Ghislain Estate to initiate another cut-scene to determine whether or not you allow the mages to assist you. Choose to allow the mages in and you’ll be able to add Vivienne (a mage) to your party and automatically be transported back to Haven. Fast travel back to the Hinterlands and head north to Redcliffe. As you approach, you’ll encounter a rift. Close the rift and then head inside Redcliffe to initiate another cut-scene.

Quest Objectives: Go to the Gull & Lantern to meet Fiona, then meet Felix in the Chantry

Head to the exclamation point on the map and speak to the Hinterlands Healer to convince her to help the humans. Continue on to the primary waypoint on the map to find the Gull and Lantern. After some dialogue, move on to the next waypoint marker where you will meet Felix in the Redcliffe Village Chantry.

Entering the hall triggers another cut-scene. After the dialogue, pick up the loot at the far end of the chantry, then read the book in the corner by the door. Exit the chantry and return to the War Room in Haven if you have a power level of 15. If your power level is too low, complete side quests until it’s high enough, then return to the War Room in Haven.

You now have the choice to follow the In Hushed Whispers path and choose to side with the mages, or you can select the Champions of the Just path and side with the Templars. For the purposes of this walkthrough, we selected to side with the mages. Select your party (which has to include Dorian) and set off on your journey.

Quest Objective: Find out what happened

After a lengthy cut-scene, you must fight off two soldiers with only Dorian to assist you. Defeat the guards and then pick up all of the loot in the immediate area, which includes a prison key. Head through the gate on the far side of the room, then up the stairs and through the door at the top. Continue up the next set of stairs to the right and through the door at the top.

Move down the hall and into the cell on the left to find more loot. Continue into the next room and through the door on the left. Pick up the loot in the next room, then speak to the prisoner in the opposite cell. Make your way down the hallway to find loot in the far left cell and then continue up the stairs and through the door at the top.

Take out the two soldiers in the next room, then head through the door to the left and down the stairs. Go into the door on the left in the next room and grab the loot at the end of the next room. Head back into the previous room and through the other door (to the left). Make your way down the stairs, then through the door to the left. Grab the loot in the next room, then speak to Fiona in the last cell on the left.

Quest Objective: Find Leliana

Head back through the door and up the stairs to the right (going back the way you came). Go back up the next staircase and into the door on the far side of the next room. Head down the stairs and through the door on the right in the next room. Grab the loot at the end and speak to Iron Bull in the cell on the far left.

Once Iron Bull joins your party again, go back into the previous room and through the door on the right. Make your way down the stairs and through the door on the left. Grab the loot and then go back across the hall and through the opposite door. Pick up the loot by the door and speak to Cassandra in the first cell on the right.

Backtrack up the stairs, then into the next room and up the next set of stairs on the far right. Soldiers attack in the next room. Take them down, then continue through the door they were guarding to the right. Make your way up the stairs beyond.

Grab the loot in the next room, then head into the door on the left to find more loot and a journal to read. Go back into the main room and up the stairs in the far left corner. Open the door at the end, then straight ahead into the next door.

Pick up the loot inside, then head back into the previous room and up the stairs to the right. Go through the door in the corner to the right, take out the soldiers inside and collect the loot within (including the loot in the cell on the far side). Head out the door and straight ahead. Go through the door in the far left corner at the end of the hall to initiate a cut-scene.

Quest Objective: Find a way back to Alexius’s throne room

Pick up the item in the middle of the room, then head out of the room and across the hall through the next door. Follow the path to the door on the left to find a rift in the next room. Defeat the Shades that attack and then close the rift. Turn the gear on the far side of the room to open the gate to the left, then proceed up the stairs beyond.

Take out the Shades in the room ahead, then pick up the loot and replenish your supplies near the docks. Head up the next set of stairs and through the door at the very top. There are two rifts in the courtyard ahead. Don’t move too far ahead. Take out the first set of Shades and then close the rift. Move forward to find the second rift, take out the enemies and then close it as well.

Collect the loot in the area, then head up the stairs and to the right. Go through the door at the end and proceed from door to door until you reach the hallway with a door on either side. Head into the door on the left, collect the loot and read the note inside. Head across the hall through the other door, collect the loot, then head down to the far side of the hall (there’s nothing in the next door to the right).

Replenish your supplies and collect the loot in the next room, then head through the door to the left. Pick up the loot on the far side of the next room, then make your way down the stairs and through the door at the bottom. Another rift awaits inside the next room. Take out the enemies, then close the rift and collect the loot in the room.

From the door you entered, head across the room and into the door on the left to replenish your supplies. Go up the stairs and through the door at the top, then into the next door on the right to find a schematic inside. Head across the hall into the next room to grab the loot inside, then make your way down the hall and through the door on the far left.

Take out the two enemies in the room, then bash the wall on the right side. Kill the enemy in the next room, pick up the shard and loot in the room, read the journal to the left, then bash the next wall. Grab the loot inside, then head back out into the hall and make your way all the way down to the end and through the last door.

Kill the enemies inside, then pick up the loot within (including another shard). Head through the door on the far side, kill the enemies and then collect the loot. Go back out into the hall and proceed to the left and through the opening ahead. Continue down the stairs and replenish your supplies in the room below.

Head through the door to find yourself back in the main hall. There’s only one remaining door on the far end of the hall, but you can’t open it just yet. From the perspective of the closed door, head through the door in the far left corner. Continue down the hallway and take out the enemies inside the next room. With the enemies down, grab the loot to find the final shard needed to open the last remaining closed door. Go back to the main hall and open the closed door on the far end to trigger another cut-scene, followed by a boss battle against Alexius.

Boss Battle: Alexius

HP: 20,971


  • Immunity: All disabling effects.
  • Perceptive

The battle against Alexius can be deceptive. He teleports around the hall, making it difficult to attack him with melee classes. If you have mages and rogues with ranged attacks you’ll be in good shape for this fight. Don’t bother with disabling effects, since Alexius is immune to them.

Throughout the fight, Alexius creates spells that cover small areas of the floor. Avoid the green circles to ensure you don’t fall prey to the spells. Alexius also uses barrier spells to give him additional protection against your attacks. Almost every time he teleports, he follows that with a barrier spell.

Once you’ve damaged Alexius enough, he creates a rift in the middle of the hall. Focus on the enemies that spew from the rift so you can close it as quickly as possible. Barrier spells work well here to absorb the damage and protect your party from the additional enemies. They’re not required, but it gives you a bit more freedom to focus on offense over defense (aside from the barrier spell) so you can kill the enemies and quickly seal the rift.

With the rift closed, you won’t have much work left to do in order to finish off Alexius. However, when he falls, you will not be able to obtain any loot left in the hall. Make sure you pick up any loot before you land the final blow on Alexius. The cut-scene after the fight gives you the option to add Dorian as a permanent member of your party.

Return to the Dragon Age: Inquisition Walkthrough, or continue to In Your Heart Shall Burn.

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