Nightmare Dungeons are some of the toughest challenges in Diablo 4, but the level of difficulty really depends on how high the tier of your Nightmare Sigil is. In this guide, I’ll outline how you can start getting higher-tier Nightmare Sigils and what is required to take them on in Sanctuary.
Diablo 4 – Where to Get Higher Tier Nightmare Sigils
To get higher-tier Nightmare Sigils, you must unlock World Tier 4 and use the Occultist to craft the more challenging sigils in Diablo 4. You can also unlock the higher tiers by simply completing Nightmare Dungeons and progressing through the levels, but there is a lot more chance involved and certainly much more time.
At World Tier 3, you can start crafting Nightmare Sigils to a certain tier. Anything from Tier 1 to Tier 20 is considered World Tier 3 difficulty or Sacred. After Tier 21, there is an additional 80 Tiers to complete for Nightmare Dungeons. These can only be completed on World Tier 4, and they have a ton of range in difficulty.
Related: How to Get Sigil Powder in Diablo 4
To craft the Sigils at the Occultist and skip the tiers, you need Sigil Powder. The powder is earned by completing Nightmare Dungeons or deconstructing the Sigils you already have. By simply completing dungeons, I have managed to stockpile over 2,000 Sigil Powder. Considering the most expensive Tiers only require 450 Sigil Powder, which are Tier 90-100, it won’t take long to reach those levels.
However, actually completing them is a different story. I have a level 75 character, and I have managed to complete Tier 40, but I could tell enemies were going to get much more difficult. At Tier 40 in Diablo 4, the enemies are already at level 90 and hit much harder.
For a full rundown on how to craft with the Occultist, check out my guide on how to craft Nightmare Sigils in Diablo 4.
Published: Jun 20, 2023 9:13 PM UTC