Horizon Zero Dawn – Deep Secrets of the Earth Puzzle Solution

Learn how to solve the two dial puzzles in Deep Secrets of the Earth.

Horizon Zero Dawn – Deep Secrets of the Earth Puzzle Solution

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Most of the puzzles in Horizon Zero Dawn take the form of simple dials, which players must move to one of the four corresponding directions on the dial itself. Usually these puzzles are pretty easy to complete, with their solutions being detailed on the wall directly next to them.

Unfortunately, one of these puzzles does prove a bit more challenging, and in this article we’ll show you how to complete the Deep Secrets of the Earth puzzle in Horizon Zero Dawn, which you run into when playing through the mission. 

How to Find the Puzzle

You’ll find this puzzle during the mission Deep Secrets of the Earth. While exploring the area, and following your waypoint, you arrive in a room with two separate puzzles, one on either side. Unfortunately, the puzzle to the right is missing a dial, so you’ll need to replace it. In order to find it, you must first solve the puzzle on the left.

How to Repair the Dial

Use your Focus to locate the puzzle solution next to the dials, then enter in the desired combination. In this instance, the solution is:

Left, Up, Left, Down, Right.

With the left puzzle solved, power will return to a nearby door. Head through the door, and explore the area until you locate the mission dial that you need. Now, head back to the puzzle room and insert the dial.

How to Solve the Second Puzzle

With the dial in place, it’s finally time to solve that pesky puzzle. Using your Focus, take a look at the panel to the left of the dials to find the solution. Once you enter it in, though, you’ll discover that it doesn’t work.

To find the true solution to the puzzle, use your Focus and listen to the datapoint off to the left of the dials. They’ll give a clue that’s very important to solving this puzzle. Apparently someone has hooked up the dials incorrectly, and the combination needed to power the door has actually been reversed. So, to solve the puzzle you’ll need to enter in the reverse of the combination given on the panel. Enter the following combination from left to right:

Down, Left, Up, Right, Down.

This will solve the second puzzle, and restore power to the door, allowing you to continue your journey deeper into the installation. You can return to our Horizon Zero Dawn guide for more articles like this. We even have guides that will help you learn how to fast travel, as well as a detailed article on how to get the Shield-Weaver armor, which is the strongest armor in the game.

Also, don’t forget to take a look at our guides on the best skills in the game, as well as our primer on how to get the best weapons.



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