While playing Devil May Cry 5, you’ll be able to collect different forms of currency, including Red Orbs. Described as a “magical red stone of crystallized demon blood,” Red Orbs are primarily used to upgrade your skills, purchase new gear like Devil Breakers for Nero, and revive yourself in battle.
Wondering what the best ways are to earn Red Orbs in Devil May Cry 5? We’ve got you covered! The first, and easiest way to earn Red Orbs in Devil May Cry 5 is by working your way through the campaign. As you progress, you’ll encounter enemies that drop Red Orbs after you defeat them.
In many cases, an area will become blocked off, preventing you from going ahead or back until you’ve defeated all nearby enemies. This means that you always earn Red Orbs for each Mission completed in Devil May Cry 5. Additionally, there are Red Orbs that can be harvested from demon blood trees scattered randomly throughout the game.
By attacking and destroying these trees, Red Orbs will drop on the ground for you to collect. Additionally, as you progress forward through the game, you’ll often encounter Red Orbs lying around on the ground that are collected as you walk over them.
At times, these Red Orbs are distributed in a way so as to help guide you towards the next map area, making them well worth following. Another way to increase the number of Red Orbs earned in Devil May Cry 5 centers around your Stylish rankings.
The higher your Stylish ranking, the more Red Orbs you earn at the end of each Mission when your final ranking is displayed. To increase your Stylish ranking, you’ll want to avoid using the same attack over and over again. You’ll also want to avoid taking damage from enemies.
By mixing up your attacks and evading enemy attacks, you’ll notice your Stylish ranking increase during the fight with “SSS” being the highest Stylish ranking you can earn. While playing as Dante, you can boost the Red Orbs you earn by using the Dr. Faust hat in combat.
Note that you won’t be able to do this until you earn the Dr. Faust hat after completing Mission 13 in Devil May Cry 5. With the Dr. Faust hat, you’ll be able to use it to “mark” enemies. Enemies “marked” by the Dr. Faust hat will drop Red Orbs when hit.
However, this method comes at a cost. If Dante gets hit while wearing the Dr. Faust hat, he’ll drop Red Orbs, depleting the ones you’ve earned. Last, but certainly not least, you can earn bonus Red Orbs by finding and completing Special Missions in Devil May Cry 5.
There are 12 total Secret Missions in Devil May Cry 5, with many awarding Red Orbs upon successful completion. For example, some Secret Missions have you slay enemies under different parameters.
Meanwhile, other Secret Missions task you with collecting all nearby Red Orbs before time runs out. All in all, there are a variety of different methods you can employ when collecting Red Orbs in Devil May Cry 5. Using Red Orbs, you’ll be able to purchase weapons like Devil Breakers to help you in battle, and unlock new skills for Dante, Nero, and V.
Devil May Cry 5 is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.
Published: Mar 8, 2019 10:54 PM UTC