Since 2016, one of WoW’s largest “mega-guilds” has been fostering community. Eternal Kingdom, found primarily on WoW’s retail server Proudmoore, boasts a whopping 15 teams – all with their own goals, cultures, and attitudes. But at the center of its hundreds of members and micro-communities stand the Three Pillars: Commitments to Respect, Progression, and Collaboration.
Teamwork Makes the Stream Work
Several times a year, the “EK” community hosts their very own Stream-A-Thon – a community-focused event that benefits one of several charitable organizations. To date, the guild has raised over $52,000 for various charities. This winter’s event focused on the pediatric philanthropy org Child’s Play, who offer their services to over 190 children’s hospitals.
Child’s Play’s activities range from offering VR headsets to help soothe children undergoing stressful MRIs to constructing mobile videogame stations that can be brought to the bedside. This season’s event raised over $6,000 for the charity through Tiltify.

Typically, these Stream-A-Thon events include free “key carries”: endgame content that’s completed by a group of rugged veterans at the service of guild or community members who would otherwise struggle to compete. It’s a great microcosm of EK’s values: progression resulting from inclusivity and collaboration, all in service of something more. And, for the record, donations by guild members are not required to participate in these in-game events.
We play games for selfish reasons, but sometimes we play them for selfless ones, too.
Alisondra, Guild Historian and Twitch Manager
“Stream-A-Thon is by far my favorite time of year,” Shaylei, the guild’s social media manager tells me. “The collaborative nature of these events creates a strong bond among community members, as we work together towards a shared goal of making a difference in the lives of those in need.”

A Culture For Change
Eternal Kingdom is pushing for a sea change inside Azeroth, as well. The guild’s server is host to countless channels, one of which is dedicated solely to mental health resources. The guild also advocates for programs like Team Liquid’s “Woman in Warcraft” initiative, which aims to broaden the playing field of end-game, competitive WoW content to include more women and gender minorities.
Eternal Kingdom is able to maintain its culture of compassion and inclusion through a rigorous application process, featuring a sponsorship system and an onboarding chat between guild leadership and incoming members.
“For ten years [we’ve] sought to foster a gaming environment where people embrace shared values and help each other achieve their goals in WoW and in real life,” says GM Belisyma. The guild’s entire culture rests on the three pillars of respect, collaboration, and progression, which, according to Belisyma, “drive everything we do as a community.”
Beyond Child’s Play, the guild has raised donations for Direct Relief, Toys for Tots, and Able Gamers, among many other organizations. Eternal Kingdom strives to make Azeroth a more welcoming place, but their efforts have increasingly tangible impacts on those outside the World of Warcraft as well.
If you’re interested in viewing or donating to future charity events, stop by the guild’s event page for information on upcoming Stream-A-Thons.
Published: Jan 2, 2024 02:40 pm