If I was a Tiktok star, I would now put this feature image behind me in a video and start hitting my selfie camera with the tips of my fingers after each word I say: “Second *boop* Dinner *boop* Stop *boop* Adding *boop* Restrictive *boop* Locations”.
Yes, I am sorry for being the one who delivers bad news, but it’s a part of this job. See below why the community is so upset about this new Location in Marvel Snap, and why the only good thing about it is a reminder that you should visit Milano as a tourist and that Magik will enjoy playing with this Location.
What is the Effect of Milano in Marvel Snap?
“Turn 5 is the only turn cards can be played here.”
Yes, I know you’re upset like everyone else. And that’s normal. Especially given the fact that we believed Second Dinner finally listened to us, by announcing that some Locations will appear significantly less in the future. But, we let our guards down and have been ambushed by another restrictive location.
Related: Marvel Snap Patch Notes (May 16th 2023) – Big Ranked Mode Changes!
If you ask me, I believe that Second Dinner is definitely killing the fun in this game with these Locations. Meta is stale as it gets, with very few new entries to the big scene (given how small the amount of players who can keep up with the new releases is)
Best Strategy and Tactic for Milano in Marvel Snap
Jeff, Magik, and Guardians of the Galaxy Cards (Rocket Raccoon, Star-Lord, Groot, Drax, Gamora). That’s all.
I have nothing further to add other than contempt of such actions done by Second Dinner with which over 80% of the active community on Discord agrees. Seriously. No more of these restrictive Locations. I am logging in just to “suffer” through daily quests at this moment. I currently lack five cards from Series 4 and eight cards from Series 5 as a free-to-play user (decided to stop giving them money). Please, make Marvel Snap fun again.
Published: May 17, 2023 11:11 AM UTC