Where to Find Every Gwent Card in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Collect all 199 Gwent cards in The Witcher 3 to build the best deck in the game.
This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

Contracts and Treasure Hunts are fun ways to pass the time playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but collecting all of the Gwent cards is the toughest activity in the game. Only the most dedicated players will achieve 100 percent completion in Gwent Quest: Collect em All, which involves winning and buying Gwent cards throughout the Northern Kingdoms. 

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In this feature, we list all 199 Gwent cards in The Witcher 3, along with info on how to find them and what each card means. If you need help playing the game, these Gwent tips will help you beat even the toughest opponents, and to gain a bigger edge, see the most powerful cards in the game. 

Below, you will see all of the Gwent cards, divided into the following decks: Neutral, Northern Realms, Nilfgaard, Scoitael and Monsters.  In addition, each table contains valuable intel for each card, split into different categories.   

Complete all of the Main Quests and Secondary Quests with Prima’s free walkthrough for The Witcher 3: Wild Huntthen learn how to get lots of Crowns!


This is the cards name. Simple as that. 

Card Range

This tells you where a unit card will appear on the Gwent board after playing it. A card may wind up at close, long or siege ranges. 

These special cards do not possess a range: 

  • (Weather) Biting Frost brings all cards within melee range to 1.
  • (Weather) Impenetrable Fog brings the power of cards within long range to 1.
  • (Weather) Torrential Rain puts the power of cards within siege range to 1.
  • (Weather) Clear Weather eliminates all weather effects from the Gwent board.
  • Scorch destroys cards in play with a 7 power rating.
  • Use a Decoy card to put a played card back into the players hand. A decoy will take its place.
  • Play Commanders Horn and it will double cards within a specific Range. The effect only works for the person who uses it.

Card Value

This represents a cards overall power. If a card has 10 points at close range, then you get 10 points from this position. Unit cards have power, while Weather and Special Gwent cards do not.  

Card Abilities

Certain Gwent cards possess cool abilities, which we detail below. 

  • Morale Boost: This adds +1 to units in a single row, except for this played card.
  • Scorch Close Combat: This card will destroy your opponents Close Combat units, but only if the combined strength of this persons cards is 10 or higher. 
  • Spy: Put this card on the Gwent board and you will draw two cards from your deck.
  • Hero: This card will be impervious to abilities and special effects. 
  • Tight Bond: Put this card right next to a card with the same name to receive double the power! 
  • Medic: Put this card on the board, then pick a card from the discarded pile and use it immediately. This does not apply to Special or Heroes cards. 
  • Agile: Put the card into Ranged Combat or Close Combat rows. 
  • Muster: Play cards with the same name right away. 

Leader Cards

These are among the most powerful Gwent cards in The Witcher 3, and you only have one at a time. In fact, there are four unique versions of each Leader card. 

Leaders in the Northern Realms (King Foltest)

  • The Steel-Forged: This will take down the enemys most powerful Siege unit(s) if the total strength of this characters Siege units is 10 or higher. 
  • The Siegemaster: This doubles the power of your Siege units, so long as a Commanders Horn is present in the row. 
  • Lord Commander of the North: Clears weather effects from Biting Frost, Torrential Rain or Impenetrable Fog cards that are currently in play. 
  • King of Temeria: Choose one Impenetrable Fog card from your deck and play it right away. 

Leaders in Nilfgaard (Emyhr)

  • The Relentless: Choose a card from the other players discarded pile.
  • The White Flame Dancing on the Graves of His Foes: This cancels an opponents Leader Ability. 
  • The Emperor of Nilfgaard: This lets you see 3 random cards in the other persons hand. 
  • His Imperial Majesty: Select a Torrential Rain card from your deck and use it right away. 

Leaders in Scoia’tael (Francesca)

  • Queen of Dol Blathanna: Take down a players toughest Close Combat unit(s) if the total strength of his or her Close Combat unit is 10 or higher. 
  • The Beautiful: Double the strength of your Ranged Combat units unless a Commanders Horn is in the same row on the Gwent board. 
  • Daisy of the Valley: Pull an additional card at the start of the battle. 
  • Pureblood Elf: Choose one Biting Frost card from your deck and play it immediately. 

Leaders of Monsters (Eredin) 

  • Destroyer of Worlds: Restores one card from your discarded pile to your current hand. 
  • Bringer of Death: Discards 2 cards and then draws 1 card of your choosing from your deck. 
  • King of the Wild hunt: Doubles the strength of your Close Combat units unless a Commanders Horn is in the same row. 
  • Commander of the Red Riders: Choose a weather card from your deck and use it immediately.

Miscellaneous Facts About Gwent

  • Price: The number of crowns youll need to pay in order to buy the desired card.
  • Base Deck: You start off with this card in your Gwent deck.
  • Purchase: You will need to purchase this Gwent card from an innkeeper, shop owner or merchant.
  • Secondary Quest: You will acquire this card after beating a specific side quest in the game, either as a reward or prize for winning a Gwent tournament.
  • Gwent Quest: You will need to win this card from someone. Pay close attention to the quest objectives and make sure to complete these in order.
  • Unique Cards: Only one type of this card is available in the game. Do not finish the quests without obtaining the cards! If you complete a quest without challenging that player, or if he dies, youre out of luck unless you go back to an earlier save file.  
  • Explore villages to find new Gwent players. They usually hang out in taverns and inns.

Neutral Gwent Deck (31 Cards Total)

Card Card Range Card Value Card Abilities Type Price Location Territory Quest Location, Character
Decoy —- —- —- —- 20 Bought from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Quartermaster’s, Baron’s Store, Crow’s Perch
Decoy —- —- —- —- 20 Bought from Trader Novigrad (Gustfields) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a Trader at Seven Cats Inn
Decoy —- —- —- —- 50 Bought from Trader White Orchard Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From an Innkeeperess at White Orchard Tavern
Commander’s Horn —- —- —- —- 10 Bought from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From an Innkeeper at Inn at the Crossroads
Commander’s Horn —- —- —- —- 10 Bought from Trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a Store Trader at Passiflora
Commander’s Horn —- —- —- —- 20 Bought from Trader Novigrad (Oxenfurt) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt
Scorch —- —- —- —- 50 Bought from Trader Novigrad (Grassy Knoll) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From an Innkeeper, Cunny of the Goose
Scorch —- —- —- —- 50 Bought from Trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From an Innkeeper at New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde Harbor
Scorch —- —- —- —- 50 Bought from Trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From an Innkeeper at Urialla Village, An Skellig
Biting Frost —- —- —- —- —- Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Biting Frost —- —- —- —- —- Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Biting Frost —- —- —- —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Impenetrable Fog —- —- —- —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Impenetrable Fog —- —- —- —- —- Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Impenetrable Fog —- —- —- —- —- Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Torrential Rain —- —- —- —- —- Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Torrential Rain —- —- —- —- —- Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Torrential Rain —- —- —- —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Clear Weather —- —- —- —- —- Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Clear Weather —- —- —- —- —- Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Clear Weather —- —- —- —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Geralt of Rivia Close Combat 15 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Novigrad Gwent: Old Friends From Thaler at the Seven Cats Inn
Vesemir Close Combat 6 —- —- 20 Gwent Quest Novigrad Gwent: Big City Players From Vivaldi at the Bank of Vivaldi, Hierarch Square
Yennefer of Vengerberg Longe Range 7 Medic Hero 50 Gwent Quest Novigrad Gwent: Playing Innkeeps From Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt
Cirilla Fiona Elen Rianno Close Combat 15 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Novigrad (Grassy Knoll) Gwent: Big City Players From a Scoia’Tael Trader and Camp in Novigrad Forest
Triss Merigold Close Combat 7 —- Hero 20 Gwent Quest Novigrad Gwent: Old Friends From Lambert at The Nowhere Inn
Dandelion Close Combat 2 Morale —- 20 Secondary Quest Novigrad (Gustfields) Side Quest: A Matter of Life and Death Win match during the masquerade ball at Vegelbud Estate
Zoltan Chivay Close Combat 5 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff Close Combat 5 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Villentretenmerth Close Combat 7 Scorch —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Avallac’h Close Combat 0 Spy Hero 20 Gwent Quest Skellige Gwent: Skellige Style From Gremita at Gedyneith, Ard Skellig

Northern Realms Gwent Deck (37 Cards Total)

Card Card Range Card Value Card Abilities Type Price Location Territory Quest Location, Character
Vernon Roche Close Combat 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Velen Gwent: Velen Players Hadko the Card Prodigy at Midcopse
John Natalis Close Combat 10 —- Hero 50 Secondary Quest Novigrad Side Quest: A Dangerous Game From Ravvy at Golden Sturgeon Tavern
Esterad Thyssen Close Combat 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Novigrad Gwent: Big City Players From Dijkstra at the Bathhouse
Philippa Eilhart Siege 10 —- Hero 50 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Thaler Siege 1 Spy —- 20 Buy from Trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at Arinbjorn
Ves Close Combat 5 —- —- 10 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Siegfried of Denesle Close Combat 5 —- —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Yarpen Zigrin Close Combat 2 —- —- 10 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Sigismund Dijkstra Close Combat 4 Spy —- 20 Gwent Quest Velen Gwent: Velen Players From The Bloody Baron, Phillip Strenger at Crow’s Perch
Keira Metz Long Range 5 —- —- 10 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Síle de Tansarville Long Range 5 —- —- 10 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Sabrina Glevissig Long Range 4 —- —- 10 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Sheldon Skaggs Long Range 4 —- —- 10 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Dethmold Long Range 6 —- —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Prince Stennis Close Combat 5 Spy —- 10 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Trebuchet Siege 6 —- —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Trebuchet Siege 6 —- —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Poor F—ing Infantry Close Combat 1 Bond —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Poor F—ing Infantry Close Combat 1 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Shopkeeper in Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff
Poor F—ing Infantry Close Combat 1 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Trader in Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff
Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter Longe Range 5 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader White Orchard Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Innkeeperess at White Orchard Tavern
Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter Longe Range 5 Bond —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Trader in Claywich Village, The Mire
Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter Longe Range 5 Bond —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From shopkeeper in Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff
Redanian Foot Soldier Close Combat 1 —- —- 10 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Redanian Foot Soldier Close Combat 1 —- —- 10 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Catapult Siege 8 Bond —- 50 Buy from Trader White Orchard Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Innkeeperess at White Orchard Tavern
Catapult Siege 8 Bond —- 50 Buy from Trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Store Trader in Passiflora
Ballista Siege 6 —- —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Ballista Siege 6 —- —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Kaedweni Siege Expert Siege 1 Morale —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Kaedweni Siege Expert Siege 1 Morale —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Kaedweni Siege Expert Siege 1 Morale —- 50 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it
Blue Stripes Commando Close Combat 4 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader White Orchard Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Innkeeperess at White Orchard Tavern
Blue Stripes Commando Close Combat 4 Bond —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Shopkeeper in Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff
Blue Stripes Commando Close Combat 4 Bond —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Quartermaster’s Baron’s Store in Crow’s Perch
Siege Tower Siege 6 —- —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Dun Banner Medic Siege 5 Medic —- 20 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin the game with it

Nilfgaard Gwent Deck (38 Cards Total)

Card Card Range Card Value Card Abilities Type Price Location Territory Quest Location, Character
Letho of Gulet Close Combat 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Velen Gwent: Velen Players The Boatbuilder in Oreton
Menno Coehoorn Close Range 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Velen Gwent: Play Innkeepers From the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads
Morvran Voorhis Siege 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Novigrad Gwent: Big City Players Marquise Serenity in Passiflora
Tibor Eggebracht Long Range 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Novigrad Gwent: Play Innkeepers From Olivier at Kingfisher Inn
Albrich Long Range 2 —- —- 10 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader in Crow’s Perch
Albrich Long Range 2 —- —- 10 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader in Crow’s Perch
Assire var Anahid Long Range 6 —- —- 20 —- White Orchard In the Prologue —-
Cynthia Long Range 4 —- —- 10 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Quartermaster’s Baron’s Store in Crow’s Perch
Fringilla Vigo Long Range 6 —- —- 20 Secondary Quest Novigrad Secondary Quest: A Dangerous Game At Caesar Bilzen’s home while on a quest
Morteisen Close Combat 3 —- —- 10 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Shopkeeper at Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff
Rainfarn Close Combat 4 —- —- 10 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff
Renuald aep Matsen Long Range 5 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Rotten Mangonel Siege 3 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen Close Combat 7 Spy —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Stefan Skellen Close Combat 9 Spy —- 50 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Sweers Long Range 2 —- —- 10 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire
Vanhemar Long Range 4 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Vattier de Rideaux Close Combat 4 Spy —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Vreemde Close Combat 2 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach Close Combat 6 —- —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Puttkammer Long Range 3 —- —- 10 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire
Archer Support Long Range 1 Medic —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff
Archer Support Long Range 1 Medic —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire
Black Infantry Archer Long Range 10 —- —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire
Siege Support Siege 0 Medic —- 20 Buy from Trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at The Golden Sturgeon
Black Infantry Archer Long Range 10 —- —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff
Heavy Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion Siege 10 —- —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff
Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion Siege 5 —- —- 50 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader in Crow’s Perch
Impera Brigade Close Combat 3 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader in Crow’s Perch
Impera Brigade Close Combat 3 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads
Impera Brigade Close Combat 3 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader Novigrad (Gustfields) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader at the Seven Cats Inn
Impera Brigade Close Combat 3 Bond —- 50 Buy from Trader Novigrad (Grassy Knoll) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at Cunny of the Goose
Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade Close Combat 2 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Quartermaster’s Baron’s Store in Crow’s Perch
Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade Close Combat 2 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads
Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade Close Combat 2 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader in Crow’s Perch
Combat Engineer Siege 6 —- —- 20 Buy from Trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads
Young Emissary Close Combat 5 Bond —- 20 Buy from Trader Novigrad (Grassy Knoll) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at the Cunny of the Goose
Young Emissary Close Combat 5 Bond —- 50 Buy from Trader Novigrad (Gustfields) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader at the Seven Cat’s Inn

Scoia’tael Gwent Deck (37 Cards Total)

Card Card Range Card Value Card Abilities Type Price Location Territory Quest


Eithné Longe Range 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Novigrad Gwent: Old Friends From Zoltan at Rosemary and Thyme
Saskia/Saesenthessis Longe Range 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Novigrad (Gustfields) Gwent: Old Friends From Vernon Roche at the Temerian Resistance Camp
Isengrim Faoiltiarna Close Combat 10 Morale —- 50 Secondary Quest Novigrad Secondary Quest: A Dangerous Game While inside Zed’s home during a quest
Iorveth Longe Range 10 —- Hero 50 Secondary Quest Skellige Secondary Quest: Shock Therapy From a druid after the quest, in Gedyneith, Ard Skellig
Dennis Cranmer Close Combat 6 —- —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em all! Randomly earned
Milva Longe Range 10 Morale —- 50 Secondary Quest Novigrad (Gustfields) Secondary Quest: A Matter of Life and Death Win the tournament at masquerade ball in Vegelbud Estate
Ida Emean Longe Range 6 —- —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Filavandrel Longe Range 6 Agile —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Yaevinn Close Combat 6 Agile —- 50 Gwent Quest Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Sjusta the Tailor at Kaer Trolde Harbor, Ard Skellig
Toruviel Longe Range 2 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Riordain Longe Range 1 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Ciaran aep Easnillien Longe Range 3 Agile —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Barclay Els Close Combat 6 Agile —- 20 Buy from trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at the Golden Sturgeon
Hav’caaren Medic Longe Range 0 Medic —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Hav’caaren Medic Longe Range 0 Medic —- 20 Buy from trader Novigrad (Grassy Knoll) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at the Cunny of the Goose
Hav’caaren Medic Longe Range 0 Medic —- 50 Buy from trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Olivier at Kingfisher Inn
Vrihedd Brigade Close Combat 5 Agile —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt
Vrihedd Brigade Close Combat 5 Agile —- 20 Buy from trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Olivier at Kingfisher Inn
Dol Blathanna Scout Close Combat 6 Agile —- 10 Buy from trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at the Golden Sturgeon
Dol Blathanna Scout Close Combat 6 Agile —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Dol Blathanna Scout Close Combat 6 Agile —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Dwarf Skirmisher Close Combat 3 Muster —- 10 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt
Dwarf Skirmisher Close Combat 3 Muster —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Dwarf Skirmisher Close Combat 3 Muster —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Mahakaman Defenders Close Combat 5 —- —- 20 Buy from trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a Store Trader in Passiflora
Mahakaman Defenders Close Combat 5 —- —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt
Mahakaman Defenders Close Combat 5 —- —- 20 Buy from trader Novigrad (Gustfields) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader at the Seven Cats Inn
Mahakaman Defenders Close Combat 5 —- —- 20 Buy from trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at the Golden Sturgeon
Mahakaman Defenders Close Combat 5 —- —- 20 Buy from trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Olivier at Kingfisher Inn
Elf Skirmisher Longe Range 2 Muster —- 10 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at Urialla Village, An Skellig
Elf Skirmisher Longe Range 2 Muster —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Elf Skirmisher Longe Range 2 Muster —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Vrihedd Cadet Longe Range 4 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Dol Blathanna Archer Longe Range 4 —- —- 10 Buy from trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a Store Trader in Passiflora
Hav’caaren Medic Close Combat 5 Muster —- 10 Buy from trader Novigrad (Gustfields) Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From a trader at the Seven Cats Inn
Hav’caaren Medic Close Combat 5 Muster —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Hav’caaren Medic Close Combat 5 Muster —- 20 Buy from trader Novigrad Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From Olivier at Kingfisher Inn

Monsters Gwent Deck (40 Cards)

Card Card Range Card Value Card Abilities Type Price Location Territory Quest Location, Character
Draug Close Combat 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Skellige Gwent: Skellige Style Crach an Craite, Kaer Trolde, Ard Skellig
Kayran Longe Range 8 Morale Hero 50 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Imlerith Close Combat 10 —- Hero 50 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Leshen Longe Range 10 —- Hero 50 Gwent Quest Skellige Gwent: Skellige Style Ermion, Gedyneith, Ard Skellig
Forktail Close Combat 5 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Earth Elemental Siege 6 —- —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde Harbor
Fiend Close Combat 6 —- —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at Arinbjorn
Plague Maiden Close Combat 5 —- —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Griffin Close Combat 5 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Werewolf Close Combat 5 —- —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at Urialla Village, An Skellig
Botchling Close Combat 4 —- —- 10 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde Harbor
Frightener Close Combat 5 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Ice Giant Siege 5 —- —- 10 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper, Svorlag, Spikeroog
Endrega Longe Range 2 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Harpy Longe Range 2 Agile —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper in Harviken tavern, Faroe
Cockatrice Longe Range 2 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Gargoyle Longe Range 2 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Celaeno Harpy Longe Range 2 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Grave Hag Longe Range 5 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Fire Elemental Siege 6 —- —- 20 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Foglet Close Combat 2 —- —- 10 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper, Svorlag, Spikeroog
Wyvern Longe Range 2 —- —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Arachas Behemoth Siege 6 Muster —- 50 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Arachas Close Combat 4 Muster —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Innkeeper, Arinbjorn
Arachas Close Combat 4 Muster —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper at Urialla Village, An Skellig
Arachas Close Combat 4 Muster —- 50 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Innkeeper, Svorlag, Spikeroog
Nekker Close Combat 2 Muster —- 20 Secondary Quest Novigrad Secondary Quest: Following the Thread Defeat Lambert, at the Nowhere Inn near the end of the quest
Nekker Close Combat 2 Muster —- 10 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Innkeeper, in Harviken tavern, Faroe
Nekker Close Combat 2 Muster —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Vampire: Ekimmara Close Combat 4 Muster —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Innkeeper, Svorlag, Spikeroog
Vampire: Fleder Close Combat 4 Muster —- 50 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Innkeeper, in Harviken tavern, Faroe
Vampire: Garkain Close Combat 4 Muster —- 50 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Vampire: Bruxa Close Combat 4 Muster —- 20 Secondary Quest Novigrad (Gustfields) Secondary Quest: A Matter of Life and Death Win a match at the masquerade ball at Vegelbud Estate
Vampire: Katakan Close Combat 5 Muster —- 50 Gwent Quest Skellige Gwent: Skellige Style Jarl Madman Lugos, Kaer Muire, Ard Skellig
Ghoul Close Combat 1 Muster —- 10 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Innkeeper, in Harviken tavern, Faroe
Ghoul Close Combat 1 Muster —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Ghoul Close Combat 1 Muster —- 10 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Crone: Brewess Close Combat 6 Muster —- 50 Win from Crafter or Merchant Random Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Randomly earned
Crone: Weavess Close Combat 6 Muster —- 50 Gwent Quest Velen Gwent: Velen Players From the Seer (Old Sage) at Benek
Crone: Whispess Close Combat 6 Muster —- 20 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! From the Innkeeper, Arinbjorn

Leaders (16 Cards Total)

Northern Realms

Card Card Range Card Value Card Abilities Price Location Territory Quest Location, Character
The Steel-Forged —- —- Scorch Siege if +10 60 Secondary Quest Novigrad Secondary Quest: High Stakes During a quest, Passiflora
The Siegemaster —- —- Horn on Siege 55 Win from Crafter or Merchant Palace of Vizima Main Quest: Imperial Audience (optional) Beat Nilfgaardian Nobleman
Lord Commander of the North —- —- Clear Weather 50 Buy from trader White Orchard Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! Beat the Innkeeperess at White Orchard Tavern
King of Temeria —- —- Fog 45 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ’em all! You begin with this Gwent card


Card Card Range Card Value Card Abilities Price Location Territory Quest Location, Character
The Relentless —- —- Draw card from opponent’s discard 60 Secondary Quest Novigrad Secondary Quest: High Stakes During quest, Passiflora
The White Flame Dancing on the Graves of His Foes —- —- Cancel Leader 55 Gwent Quest N/A Gwent: Skellige Style Reward for completing this quest
The Emperor of Nilfgaard —- —- Look at three cards 50 Buy from trader Velen Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em all! Innkeeper, Inn at the Crossroads
His Imperial Majesty —- —- Rain 45 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em all! You begin with this Gwent card


Card Card Range Card Value Card Abilities Price Location Territory Quest Location, Character
Queen of Dol Blathanna —- —- Scorch Close Combat if +10 60 Secondary Quest Novigrad Secondary Quest: High Stakes During quest, Passiflora
The Beautiful —- —- Horn on Ranged 55 Gwent Quest N/A Gwent: Big City Players Reward for completing this quest
Daisy of the Valley —- —- Draw extra card 50 Buy from trader Novigrad (Grassy Knoll) Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em all! Innkeeper, Cunny of the Goose
Pureblood Elf —- —- Frost 45 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em all! You begin with this Gwent card


Card Card Range Card Value Card Abilities Price Location Territory Quest Location, Character
Destroyer of Worlds —- —- Nurse a card back into hand 60 Secondary Quest Novigrad Secondary Quest: High Stakes During quest, Passiflora
Bringer of Death —- —- Discard 2, Draw 1 55 Gwent Quest N/A Gwent: Velen Players Reward for completing this quest
King of the Wild Hunt —- —- Horn Close Combat 50 Buy from trader Skellige Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em all! Innkeeper, New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde Harbor
Commander of the Red Riders —- —- Pick any weather 45 Base Deck Geralt of Rivia Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em all! You begin with this Gwent card

Hopefully, you’ll now be able to find every Gwent card in The Witcher 3.

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