Following the horrific fire that raged on in Paris that affected the beloved Notre Dame cathedral, a report went viral that those looking to help rebuild were using the 3D models of the landmark from Assassin’s Creed Unity thanks to its incredible attention to detail and accuracy. Following the report, Ubisoft responsed pledging a hefty donation towards reconstructive efforts in addition to making Assassin’s Creed Unity free for all so that fans could visit the Parisian masterpiece themselves in-game.
The move made by the studio quickly went viral, for good reason, and now we’re about to say something we never thought we’d say: thank god for review bombing! Review bombing is usually incredibly negative, most often a form of protest used by gamers to slather hatred, vitirol, and displeasure all over a specific title. In this instance, however, Unity is being review bombed on steam with nothing but praise for the studio, saying words of appreciation for their gesture.
From simple Recommended reviews, to full on messages of thanks, players are pouring in to show their support for Ubisoft’s gesture. According to the studio, “In light of Monday’s events, we will be donating €500,000 to help with the restoration and reconstruction of the Cathedral. We encourage all of you who are interested to donate as well. In addition, we want to give everyone the chance to experience the majesty and beauty of Notre-Dame the best way we know how. For one week, we will be giving Assassin’s Creed Unity away free on PC, for anyone who wants to enjoy it.”
You can also check out our previous coverage here to see just how Unity is helping to rebuild and just how surprisingly long it took for them to recreate the stunning cathedral.
Thanks, Resetera!
Published: Apr 19, 2019 7:17 PM UTC