This year’s Tokyo Game Show begins Thursday, September 24 and will run until September 27. During this time, gamers will be able to take a closer look at a number of upcoming games, including a few highly anticipated titles from Capcom.
Capcom Showing Resident Evil Village and DMC 5 Special Edition at TGS 2020
On their website, Capcom has outlined the two broadcasts they have planned for TGS 2020.
The first broadcast begins on Saturday, September 27 at 12 p.m. (UTC) and features info on Monster Hunter Rise, Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, and Street Fighter V Champion Edition.
First up is the Street Fighter V Champion Edition segment which starts at 12:15 p.m. and reportedly includes information on Dan Hibiki, an upcoming DLC addition to the game’s roster.
After that, you can catch a gameplay demonstration for Monster Hunter Rise, a closer look at Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, and a guest appearance from Maki Gato.
If that’s not enough to get you hyped for Capcom’s virtual presence at TGS 2020, they also plan to share new information about Resident Evil Village and Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition.
Both of these games will be shown on Sunday, September 27.
Like the previous day’s broadcast, things start at 12:00 p.m. (UTC) with a segment for Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition where “actual gameplay from the title” will be shown.
At around 12:40p.m. (UTC), a 30-minute segment for Resident Evil Village will begin. It’ll feature members of the development team discussing the development process, and a special guest appearance from Eiko Kano.
Excited? Make sure you catch all the action on Capcom’s Twitch channel, and check back as we’ll have a recap of Capcom’s weekend announcements here on Prima!
Published: Sep 21, 2020 08:33 pm