Street Fighter 6 is all about bragging rights and besting your friends and enemies in the heat of battle. Your rank, data, and avatar can really let you express yourself and show off to your friends and family how good (or bad!) you are at the game. Is Street Fighter 6 cross-platform? We have the answer for you below.
Does SF6 Have Cross-platform Play?
First off, Cross Platform can mean a lot of things. So let’s break down each one.
Street Fighter 6 does have cross-platform play, meaning you can play against players regardless if they are on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, or PC. As long as you’re signed into your Capcom ID, you can add friends for all different platforms, create rooms with them, and find them in the Battle Hub to duke it out.
Related: Street Fighter 6 Review | Hadokens Heard Around the World
Does Your Street Fighter 6 Data Have Cross-Platform Access?
Street Fighter 6 does not share your data, avatar, and rank across different platforms. For instance, if you primarily play on PlayStation 5 and decide to switch to Xbox Series X, you will not be able to bring over all of your data despite using the same Capcom ID.
This information comes directly from the Street Fighter 6 FAQ page on the official website.
“The play data stored online (avatar data, rank, etc.) is managed separately for each platform and as such cannot be shared across different platforms.”
However, if you play on the same network of consoles, i.e. PlayStation, your progress will carry over.
“As long as you have linked your CAPCOM ID to your PlayStation™Network account beforehand, you will be able to use your data from the PlayStation®4 on PlayStation®5”.
That’s everything you need to know about Street Fighter 6 and if it is cross-platform. For more tips, tricks, and guides, be sure to check out Prima Games. Here’s how to change your control settings when you first get into online matches. If you’re someone who wants the classic Street Fighter controls, you’ll want to see this.
Published: Jun 2, 2023 2:54 PM UTC