Zelda: Breath of the Wild Recipes and Cooking – How to Cook, Cooking Recipes List

Learn how to cook and make your favorite dishes in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
This article is over 8 years old and may contain outdated information

Food and cooking recipes are a big part of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The food you cook can increase Link’s resistance to the climate, restore health and more. This article covers how to cook in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, with cooking tips and recipes so you learn when and where to cook, as well as all the different ways you can cook food. We’ve got a growing list of all the cooking recipes in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild that increase resistance to cold or resistance to heat, increase movement speed or stamina and more. However, as the game is brand new our food recipe list for Breath of the Wild will start small and grow daily as we add more and more cooking recipes to the table at the bottom of the article. For now, let’s show you how to cook in Zelda: Breath of the Wild!

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How to Cook

Cooking in Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a fairly easy task. All you need is an open flame and a pot. Most camp sites and villages have at least one pot, but in many instances you will have to provide your own flame. We’ve already covered a number of ways you can get a flame started, but if you have a torch on hand you can use light it on any flame source, then transfer that to the pot by essentially “attacking” the pot with the torch.

Zelda Breath of the Wild How to Cook

Once you have a pot and a flame under it, stand nearby and access your materials inventory. Press X to start “holding” items, then select the items you wish to cook with. Ideally you want at least one meat item to serve as a base for the food, then whatever you want to season that meat with. For example, you may select Raw Meat as your base item, then season it with a Swift Carrot or Rock Salt.

Open Flame Cooking

Some dishes can only be made using an open flame. For example, the Seared Steak is made by dropping Raw Meat on top of an open flame (campfire). The meat will catch fire and after a short time it will change into Seared Steak. Any item that is listed as being cooked over an open flame, you cannot use a pot like you would for normal food items. Simply drop the item on or very close to a campfire and wait for it to burn and change.

Zelda Breath of the Wild How to Cook

Alternate Recipes

Of course your recipes don’t always have to include meat. You can make simple food items by just cooking an Apple by itself. Doing this results in a Simmered Fruit with a pot, or a Baked Apple on an open flame. Both of these results increase the number of hearts that will be replenished compared to an uncooked Apple.

You can check out our continually evolving recipe list below to see what results you get from various recipes. Some food can be very useful, such as the Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry. Keep in mind, there are multiple recipes for many of the foods in the game. We may have one recipe listed, but there could easily be five or six recipes that all end up with the same final item. However, the potency may be higher or lower depending on the ingredients used.

In many instances cooking with similar ingredients will net the same or a similar dish. For example, the Fish and Mushroom Skewer can be made with almost any bass and mushroom combination. Using a Hylian Shroom and Hyrule Bass gives you a version that refills three hearts. You can cook with a Zapshroom and Staminoka Bass and you’ll get the exact same dish, but add Fleet-Lotus Seeds and you get a version of the dish that restores seven hearts instead of three.

Adding additional ingredients can change the final dish, but you’ll get even better results if you use higher quality foods. Take the Fish and Mushroom Skewer example. The Hylian Shroom and Hyrule Bass are the most common mushroom and fish found in Hyrule. You get the same dish when you use the more rare Zapshroom and Staminoka Bass, but add Fleet-Lotus Seeds and it becomes a much better dish. Now add Fleet-Lotus Seeds to the Hylian Shroom and Hyrule Bass, and instead of a seven heart version of the Fish and Mushroom Skewer, you get the Hasty Fish and Mushroom Skewer that only restores four hearts, but gives you a temporary movement speed increase as well.

Be careful when adding ingredients as it’s not always beneficial to the final dish. For instance, cooking a Hylian Shroom with Raw Meat gives you a Meat and Mushroom Skewer that restores six hearts. However, add an Apple to that recipe and while you still get a Meat and Mushroom Skewer, it only restores four hearts. Generally speaking, a Meat and Mushroom Skewer doesn’t need fruit so adding a random Apple doesn’t help. In addition, adding multiple ingredients that have beneficial effects (such as increased stamina or stealth), you’ll only get one of the effects or they might even cancel each other out completely. Pay close attention and try to add only one boosting effect ingredient to your meals.

Powerful Ingredients

Cooking with a Fairy will add considerably to almost any meal you want to make. Don’t worry, you won’t actually cook the Fairy, but she will hover around the pot and enhance the meal for you. For instance, Fried Egg and Rice made with Hyliran Rice and a Bird Egg usually restores four hearts. However, add a Fairy to that recipe and it restores 14 hearts. You can find Fairies around a number of mountain ponds in Hyrule.

Using any “hearty” ingredient in your recipe almost always results in a dish that will fully restore all of Link’s hearts and add bonus hearts for a short time. For example, a Bird Egg by itself creates an Omelet that restores two hearts, but add a Hearty Truffle to the mix and you get a Hearty Omelet that fully restores all hearts and increases your maximum hearts by one for a short time. Use a Hearty Radish instead of a Hearty Truffle and the number of additional hearts increases to three.

In many cases, adding more seasoning to your recipe will increase the effectiveness of the meal, but it can also change the dish completely depending on the ingredients used. It may extend the duration or make the food item more potent. Keep in mind, mixing random items that don’t go well together will have an adverse effect that could result in meals that do virtually nothing aside from taste bad. For example, mixing insects with other food items will almost always offer poor results.

Food Recipe Lists

Stamina Recipes

Food Ingredients Effect Notes
Enduring Steamed Meat Endura Carrot, Raw Meat Restore six hearts and overfill your stamina. Add higher quality meat for more hearts or more Endura Carrots for increase stamina overfill and more hearts.
Energizing Fish and Mushroom Skewer Stamella Shroom, Hyrule Bass Restore three hearts and refill some stamina.  
Energizing Glazed Meat Raw Meat, Courser Bee Honey Restore six hearts and refill some stamina.  
Energizing Honeyed Apple Apple, Courser Bee Honey Restore five hearts and refill some stamina.  
Energizing Meat and Seafood Fry Raw Meat, Bright-Eyed Crab Restore four hearts and refull some stamina.  
Energizing Meaty Rice Balls Raw Meat, Hylian Rice, Courser Bee Honey Restore eight hearts and refill most of your stamina.  

Cold or Heat Resistance Recipes

Food Ingredients Effect Notes
Chilly Simmered Fruit Hydromelon Restore one heart and add low-level heat resistance for 2:30.  
Spicy Meat and Mushroom Skewer Sunshroom, Raw Meat Restore three hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 3:00. Add higher quality meat for more hearts or more Sunshrooms for increase duration.
Spicy Meat and Mushroom Skewer Sunshroom (4), Raw Gourmet Meat Restore 10 hearts and add mid-level cold resistance for 10:30. Add higher quality meat for more hearts or more Sunshrooms for increase duration.
Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry Hyrule Bass, Raw Meat, Spicy Pepper Restore five hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 3:30. Add more Spicy Peppers to increase the duration.
Spicy Pepper Seafood Hyrule Bass, Spicy Pepper Restore three hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 3:00.  
Spicy Pepper Steak Spicy Pepper, Raw Bird Drumstick Restore three hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 3:00.  
Spicy Salt-Grilled Meat Spicy Pepper, Raw Bird Drumstick, Rock Salt Restore three hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 4:00. You can use almost any meat for similar results.
Spicy Salt-Grilled Prime Meat Spicy Pepper, Raw Prime Meat, Rock Salt Restore four hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 4:00.  
Spicy Simmered Fruit Apple, Spicy Pepper Restore two hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 3:00. Add more Apples or Spicy Peppers to increase duration and hearts restored.

Attack or Defense Boost Recipes

Food Ingredients Effect Notes
Mighty Crab Risotto Hylian Rice, Goat Butter, Rock Salt, Razorclaw Crab Restore four hearts and add low-level attack power boost for 4:10.  
Mighty Fried Egg and Rice Hylian Rice, Bird Egg, Mighty Porgy Restore six hearts and add low-level attack power boost. Add meat or other ingredients to increase the number of hearts restored.
Mighty Simmered Fruit Mighty Bananas Restore one heart and add low-level attack boost for 0:50.  
Tough Fish and Mushroom Skewer Hylian Shroom, Armored Carp Restore three hearts and add low-level defense boost for 1:20.  
Tough Fried Wild Greens Fortified Pumpkin Restore one heart and add a low-level defense boost for 0:50.  
Tough Meat-Stuffed Pumpkin Fortified Pumpkin, Raw Bird Drumstick Restore three hearts and add low-level defense boost for 1:20. Add various seasoning to increase duration and effect.
Tough Meaty Rice Balls Ironshroom, Raw Meat, Hylian Rice Restore eight hearts and add low-level defense boost for 2:20.  
Tough Mushroom Skewer Ironshroom Restore one heart and add low-level defense boost for 0:50.  
Tough Prime Meat and Rice Bowl Ironshroom, Raw Prime Meat, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt Restore six hearts and add low-level defense boost for 3:20.  
Tough Salt-Grilled Mushrooms Ironshroom, Rock Salt Restore one heart and add low-level defense boost.  
Tough Steamed Meat Armoranth, Raw Meat Restore two hearts and add low-level defense boost for 1:20.  

Movement Speed Recipes

Food Ingredients Effect Notes
Hasty Fish and Mushroom Skewer Fleet-Lotus Seeds, Hylian Shroom, Hyrule Bass Restore four hearts and add a low-level movement speed boost for 2:00.  
Hasty Friend Wild Greens Swift Carrot Restore one heart and add low-level movement speed boost.  
Hasty Simmered Fruit Apple, Fleet-Lotus Seeds Restore two hearts and add low-level movement speed boost.  

Increase Maximum Hearts Recipes

Food Ingredients Effect Notes
Hearty Fried Wild Greens Hearty Radish Fully restore hearts and temporarily increase maximum hearts by four.  
Heart Meat Skewer Hearty Durian, Raw Meat Fully restore hearts and temporarily increase maximum hearts by four.  
Hearty Mushroom Skewer Hearty Truffle Fully restore hearts and temporarily increase maximum hearts by one.  
Hearty Omlet Hearty Truffle, Bird Egg Fully restore hearts and temporarily increase maximum hearts by one.  
Hearty Simmered Fruit Hearty Durian Fully restore hearts and temporarily increase maximum hearts by four.  

All Recipes

Food Ingredients Effect Notes
Baked Apple Apple Restore three quarters of a heart. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Baked Palm Fruit Palm Fruit Restore one and a half hearts. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Energizing Fish and Mushroom Skewer Stamella Shroom, Hyrule Bass Restore three hearts and refill some stamina.  
Energizing Glazed Meat Raw Meat, Courser Bee Honey Restore six hearts and refill some stamina.  
Energizing Honeyed Apple Apple, Courser Bee Honey Restore five hearts and refill some stamina.  
Energizing Meaty Rice Balls Raw Meat, Hylian Rice, Courser Bee Honey Restore eight hearts and refill most of your stamina.  
Fish and Mushroom Skewer Fleet-Lotus Seeds, Zapshroom, Staminoka Bass Restore seven hearts.  
Fish Skewer Hyrule Bass Restore two hearts.  
Fried Egg and Rice Hylian Rice, Bird Egg Restore four hearts.  
Fried Wild Greens Hyrule Herb Restore two hearts.  
Fruit and Mushroom Mix Apple, Hylian Shroom Restore two hearts.  
Glazed Meat Hearty Truffle, Raw Meat, Courser Bee Honey Restore 10 hearts. Add more meat or fish to increase the number of hearts restored.
Hasty Fish and Mushroom Skewer Fleet-Lotus Seeds, Hylian Shroom, Hyrule Bass Restore four hearts and add a low-level movement speed boost for 2:00.  
Hasty Friend Wild Greens Swift Carrot Restore one heart and add low-level movement speed boost.  
Hasty Simmered Fruit Apple, Fleet-Lotus Seeds Restore two hearts and add low-level movement speed boost.  
Hearty Fried Wild Greens Hearty Radish Fully restore hearts and temporarily increase maximum hearts by four.  
Hearty Mushroom Skewer Hearty Truffle Fully restore hearts and temporarily increase maximum hearts by one.  
Hearty Omlet Hearty Truffle, Bird Egg Fully restore hearts and temporarily increase maximum hearts by one.  
Hearty Simmered Fruit Hearty Durian Fully restore hearts and temporarily increase maximum hearts by four.  
Meat and Mushroom Skewer Hylian Shroom, Raw Meat Restore three hearts. Add higher quality meat to increase the number of hearts restored.
Meat Skewer Raw Bird Drumstick Restore two hearts.  
Meat Skewer Apple, Raw Meat Restore three hearts.  
Meaty Rice Balls Raw Meat, Hylian Rice Restore four hearts.  
Mighty Crab Risotto Hylian Rice, Goat Butter, Rock Salt, Razorclaw Crab Restore four hearts and add low-level attack power boost for 4:10.  
Mighty Simmered Fruit Mighty Bananas Restore one heart and add low-level attack boost for 0:50.  
Omelet Bird Egg Restore two hearts. Add more ingredients to increase the number of hearts restored and add various effects.
Pepper Steak Spicy Pepper, Mighty Thistle, Raw Bird Drumstick Restore three hearts.  
Roasted Acorn Acorn Restore one-half heart. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Roasted Bass Hyrule Bass Restore one and a half hearts. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Roasted Bird Drumstick Raw Bird Drumstick Restore one and a half hearts. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Roasted Radish Hearty Radish Restore three and three quarters hearts. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Salt-Grilled Fish Spicy Pepper, Rushroom, Rock Salt, Armored Carp Restore four hearts.  
Salt-Grilled Mushrooms Hylian Shroom, Rock Salt Restore one heart. Use different mushrooms for varying effects.
Seafood Rice Balls Ironshroom, Swift Carrot, Hylian Rice, Staminoka Bass Restore nine hearts.  
Seared Gourmet Steak Raw Gourmet Meat Restore four and a half hearts. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Seared Prime Steak Raw Prime Meat Restore two and one quarter hearts. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Seared Steak Raw Meat Restore one and a half hearts. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Simmered Fruit Apple Restore one heart. For each additional Apple or various other fruit the meal restores one more heart.
Sneaky Fried Wild Greens Blue Nightshade Grants low-level stealth boost for 2:00. Can use most nocturnal herbs for similar results.
Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry Hyrule Bass, Raw Meat, Spicy Pepper Restore four hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 3:30. Add more Spicy Peppers to increase the duration.
Spicy Pepper Seafood Hyrule Bass, Spicy Pepper Restore three hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 3:00.  
Spicy Pepper Steak Spicy Pepper, Raw Bird Drumstick Restore three hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 3:00.  
Spicy Salt-Grilled Meat Spicy Pepper, Raw Bird Drumstick, Rock Salt Restore three hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 4:00. You can use almost any meat for similar results.
Spicy Salt-Grilled Prime Meat Spicy Pepper, Raw Prime Meat, Rock Salt Restore four hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 4:00.  
Spicy Simmered Fruit Apple, Spicy Pepper Restore two hearts and add low-level cold resistance for 3:00. Add more fruit or Spicy Peppers to increase duration and hearts restored.
Steamed Fish Apple, Hyrule Herb, Hyrule Bass Restore five hearts.  
Steamed Mushrooms Apple, Stamella Shroom, Blue Nightshade Restore five hearts. Using different herbs, fruits and mushrooms will change the number of hearts restored.
Toasted Hearty Truffle Hearty Truffle Restore three hearts. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Toasty Hylian Shroom Hylian Shroom Restore three quarters of a heart. Must be cooked over an open flame.
Tough Fish and Mushroom Skewer Hylian Shroom, Armored Carp Restore three hearts and add low-level defense boost for 1:20.  
Tough Fried Wild Greens Fortified Pumpkin Restore one heart and add a low-level defense boost for 0:50.  
Tough Meat-Stuffed Pumpkin Fortified Pumpkin, Raw Bird Drumstick Restore three hearts and add low-level defense boost for 1:20. Add various seasoning to increase duration and effect.
Tough Meaty Rice Balls Ironshroom, Raw Meat, Hylian Rice Restore eight hearts and add low-level defense boost for 2:20.  
Tough Mushroom Skewer Ironshroom Restore one heart and add low-level defense boost for 0:50.  
Tough Prime Meat and Rice Bowl Ironshroom, Raw Prime Meat, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt Restore six hearts and add low-level defense boost for 3:20.  
Tough Salt-Grilled Mushrooms Ironshroom, Rock Salt Restore one heart and add low-level defense boost.  
Tough Steamed Meat Armoranth, Raw Meat Restore two hearts and add low-level defense boost for 1:20.  

Recipe Tables Last Updated: March 9, 2017

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Image of Bryan Dawson
Bryan Dawson
Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.