If you’ve grown sick and tired of the endless loop of shooting, looting, and dying to hackers and no-life streamers, then perhaps it’s time to uninstall the game. Here is how to uninstall Escape From Tarkov.
Here’s How to Uninstall Escape From Tarkov
If you want to uninstall Escape From Tarkov, you will immediately note that your computer’s control panel is useless because EFT isn’t listed, only the launcher. To fully uninstall the game, you must navigate to the game’s folder, where there is an uninstaller packaged with the download.
It’s typically located at C:\Battlestate Games\BsgLauncher.

Once you’ve tracked down this folder, run the uninstaller. For that:
- Run the uninstall.exe.
- Select Uninstall.
- Wait for the game to uninstall itself.
You may need to clean up some leftover files by deleting the EFT folder. If you ever reinstall the game, it will make a new folder, so don’t worry.
Looping back around. If you’re having trouble finding the EFT folder, then run the game’s launcher and select Settings from the top menu. You will then want to choose Game Directory, which will open a direct line to the file directory. There, you will find the uninstaller.
How to Reset Your Account
Once you’re done uninstalling the game, you may also wish to reset your account for a full wipe. Just remember: this is permanent. Once you’ve reset your profile, you lose any items in your stash, your statistics, and more, but you will keep your nickname and friends list.
To reset your EFT account, visit the game’s website and log in with your email and password. Then, select the profile option in the top right corner. From here, choose Reset the Game Profile on the right-hand side. It will ask you to confirm this decision.
I’ve been there. Escape From Tarkov can become toxic and overwhelming, so there’s no shame in uninstalling and taking a break from the game. You can always return later. In the meantime, why not explore more about extraction shooters?
Published: Nov 16, 2023 7:54 PM UTC