If your island is in the Northern Hemisphere, you have the opportunity to catch a Venus’ Flower Basket in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
The sea creature was made available to Northern Hemisphere players on October 1 and will be available until February of 2021. To help make things easier, we’ve put together a quick guide explaining how to get a Venus’ Flower Basket in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
How to Get Venus’ Flower Basket in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the Venus’ Flower Basket is a sea creature that’s available in the Northern Hemisphere from October until February. To get your hands on one you’ll need to own a Wet Suit and familiarize yourself with ocean diving.
The Venus’ Flower Basket can only be caught in the ocean, meaning you’ll need to put on your Wet Suit, dive into the ocean, swim around, and search for bubbles floating up to the surface. These bubbles indicate the presence of a sea creature.
Swim near these bubbles, then press Y to dive under the water’s surface and collect the creature at the bottom. The creature will be indicated by a shadow with shadows varying in size like fish shadows.
The Venus’ Flower Basket is represented by a large shadow and can be caught at all hours of the day.
Note that you may need to be careful to not spook the Venus’ Flower Basket, if you do, it’ll start swimming away and you’ll have to give chase. If that happens, swim slowly, follow the bubbles, inch forward, and right when you’re above the bubbles press Y to dive.
If you need to chase the shadow, press A to swim forward. Once you grab the Venus’ Flower Basket and pull it up to the surface, you’ll see it represented as shown in the photo below:
Keep in mind that the Venus’ Flower Basket is a rare find, so you may need to spend a good amount of time swimming around and diving for sea creatures before you’re able to get your hands on one.
When you’re able to catch a Venus’ Flower Basket you can give the first one to Blathers and then sell the rest of your Venus’ Flower Basket stash for 5,000 Bells a piece.
Again, the only way to get a Venus’ Flower Basket is by diving in the ocean. It’s a rare sea creature, so be patient.
Related: All New October Fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Now that you know how to catch a Venus’ Flower Basket in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, we have a few other guides for the game that we think you’ll find helpful including:
- All New October Bugs in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
- How to Get Pumpkins in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Acorn DIY Recipes List
Published: Oct 6, 2020 3:37 AM UTC