Gears 5 Collectibles Guide: Where to Find Act 3 and 4 Collectibles

Time to round out your Gears 5 Collectibles collection with our guide to all of the hidden items in Acts 3 and 4.
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If you’ve been keeping up with our Gears 5 Collectibles guides, then you’re on the right track to getting every single collectible in the entire game. If you’ve missed out on our guides for Act 1 and Act 2, then you can catch up on each of them here. Otherwise, read on for the final Acts of the game and use this Gears 5 Collectibles guide to make sure that you leave no stone unturned.

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Gears 5 Collectibles Guide: Where to Find Act 3 Collectibles

Let’s have a gander at the collectibles in Act 3. We’ve broken the location list down by chapter again for your convenience, so if you just follow the order that we’ve put them in, it should be a relatively straight line from start to finish of the content.

Chapter 1 – Fighting Chance

  • Corisku Airport – look immediately to the bar to find an abandoned newspaper.
  • Doomed Empire, Chapter 9 — once you’re on the lower floor, head to Baird and then take a right. Once you’ve passed some luggage, you’ll find this Gears 5 collectible.
  • Missive to Agent 9 — if you’re hold up in the northernmost corner of the airport, head to the computers and you’ll see this missive on the wall.
  • Nomad’s Creed — sandwiched between the two helicopters, you’ll see a tent and some tables set up. Look for the telltale knife. 
  • The Astounding Lightning Rangers — inside Hangar 4, pop by the helicopter and check the rack next to it for this item.

Chapter 2 – Rocket Plan Collectible

  • Hammer of Dawn Command Case — the first control room will have a skeleton by the first door.
  • OZP-11 Termination Directive — don’t progress to the orange platform where indicated. Before you head up, go to your team’s platform and you’ll find this on top of a barrel.
  • UIR Space Mission Brief — once you’ve cleared the hallways of enemies, don’t hop to what the game wants right away; double back and hang a right to find this.
  • Loyalist Order From Major Toly — once you’ve been ushered forward, head to the sandbags on the right and the crate just beyond for this Gears 5 collectible.
  • The Major’s Speech — once you hit the stairway that the game forces you through, keep to the left to find this item on a console.
  • UIR Tag: Lieutenant Melich — once you’re at Turntable Station, follow through to the room at the furthest part of the area and look to the far wall for this tag.

Chapter 3 – Some Assembly Required

  • Nomad’s Sketchbook — once you’ve cleared out the Waterpump Station of enemies and headed to the end of the compound, you’ll see this sketchbook and find someone to chat to in the same room.
  • UIR LC Circuit A1 — we’d recommend picking up the City Ruins optional quest at the same time here. You’ll have to destroy a door as part of this mission. Once you’ve done so, hang right and head up some stairs to find this Gears 5 collectible.
  • Well-Worn Vasgari Flag — make sure you’re in the vicinity of the Waterpump Station. Pop behind the nearby skiff and you’ll see a prominent flag on the wall. 
  • UIR Tag: Fallen Loyalist — at the entrance of the Rocket Hangar you’ll find a deceased UIR soldier and these tags.
  • Loyalist Orders to Lieutenant Melich — head due south when you’ve passed the Harbor Docks until you see some tanks in disrepair. Check the back of one of them.
  • UIR LC Circuit C1 — once you’ve made quick work of enemies in the Artillery Battery, look around in the room that the game leaves you in to find this item on a table.
  • Emergency Loyalist Radiogram — look around after picking up the Circuit and this will be right there.
  • RNV Borascu Captain’s Log — take up the Cargo Shipwreck quest and make sure that once you’ve taken care of all the relevant enemies. Once you’ve done so, hang right and press on until you see a shipping container, which will have the captain’s log.
  • UIR LC Circuit B1 — before you progress into the Shipwreck, you’ll see a nomad corpse to loot for this item.
  • Lightmass Missile Fragment — before popping into the Cosmonaut Training Facility, look to the right on the ground.
  • UIR Tag: Captain Tagger — after the centrifuge has malfunctioned, head forward as per the directions of the game but make sure that you keep left to find this tag on the ground.
  • Fallen Nomad’s Visor — once you hit the Nomad Convoy, hang right to find a destroyed tank and pick up the visor that’s lying around.

Gears 5 Collectibles Guide: Where to Find Act 4 Collectibles

You’re only going to have to worry about one chapter here in the final act of Gears 5, so here are the last few collectibles:

  • Encyclopedia of Tyran Military History — once you descend the stairs in the room that contains a piano, you’ll see this encyclopedia in plain sight.
  • Ruptured Gear Helmet — move outside and head right instead of following the game’s directions to head left, making sure that you climb the rock-face to find a helmet for this Gears 5 collectible.
  • COG Tags: Minh Young Kim — make sure you’re still hanging right and you’ll move forward and past an ambulance. Watch out for the car with rocks on top of it to find this set of tags.
  • Restoration Notice: Tomb of the Unknowns — before you head to the tomb, check the entrance and you’ll find this on the wall.

We’ve now laid out all the different locations for the collectibles in every Act in Gears 5, so catching them all is going to be a piece of cake for you. Check out guides hub for other useful tips and tricks to keep in mind when running through the game.

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Image of Ginny Woo
Ginny Woo
Ginny hails from just south of Mordor, and when she's not debating others about the One Ring then she's probably glued to an MMO or a JRPG. With Final Fantasy XIV, Destiny 2, and World of Warcraft on her plate, she's always got something to chat about and a sneaky guide up her sleeve. If writing's not on the cards, then she's probably drinking way too much coffee.