When Nintendo teased Animal Crossing for the Switch, fans of the adorable game franchise went nuts with the possibilities. With the Nintendo Switch being so versatile as a hybrid console, a new installment for the Animal Crossing fandom was more than a little enticing. There’s only one problem – when the heck are we going to get our hands on it?
Though the company continues to be hush hush about a possible release date, a recent earning statement from the Big N does seem to indicate that it will still be releasing this year. The full report also shows that Luigi’s Mansion is also still on track.
With Nintendo having already confirmed that they have no new hardware announcements to make during this year’s E3, the focus on software is exciting! Assuming that the report Nintendo sent out is the indicator it seems to be, we might finally be getting that coveted release date this June.
News of Animal Crossing was first announced back in September 2018 and Nintendo fans went nuts with the very first teaser trailer. Ever since the Nintendo Switch launched, there were two IPs that seemed to have the most impassioned fans: Super Smash Bros. and Animal Crossing. With Smash already out and a huge success, it’s about high time for Animal Crossing to finally make its appearance.
Published: Apr 27, 2019 12:44 AM UTC