Just Cause 3 – Vintage Parts Locations

Find all of the parts and you can experience Just Cause 3 in black and white.
This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

Just Cause 3 is available and comes a variety of collectibles you can find across all three provinces, including Rebel Shrines, Di Ravello tapes and in our latest breakdown, Vintage Parts.

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These parts come from various weapons and an old fighter plane buried around the country of Medici. You’ll locate them with markers in the form of a shovel buried into the ground. By finding all of these, you’ll be able to unlock the Film Noir mode, which represents the game in lavish black and white – perfect for adding some drama to the adventure.

Here are all of the Vintage Part locations in the game!

Insula Dracon

1. Capite Est, Coordinates: 44.25 N, 35.43 E –Go through a door covered with vines and into a nearby cave. Look for a statue and the shovel will be right next to it.

2. Capite West, Coordinates: 44.14 N, 35.16 E –Find a cliff facing off to the southeast of Porto Cavo and you’ll spot the shovel.

3. Capite West, Coordinates: 43.40 N, 34.32 E –Search for a cliff facing the south of Volo Dracon and you should be able to see the shovel.

4. Trio, Coordinates: 42.37 N, 34.83 E –Head to the north side of the tunnel and you’ll see a nearby hill on the west side. Make your way up and you’ll see a shovel.

5. Trio, Coordinates: 42.35 N, 35.31 E – Head to the beach on the south side, just east of the bridge, and you’ll be able to spot a shovel here.

6. Trio, Coordinates: 42.20 N, 35.61 E –Go towards the raised beach and look on the side facing east and you should see a shovel.

7. Cauda, Coordinates: 41.10 N, 34.96 E – Head to the space between a pair of mountain peaks and you should see a small cavern with the part inside.

8. Cauda, Coordinates: 40.55 N, 34.53 E –Find the beach entrance located at 40.55 N, 34.64 E and you should be able to go through a tunnel leading to Grotta Contrabandero, where you’ll find the part.

9. Petra, Coordinate: 41.15 N, 35.15 E –Go to the mountain cross from Platteforma Petra 1 and make your way to the south slope to find this shovel.

10. Petra, Coordinates: 40.98 N, 36.53 E –Find the Puncta Sud Radar, then head to the nearby mountain facing it. Get to the top and you’ll find the part.

11. Petra, Coordinates: 41.91 N, 37.07 E –Go to the small island and make your way to the ruins in the southwest corner. The part is there.

12. Massos, Coordinates: 42.43 N, 37.50 E – There should be an island facing right across from Cinta. The shovel will be on the south side.

13. Massos, Coordinates: 43.04 N, 36.82 E – Head to a small cave underneath a cliff off to the north side, and you should see a shovel inside.

14. Capite Est, Coordinates: 44.24 N, 36.83 E –Look for a tiny peninsula next to a tree. There should be a part right there.

Insula Fonte

1. Plagia, Coordinates: 42.85 N, 43.69 E –Find some ruins, then head to the north side of them to find the part.

2. Feno, Coordinates: 42.56 N, 42.45 E –Find the two hills and head in-between to find a valley. Go to the north end to find the shovel.

3. Feno, Coordinates: 42.27 N, 43.20 E –Look for a lot of trees on a nearby mountain, then make your way to the north slope.

4. Plagia, Coordinates: 42.18 N, 43.98 E –Head to the west entrance of the tunnel, then take the nearby road north. The shovel should be at the end.

5. Aspera, Coordinates: 41.75 N, 44.08 E –Head to the north side of the base and look for a ruin wall, and it should be at the bottom. You’ll probably want to clear out Cima Leon: Centcom first, as you’re susceptible to airstrikes.

6. Lavanda, Coordinates: 41.84 N, 42.59 E –Find a cavern to the north of Sancte Lucas with the part inside. There should be an arch that ties in with a road leading from the church to get there.

7. Lavanda, Coordinates: 42.10 N, 41.31 E –Head to the lower part of the cliffs until you get to the beach, and the part should be there.

8. Lavanda, Coordinates: 41.96 N, 41.45 E –Find a road on the east side and there should be a cavern nearby. The shovel is inside this cavern.

9. Lavanda, Coordinates: 41.25 N, 42.94 E – Go to the bridge and get underneath it in the center. You’ll find the shovel there.

10. Lacos, Coordinates: 40.75 N, 42.17 E –Look on the south side of the nearby island, where you’ll see some boulders around a small cove. The part is in-between said boulders.

11. Lacos, Coordinates: 40.64 N, 43.98 E –Find a cave at N 40.65, E 44.01 and head inside. The part is in there.

12. Sirocco Nord, Coordinates: 39.40 N, 42.15 E – Find the small island, then head to the northwest side. The part is yours.

13. Sirocco Nord, Coordinates: 39.24 N, 43.40 E –Find the entrance to a nearby cave at N 39.28 E 43.42 and head inside. It should be close to the Guardia Sirocco II. The part is in there.

14. Soricco Nord, Coordinates: 38.52 N, 42.65 E –Find the cave entrance right underneath a nearby cliff at N 38.53 E 42.68 and head inside to find the part.

15. Sirocco Sud, Coordinates: 38.04 N, 41.39 E –Find the small island and look on the west side for the part.

16. Soros, Coordinates: 37.35 N, 40.08 E –Find the island and make your way to the southwest side to locate the shovel.

17. Soros, Coordinates: 37.03 N, 38.31 E –Find the cave entrance at N 37.03 E 39.50 and make your way inside to snag the part.

18. Soros, Coordinates: 37.12 N, 38.98 E –Find the cave entrance at N 37.08 E 39.01 and head inside. It should lead to Cava De Rebelles, with a shovel that’s easy to spot.

Insula Striate

1. Maestrale, Coordinates: 48.55 N, 36.22 E –Make your way up the mountain and look for a tomb. The shovel will be just to the east of that.

2. Maestrale, Coordinates: 48.50 E, 32.74 E – Go to the top of the mountain and make your way south of the airstrip. The shovel will be right next to a few trees.

3. Libeccio, Coordinates: 46.37 N, 33.79 E –Head on the mountain and make your way to a cliff facing off to the north.

4. Libeccio, Coordinates: 46.65 N, 35.61 E –Find the slope leading down to the lake and look in some nearby trees to find the part.

5. Libeccio, Coordinates: 45.18 N, 36.48 E –You can either wingdive down or grapple up to this spot, in a nearby plateau on the cove facing the south side of Sancte Elena. How you get there is up to you, but you’ll find the shovel there.

6. Prima, Coordinates: 44.03 N, 42.11 E –Find the main door leading into Sancte Federico and make your way to the west to find the part.

7. Costa Sud, Coordinates: 43.63 N, 44.98 E –Find the ruins off to the east and look in the corner of one of the nearby walls to find the shovel.

8. Val de Mar, Coordinates: 45.48 N, 43.59 E –Make your way east from the ruined town and you’ll find a hill with some bushes on it. The shovel is hidden in there.

9. Costa Sud, Coordinates: 45.64 N, 45.89 E –Find a snowman on the small beach – yes, a snowman – and look inside the nearby inlet.

10. Litore Torto, Coordinates: 46.94 N, 44.73 E –Make your way up the mountain facing the flooded city on the northeast side, and check a nearby hill for the part.

11. Val de Mar, Coordinates: 46.52 N, 42.25 E –Find the broken rocks just north of the small lake’s northern side and you’ll find the shovel.

12. Val de Mar, Coordinates: 47.32 N, 41.98 E –There should be a shovel on the southern slope of the nearby mountain. You can either fly in from above or grapple from below to reach it.

13. Grande Pastura, Coordinates: 48.62 N, 39.73 E –Find the lower mountain just south of the other larger mountains, and look between the two peaks to find the part.

14. Grande Pastura, Coordinates: 49.17 N, 40.67 E –Look in the valley between the two main mountain peaks. You’ll see a dead ended lower road that’s just above where it is.

15. Grande Pastura, Coordinates: 50.72 N, 38.67 E –Find the Cliffside facing the ocean on the north end and you should find the shovel there.

16. Grande Pastura, Coordinates: 50.80 N, 41.34 E –Find the ruined amphitheater and look on the stairs on the east wall. The shovel should be in a nearby corner.

17. Grande Pastura, Coordinates: 51.40 N, 43.10 E –Find the section where sand blends in with some nearby shrubs on the beach, and you’ll see a large boulder with the part next to it.

18. Grande Pastura, Coordinates: 50.34 N, 44.35 E –Head to the top of the cliff and find the snowy mountain, then check to the northeast to find the part.

19. Litore Torto, Coordinates: 48.72 N, 46.69 E –Find the large cliff, then look inside the nearby crevasse that’s covered in shadows.

20. Litore Torto, Coordinates: 47.97 N, 46.67 E –Find the valley that coordinates with the ocean to the east and look between the two mountains. You’ll find a bunch of bushes and trees, along with the part.

21. Montana, Coordinates: 48.27 N, 43.62 E –If you can find the Mountain Marathon Tour Wingsuit Course, this part is nearby, in a snowy crevasse heading west of that current area.

22. Montana, Coordinates: 48.32 N, 43.23 E –You’ll find a cliff facing the north side of a mountain range with snow on it. Look in the tiny rock-filled area (it’s a bit dark) to locate the part.

Beat the story missions and find all of the collectibles with our Just Cause 3 Walkthrough and Guide.

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