Yesterday Bungie took a step back and looked at Destiny 2. With all the hubbub of the release for PC and Xbox One and PlayStation 4 behind them, and with all the talk about the upcoming DLC, it felt like a good time for the developers to look at what is working, and what isn’t. That’s a vital part of the development process after launch, and in an effort to remain transparent with the community, Bungie has posted a massive update on their website, promising a slew of new changes—changes that are huge for the game—coming in the future.
The big changes coming include the introduction of more customization options for Guardians, as well as a new system and reward setup that gives the game’s most engaged members additional ways to pursue the story and explore the world. They’ll also be introducing a new Masterworks system, as well as stat trackers, re-rollable stat bonuses, and a ton of other weapon changes.
Players can also expect improved vender rewards to appear somewhere down the line as well, with items like Legendary Shards and Tokens offering ways to purchase items directly, without having to worry about the RNG of engrams. Another big issue they hope to take care of is the lack of rewards for Strikes, Adventures and Lost Sectors. Since these items are technically part of the Destiny end-game they want to make them more approachable for players by adding better rewards and replay value to them.
PvP lovers can also expect private matches to make their way to the Crucible. Right now this change is scheduled to come sometime in early 2018, so we’ll have to wait to hear more information about that. Players can also expect a new “quitter penalty” system to come into place to keep people from leaving competitive Crucible matches.
There are a lot of changes coming to Destiny 2 throughout the next several months, and you can read up on the full details by checking out the blog post on If you plan to spend a lot of time playing Destiny 2 throughout the new year, then we’d definitely suggest giving the post a read, as it does a very good job of outlining the changes that you can expect to see in the future.
Published: Nov 30, 2017 10:25 pm