Battlefield 4: How to Find the T-Rex Easter Egg

We show you exactly how to unlock this prehistoric secret.
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

Although the hunt for Megalodon may continue, at least one more Easter egg has been found hidden in Battlefield 4. The map Rogue Transmission is known to have several similarities to the movie Jurassic Park.

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  • The B flag on Conquest Large is called the Visitor’s Center, a reference from the movie.
  • There is an electric fence that looks strikingly similar to the one that housed the T-Rex.
  • The map contains a cage with a goat tied to a chain, similar to the epic scene from the film.

The Easter egg also has similarities to the movie. When the right set of circumstances are met, one of two audio files will play in-game. The first and more frequent of the two is a subtle growl along with the visual of some moving bushes. That’s the example we showed you in our video below. The second audio file, which we were not able to trigger, has a very distinct T-Rex roar that can be easily heard.

Be sure to check out our video below — in full 1080p with your speakers cranked — to see how you can unlock this Easter egg yourself. As an additional guide, take a look at our map, which clearly marks the three locations of interest. Lastly, a big pat on the back to the entire Battlefield community for solving this puzzle. A special thanks to JackFrags for kicking off this frenzy with his Megalodon video.

What is your favorite Easter egg in Battlefield 4? Let us know in the comments.

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