Screenshot of the Wandering Swordsman in WoW SoD Season of Discovery.
Screenshot by Prima Games

WoW SoD: Where to Find & Beat Wandering Swordsman in Season of Discovery – Exact Locations (Rune of Blood Frenzy)

A needle in a haystack.

In World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery, Warriors looking for the Rune of Blood Frenzy must hunt down the Wandering Swordsman to claim their coveted prize. Here’s where to find and beat the Wandering Swordsman in WoW SoD.

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Where to Find the Wandering Swordsman in WoW SoD – Map Coordinates

The Wandering Swordsman is just that: wandering. He appears seemingly randomly across the world, so he doesn’t have a static location he’s guaranteed to be in every single time, though we do know he has shown up in six different areas for Warrior players:

  • Elwynn Forest.
  • Teldrassil.
  • Dun Morogh.
  • Durotar.
  • Mulgore.
  • Tirisfal Glades.

In these areas, the Wandering Swordsman has reportedly been seen at the following coordinates:

Tirisfal Glades79, 65

Wandering Swordsman Coordinates in Elwynn Forest

For human warriors, the Wandering Swordsman can be found at the following coordinates in the Elwynn Forest.

  • 30, 73
  • 22, 73
  • 25, 70
  • 22, 72
  • 22, 73
  • 38, 74
  • 38, 75
  • 39, 75

The Wandering Swordsman has a 10-minute respawn timer, so keep checking areas you’ve already looked in, just in case he’s spawned in.

I personally found the Wandering Swordsman in Elwynn Forest at coordinates 39, 75, as seen below:

Wandering Swordsman Coordinates in Dun Morogh

For Dwarf Warriors, the Wandering Swordsman can be found at the following coordinates in Dun Morogh.

  • 53, 47

Wandering Swordsman Coordinates in Teldrassil

For Night Elf Warriors, the Wandering Swordsman can be found at the following coordinates in Teldrassil.

  • 62, 71
  • 43, 76
  • 39, 39
  • 42, 77
  • 54, 66

Wandering Swordsman Coordinates in Durotar

For Troll and Orc Warriors, the Wandering Swordsman can be found at the following coordinates in Durotar.

  • 41, 49
  • 38, 48
  • 56, 27
  • 55, 38

Wandering Swordsman Coordinates in Mulgore

For Tauren Warriors, the Wandering Swordsman can be found at the following coordinates in Mulgore.

  • 60, 67
  • 40, 53
  • 51, 39
  • 45, 36

Wandering Swordsman Coordinates in Tirisfal Glades

The Wandering Swordsman can be found at the following coordinates in Tirisfal Glades.

  • 79, 65

What Does a Wandering Swordsman Look Like?

When searching for the Wandering Swordsman in WoW Classic, look for a friendly NPC wearing blue armor with orange shoulder pads. He also carries a longsword, with his name appearing in bright green above his head, like in my screenshot below:

How to Get the Rune of Blood Frenzy From the Wandering Swordsman in WoW Classic SoD

To get the Rune of Blood Frenzy from the Wandering Swordsman, you must defeat him as a Warrior. Speak to the NPC and accept his challenge to duel to engage him in battle. Beat him, and he will drop a small Swordsman’s Reward chest that, when interacted with, will reward you with the Rune of Blood Frenzy.

When engraved on your chest piece, the Rune of Blood Frenzy will grant you three Rage each time you deal Bleed damage to an enemy.

How to Defeat the Wandering Swordsman in WoW SoD

The Wandering Swordsman is a rare level 7 elite enemy, so he isn’t going down without a fight. He has 460 health, which means you may be hitting him for a little while before he yields. Because of this, I’d recommend having plenty of health items on hand so you can restore your HP before he can whittle it down too much. If you’re a magic user, make sure you pack mana-restoring food, too!

Now that you know how to hunt down and defeat the Wandering Swordsman, find out where the Supply Officers are located in WoW SoD so you know where to hand in any Waylaid Supplies you may pick up.

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Image of Meg Bethany Koepp
Meg Bethany Koepp
Managing Editor at Prima Games
Meg was Managing Editor at Prima Games until April 2024.