Ghost of Tsushima is a character-oriented story, revolving around Jin Sakai as he overcomes an internal struggle while seeking revenge against an invading army. But that doesn’t mean players don’t have any customization options. Jin collects various sets of armor and other clothing throughout his journey, and plenty of ways to dress up his stuff.
Ghost of Tsushima: How to Dye Armor
One example is dyes, which merchants across Tsushima sell in exchange for flowers. You’ll find different merchants across your travels, spread all over the game’s world. Many of them have overlap in what they sell, but some other merchants are distinct, such as the trophy-awarding black and white dye merchants. Once you purchase a dye for a specific item, you’ll be able to swap between your acquired options in the game’s menu.
Related: Ghost of Tsushima: How to Find Flowers
Flowers can be a bit tricky to find, but luckily for you the merchants in the area want them so badly they’ll help you find them. The first time you encounter a merchant, they’ll give you the Traveler’s Attire outfit, the basic function of which is to buzz at you when you’re close to an artifact. But if you go to the map while you have it equipped, you get an additional Guiding Wind target, for undiscovered flowers.
Once you have plenty of flowers your cosmetic options will really open up, as merchants also sell things like sword kits that can dramatically change how your weapons look as well. One thing to keep in mind however, is that during Act 1 you’ll come to find that merchants all sell the same selection of armor dyes. That said, once you advance further in the story and gain access to the Kamigata and Toyotama areas, you’ll be able to find more options for sale.
There’s a lot of nuance to finding everything you’ll want to in Ghost of Tsushima, especially when it comes to customizing Jin’s look. Luckily for you we already have tons of guide content! Check out some more relevant guides via the links below:
- How to Get and Use the Grappling Hook in Ghost of Tsushima
- Where is the White Dye Merchant in Ghost of Tsushima?
- Where to Find Golden Temple Vanity Gear in Ghost of Tsushima
What’s your favorite set of equipment and cosmetic options to use with your Ghost of Tsushima dye collection? Do you just wing it until you find something you like, or do you put the time into making Jin a master of samurai fashion? Let us know what your experience has been over on the Prima Games Facebook and Twitter channels!
Published: Jul 30, 2020 07:01 pm