Cartoon Network announced that it is releasing a new mobile app called Cartoon Network Arcade, which will feature a collection of games based on the network’s various animated shows.
The app is set to launch on March 11 for both the App Store and Google Play with 15 original games. They include Teen Titans Goal, Ben 10 – Brains vs Bugs, Adventure Time – Raincorn’s Flying Colors, and more. Playing these arcade games could unlock digital figurines of beloved Cartoon Network characters. There will be over 60 figurines to collect at launch.
Alternatively, fans can unlock figurines by simply watching the shows. The app will use automatic content recognition to know what episode is playing and will award figurines accordingly. So, now you can feel productive while binging your favorite shows.
Cartoon Network is also letting fans engage with the favorite shows through the app with different events and activities. They can even vote for the next digital figure they want offered. The Lego Group, one of the app’s launch sponsors, is offering an exclusive figurine to kick things off, and new content is being planned for the future.
Published: Feb 27, 2019 08:56 pm