FFXIV FFXV Event Mount
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How to Get the Regalia Type-G Mount in FFXIV

Even better than a Cybertruck.

One of the most enjoyable FFXIV mounts due to the sheer absurdity of driving this car around the various environments, the Regalia Type-G is a mount worth obtaining. It is only available during the FFXIV and FFXV Collaboration ‘A Nocturne for Heroes’, but you must dive deep into your pockets.

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To obtain the Regalia Type-G mount in FFXIV, you must participate in and complete the ‘A Nocturne for Heroes‘ during the event time period. The crossover event consists of three quests ending in a battle against Garuda. But all in all, it shouldn’t take you long to complete them. 

Once you have completed the ‘A Nocturne for Heroes’ event, you can purchase the Regalia Type-G Mount directly from the Ironworks Vendor at the Gold Saucer (X:5.3, Y:6.3) for 200,000 MGP. That’s quite a lot of MGP, but if you spend time participating in numerous activities in the Gold Saucer, you’ll be able to obtain the required amount of MGP by the end of the event period.

Completing the FFXIV Nocturne for Heroes Event

The limited-time event consists of three quests and a final Garuda fight you will need to emerge victorious from to complete the event and be eligible to purchase the Regalia Type-G Mount. You will be able to begin each quest at the following locations.

Quest NameNPCLocation
The Man in BlackKipih JakkyaUl’dah, Steps of Nald (X:8.5, Y:9.7)
In the Dark of NightKipih JakkyaUl’dah, Steps of Nald (X:8.5, Y:9.7)
Messenger of the WindsNoctisNew Gridania (X:11.4, Y:11.3)

Earning MGP to Purchase the Regalia Type-G Mount in FFXIV

Proving more difficult than the event itself is obtaining enough MGP by the end of it to purchase the Regalia Type-G mount. It is worth 200,000 MGP, and depending on how frequently or infrequently you visit the Gold Saucer, it may take some time to obtain that much. Some aspects of the Gold Saucer reward more MGP than others, so I have compiled a list of ways to earn MGP during the 2024 iteration of the FFXIV and FFXV collaborative event.

Moogle Treasure Trove (2024 specific)The current Moogle Treasure Trove event runs concurrently with the FFXIV and FFXV event. One of the rewards is an MGP Platinum Card, which gives the player 50,000 MGP.
Jumbo CactpotEnter and pray to the RNG gods that you win the lot. Purchase three tickets weekly for the weekly draw on Saturday mornings (11 AM PST).
Mini CactpotPurchase three Mini Cactpot tickets daily.
Fashion ReportEnter an outfit worth 80 points or more to receive 60,000 MGP weekly.
Gold Saucer Challenge LogComplete various tasks in the Gold Saucer Challenge Log for MGP rewards.
GATESParticipate in various GATES every 20 minutes in the Gold Saucer to earn MGP rewards.

When you have obtained your mount, you’ll be able to drive around Eorzea in style. If one thing is for sure though, it’s that spending all of that time in the Gold Saucer earning the Regalia Type-G mount should have you ready to explore everything that the Gold Saucer has to offer in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

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Image of Priscilla Wells
Priscilla Wells
Priscilla is both the weekend editor and a freelance writer at Prima Games. She began working at Prima Games in early 2023. Prior to this, she spent nine years writing for both her own personal gaming blog, and other related websites. Priscilla has grown up playing video games, and most often plays her PS5 and Nintendo Switch consoles. You can find her playing Final Fantasy XIV, RuneScape, Pokemon GO, or lost in the latest RPG to release. She is an Australian living in the United States with her American husband, three children, and her Basset Hound. Before moving to the United States, Priscilla obtained a Bachelors of Secondary Education majoring in English and Japanese Language. This allowed her to teach English and Japanese in a high school setting. You can follow her on Twitter/X at @Cilllah