A Tales of Graces f Remastered screenshot of Richard, Asbel, and Sophie in unique costumes.
Screenshot by Prima Games

Tales of Graces f Remastered: How to Get All Costumes

Walk, walk, fashion, Graces

Like most Tales games, Tales of Graces f Remastered has plenty of fun costumes for its cast. Here’s how to get them all.

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All Costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered

Tales of Graces f Remastered makes it easier than ever to obtain most of the character’s costumes, but there are still some that require good old-fashioned exploration and skill to unlock. The following tables go over all of the costumes in the game, as well as the easiest ways to obtain each of them. They are listed in the order the characters join your party starting with the Childhood’s End prologue chapter.

How to Get All Asbel Costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered

The following table lists all of Asbel’s costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered, as well as the easiest way to get them.

Costume NameCostume DescriptionHow to Obtain
Honorary KnightFormal attire and slicked-back hairUse “Quick-Costume Set: Asbel” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Honorary Knight Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Vest-DressedA swimsuit and vest Use “Quick-Costume Set: Asbel” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Vest-Dressed Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Dark EnforcerYuri’s clothes from Tales of Vesperia; also changes the battle music to Tales of Vesperia musicDefeat Carter at Magic Carta in Sable Izolle without him getting any points on Easy
Eyepatch + Black SuitA black suit and eyepatch combo Use “Asbel’s Suit Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Eyepatch + Black Suit Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Fighter PilotA fighter pilot costume designed by Mutsumi Inomata, character designer for Tales of GracesUse “Asbel’s Pilot Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Fighter Pilot Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Schoolyard HipsterA Japanese-style high school uniform with embellishments; also changes the battle music to school-themed musicUse “Asbel’s School Uniform” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Schoolyard Hipster Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Brooding SwordsmanLeon’s clothes from Tales of Destiny; also changes the battle music to Tales of Destiny musicUse “Asbel’s Leon Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Brooding Swordsman Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Aspiring HeroKyle’s clothes from the Japanese Tales of Destiny 2 (the English Tales of Destiny 2 is actually a renamed Tales of Eternia); also changes the battle music to Tales of Destiny 2 musicUse “Tales of Destiny 1 & 2 Costume Titles Set” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Aspiring Hero Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
All of Asbel’s costumes and how to get them in Tales of Graces f Remastered

How to Get All Hubert Costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered

The following table lists all of Hubert’s costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered, as well as the easiest way to get them.

Costume NameCostume DescriptionHow to Obtain
Modern YouthA purple and maroon outfit with hair slicked backUse “Quick-Costume Set: Hubert” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Modern Youth Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Six-EyesA swimsuit with a swimming cap and goggles along with Hubert’s usual glassesUse “Quick-Costume Set: Hubert” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Six-Eyes Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Butler SuitA traditional swallowtail butler suitUse “Hubert’s Suit Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Butler Suit Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Strahtan AvengerA high-tech inspired outfit designed by Mutsumi Inomata, character designer for Tales of GracesUse “Hubert’s Avenger Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Strahtan Avenger Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Head Hall MonitorA Japanese-style high school uniform with a prefect armband; also changes the battle music to school-themed musicUse “Hubert’s School Uniform” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Head Hall Monitor Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Imperial Knight CaptainFlynn’s clothes from Tales of Vesperia; also changes the battle music to Tales of Vesperia musicUse “Hubert’s Flynn Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Imperial Knight Captain Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
All of Hubert’s costumes and how to get them in Tales of Graces f Remastered

How to Get All Sophie Costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered

The following table lists all of Sophie’s costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered, as well as the easiest way to get them.

Costume NameCostume DescriptionHow to Obtain
Gothic LolitaA gothic lolita style dressUse “Quick-Costume Set: Sophie” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Gothic Lolita Title, then reach Rank 5 with the Title.
Beach KittyA cat-themed swimsuitUse “Quick-Costume Set: Sophie” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Beach Kitty title, then reach Rank 1 with the Title.
Toast of the TownA white dress with pink accentsStart Lineage & Legacies to obtain the Toast of the Town Title, then reach Rank 1 with the Title.
Great PiratePatty’s clothes from Tales of Vesperia; also changes the battle music to Tales of Vesperia musicDefeat Carter at Magic Carta in Sable Izolle without him getting any points on Normal
Middle-School MascotA Japanese-style middle school uniform; also changes the battle music to school-themed musicUse “Sophie’s School Uniform” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Middle-School Mascot Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Gold Digging PuppeteerAnise’s clothes from Tales of the Abyss; also changes the battle music to Tales of the Abyss musicUse “Sophie’s Anise Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Gold Digging Puppeteer Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Greedy RealistRutee’s clothes from Tales of Destiny; also changes the battle music to Tales of Destiny musicUse “Tales of Destiny 1 & 2 Costume Titles Set” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Greedy Realist Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
All of Sophie’s costumes and how to get them in Tales of Graces f Remastered

How to Get All Richard Costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered

The following table lists all of Richard’s costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered, as well as the easiest way to get them.

Costume NameCostume DescriptionHow to Obtain
King of WindorAn emerald green jacket with white pants and bootsVisit Barona Castle in Lineage & Legacies to obtain the King of Windor Title, then reach Rank 1 with the Title.
Prep School Rich KidA prep school uniform; also changes the battle music to school-themed musicUse “Richard’s School Uniform” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Prep School Rich Kid Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
The Chosen FlirtZelos’s clothes from Tales of Symphonia; also changes the battle music to Tales of Symphonia musicUse “Richard’s Zelos Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Title The Chosen Flirt, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Masked SwordsmanJudas’s clothes from the Japanese Tales of Destiny 2 (the English Tales of Destiny 2 is actually a renamed Tales of Eternia); also changes the battle music to Tales of Destiny 2 musicUse “Tales of Destiny 1 & 2 Costume Titles Set” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Masked Swordsman Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
All of Richard’s costumes and how to get them in Tales of Graces f Remastered

How to Get All Malik Costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered

The following table lists all of Malik’s costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered, as well as the easiest way to get them.

Costume NameCostume DescriptionHow to Obtain
Model SoldierA soldier uniform with hair slicked back and glassesUse “Quick-Costume Set: Malik” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Model Soldier Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
LifeguardA speedo and floating vestUse “Quick-Costume Set: Malik” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Lifeguard Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Detective SuitA detective suit with sunglassesUse “Malik’s Suit Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Detective Suit Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Blazing SamuraiA somewhat modernized samurai outfit designed by Mutsumi Inomata, character designer for Tales of GracesUse “Malik’s Samurai Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Blazing Samurai Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Principal StudsworthA pinstripe suit with glasses and combed down hair; also changes the battle music to school-themed musicUse “Malik’s School Principal Uniform” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Principal Studsworth Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
The Slippery VagabondRaven’s clothes from Tales of Vesperia; also changes the battle music to Tales of Vesperia musicUse “Malik’s Raven Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Title The Slippery Vagabond, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
All of Malik’s costumes and how to get them in Tales of Graces f Remastered

How to Get All Cheria Costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered

The following table lists all of Cheria’s costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered, as well as the easiest way to get them.

Costume NameCostume DescriptionHow to Obtain
Innocent MaidenA white and black layered dressUse “Quick-Costume Set: Cheria” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Innocent Maiden Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Seaside AngelA white one-piece swimsuit with black lace detailsUse “Quick-Costume Set: Cheria” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Seaside Angel Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Magical BeeRita’s clothes from Tales of Vesperia; also changes the battle music to Tales of Vesperia musicDefeat Carter at Magic Carta in Sable Izolle without him getting any points on Hard
Little ImpA black dress with devil-like details designed by Mutsumi Inomata, character designer for Tales of GracesUse “Cheria’s Imp Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Little Imp Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Campus CutieA Japanese-style high school uniform; also changes the battle music to school-themed musicUse “Cheria’s School Uniform” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Campus Cutie Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Kimlascan PrincessNatalia’s clothes from Tales of the Abyss; also changes the battle music to Tales of the Abyss musicUse “Cheria’s Natalia Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Kimlascan Princess Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
All of Cheria’s costumes and how to get them in Tales of Graces f Remastered

How to Get All Pascal Costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered

The following table lists all of Pascal’s costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered, as well as the easiest way to get them.

Costume NameCostume DescriptionHow to Obtain
Free SpiritA classy dress and hatUse “Quick-Costume Set: Pascal” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Free Spirit Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Deep Sea DiverA wetsuit with scuba gear and flippersUse “Quick-Costume Set: Pascal” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Deep Sea Diver Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Skimpy CowgirlA cowgirl outfit designed by Mutsumi Inomata, character designer for Tales of GracesUse “Pascal’s Cowgirl Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Skimpy Cowgirl Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Grade-Grubbing SeniorA Japanese-style high school uniform with embellishments; also changes the battle music to school-themed musicUse “Pascal’s School Uniform” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Grade-Grubbing Senior Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
Slightly Mad ScientistHarold’s clothes from the Japanese Tales of Destiny 2 (the English Tales of Destiny 2 is actually a renamed Tales of Eternia); also changes the battle music to Tales of Destiny 2 musicUse “Pascal’s Harold Costume” in the DLC tab in the Items menu to unlock the Slightly Mad Scientist Title, then reach Rank 3 with the Title.
All of Pascal’s costumes and how to get them in Tales of Graces f Remastered

Where is the DLC Tab in the Items Menu?

To reach the DLC tab in the Items menu, open the main menu, select Items, then press the R1 button to go to the final tab (not R2, as that will only scroll you down the same tab); this is the DLC items tab. Most of these costumes can only be obtained by activating the item sets here because they were DLC in the original Tales of Graces f. There are also a lot of other helpful items and even gald you can choose to accept here, as well as exclusive Skits to watch at the very bottom of the extensive list.

How to Gain SP and Rank Up Your Titles Quickly

You will want to gain SP and increase your Titles’ ranks quickly in order to unlock the associated costumes. You gain SP—the points needed to raise your Titles’ ranks—by battling and defeating enemies, so battle and defeat as many enemies as you can to gain as much SP as possible.

You can also gain a lot of SP by completing “Requests.” At every major location, speak to the inn’s innkeeper and select “Requests.” Requests are simple item trades: give the innkeeper the listed item(s), and receive SP (and other goodies) as a reward. If you’re ever missing certain items, check with a shopkeeper and see if you can Dualize it. If it’s an item you had once but don’t have anymore, place it in the top slot of your Item Mixer for the best chance of producing it as you move around the map.

A helpful tip for increasing your Title Ranks is to set each Title to auto-equip “Until Rank 3.” Almost every costume (with a few Sophie exceptions) is obtained at Rank 3, so you don’t need to keep the Title equipped for longer than that if you’re in a hurry to unlock the costumes. Just remember that when you see a character “learned Costume” at the end of a battle, swap out their Title for the next one you want. Auto-equip is helpful for not over-leveling a Title, but it will equip the first Title that you don’t have maxed out, which is usually one of the story Titles and not another costume title.

Are There Any New or Non-Returning Costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered?

None of the costumes in Tales of Graces f Remastered are new. All costumes in the game were in the original Tales of Graces f, either unlockable during normal gameplay, or as paid DLC. In Tales of Graces f Remastered, they are all free and can be unlocked right away.

There are some costumes from the original Tales of Graces f that do not return in Remastered. These are collaboration costumes, including some from the .hack series, Code Geass, the iDOLM@STER series, Vocaloid, and even collabs with BoA and Toro.

You won’t get any costumes from chests if you unlock them the easy way, but it’s still worth checking out all the Tales of Graces password chests’ codes for less cosmetic, more gameplay-focused rewards once you’re done.

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