Grinding for weapons with perfect god rolls is an endless chase in Destiny 2, but Bungie has decided to give away some god-roll weapons to players as an apology while fixing RNG perk weighting issues. Here is how to claim your free god-roll weapons in Destiny 2.
How to Get Free God Roll Weapons in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 players can claim the six free weapons by visiting the Banshee-44 Gunsmith vendor at The Tower. He is nestled in a little corner shop between the Vault terminals and Master Rahool in the center section of the area.
The six weapons will be underneath the Weapons category on the next page and can be freely claimed. No Glimmer or other currency is required to claim the weapons. All six are completely free for most players.
However, two of the weapons will be locked for players who do not own and have completed the dungeon activity associated with the weapon. The Indebted Kindness sidearm requires the Warlord’s Ruin dungeon (Lightfall expansion), while the VS Chill Inhibitor grenade launcher requires the Vesper’s Host dungeon (The Final Shape expansion).
Free God Roll Weapons List for Destiny 2: Revenant

The free god roll weapons will be available in the game starting Nov. 19, though Bungie has not provided an end date on the free promotion. It is best to grab the weapons at your earliest convenience. Here are all six god-rolled weapons and their perks:
- Compass Rose shotgun
- Corkscrew Rifling
- Light Mag
- Snapshot Sights
- Slideshot
- Handling Masterwork
- Hothead (Adept) rocket launcher
- Hard Launch
- Impact Casing
- Tracking Module
- Clown Cartridge
- Reload Masterwork
- Indebted Kindness sidearm
- Smart Drift Control
- Tactical Mag
- Loose Change
- Voltshot
- Velocity Masterwork
- Multimach CCX submachine gun
- Polygonal Rifling
- Tactical Mag
- Attrition Orbs
- Kinetic Tremors
- Reload Masterwork
- Rose hand cannon
- Fluted Barrel
- Accurized Rounds
- Slideshot
- Explosive Payload
- Smooth Grip
- Handling Masterwork
- VS Chill Inhibitor grenade launcher
- Countermass
- Spike Grenades
- Envious Arsenal
- Bait and Switch
- Reload Masterwork
For more on the Destiny 2: Revenant season, check out how to get the Ice Breaker Exotic sniper rifle and add more variety to your weapon collection.
Published: Nov 20, 2024 02:44 pm