Potions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 – All Alchemy Recipes and Where To Find Them

Become the master of alchemy with this cheat sheet!

Alchemy is one of the most involved and detailed systems in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Players who take the time to master alchemy will be rewarded with powerful potions that you can use or sell for plenty of groschen

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With strict instructions to follow and ingredients to gather, you will need plenty of patience.

To prepare a potion, players will first need to learn a recipe. You can purchase several recipes in Trosky and Kuttenberg from different traders, herbalists, and apothecaries. Here are all the recipes you can find in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, with the ingredients and herbs required, step-by-step instructions, and where to buy them.

All Alchemy Recipes in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

PotionPotion IllustrationIngredients RequiredRecipieWhere to purchase
Aqua VitalisAqua Vitalis PotionBase: Water
2x Dandelion
1x Marigold
1. Add the Dandelion to the cauldron and boil for one turn
2. Grind the marigold and add it to the cauldron
3. Boil for two turns
4. Finally, distil
Herbalist Barnaby


Apothecary (Kuttenberg)
ArtemisiaArtemisia PotionBase: Spiritus
2x Wormwood
1x Sage
1. Add the sage to the cauldron and boil for one turn
2. Grind the wormwood and add it to the cauldron
3. Boil for two turns
4. Finally, distil
Herbalist Barnaby

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)

Apothecary (Pschitoky)
BaneBane poisonBase: Wine
1x Wormwood
2x Belladonna
1x Amanita Muscaria
1. Add Wormwood to the cauldron and boil for two turns
2. Grind the belladonna and add to the cauldron
3. Boil for one turn using the bellows
4. Add the fly agaric to the cauldron
5. Finally, distil

Bowman’s BrewBowman's brewBase: Spiritus
2x Eyebright
1x St. John’s Wort
1. Add the eyebright to the cauldron and boil for three turns
2. Grind the St. John’s wort and add it to the cauldron
3. Boil for one turn using the bellows
4. Finally, distil
Herbalist Barnaby

Buck’s BloodBuck's Blood PotionBase: Oil
1x St. John’s wort
1x Dandelion
1x Comfrey
1. Grind the St. John’s wort and add it to the cauldron
2. Add the comfrey to the cauldron and boil for 1 turn
3. Add the dandelion to the cauldron and using the bellows, boil for one turn
4. Finally, pour

Apothecary Emmerich

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)

Apothecary (Pschitoky)
Chamomile BrewChamomile Brew PotionBase: Wine
2x Chamomile
1x Sage
1. Add the chamomile and boil for one turn
2. Grind the sage and add it to the cauldron
3. Finally, pour

Apothecary Emmerich

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)

Apothecary (Pschitoky)
CockerelCockerel PotionBase: Spiritus
1x Valerian
2x Mint
1. Grind the mint and add it to the cauldron
2. Boil for one turn
3. Add the valerian and boil for two turns
4. Finally, distil
Apothecary (Kuttenberg)

Apothecary (Pschitoky)
Digestive PotionDigestive PotionBase: Water
1x Nettle
2x Thistle
1x Charcoal
1. Add the thistle to the cauldron and boil for two turns
2. Grind the nettle and add it to the cauldron
3. Boil for one turn
4. Grind the charcoal and add it to the cauldron 5. Finally, pour
Apothecary Emmerich

Herbalist Barnaby
Dollmaker PoisonDollmaker PoisonBase: Spiritus
1x Valerian
2x Herb Paris
1. Add the herb paris to the cauldron and boil for three turns
2. Grind the valerian and add it to the cauldron
3. Boil for two turns
4. Finally, distil
Herbalist Barnaby


EmbrocationEmbrocationBase: Oil
1x Eyebright
1x Poppy
1x Valerian
1x Boar’s Tusk
1. Add the poppy and valerian to the cauldron and boil for two turns
2. Grind the eyebright and add it to the cauldron
3. Add the boar’s tusk and boil for one turn
4. Finally, pour

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)
FoxFox PotionBase: Oil
1x Nettle
1x St. John’s Wort
1x Belladonna
1x Charcoal
1. Grind the St. John’s wort and nettles
2. Add them to the cauldron and boil for two turns
3. Grind the charcoal and add it to the cauldron 4. Add the belladonna and boil for one turn
5. Finally, pour.
Apothecary (Kuttenberg)

Apothecary (Pschitoky)
Hair o’ the DogHair o' the Dog PotionBase: Water
1x Sage
1x St. John’s wort
1x Mint
1. Add the sage and St. John’s wort to the cauldron
2. Boil for three turns
3. Grind the mind and add it to the cauldron
4. Finally, pour
Apothecary Emmerich

Herbalist Barnaby

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)
Lead Shot GunpowderBase: Water
1x Sulphur
1x Saltpetre
1x Charcoal
1. Grind the sulphur and saltpetre and add it to the cauldron
2. Boil for two turns
3. Grind the charcoal and add it to the cauldron 4. Boil for two turns
5. Pour into a mortar and grind
Apothecary (Kuttenberg)
Lethean WaterBase: Spiritus
2x Wormwood
1x Belladonna
1x Henbane
1. Grind the wormwood and add it to the cauldron
2. Add the belladonna and brew for three turns 3. Add the henbane
4. Finally, distil
Quest Item – The Thunderstone

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)
Lion PerfumeLion PerfumeBase: Spiritus
2x Sage
2x Mint
1. Add the sage to the cauldron and boil for two turns
2. Grind the mint and add it to the cauldron
3. Finally, pour
Apothecary Emmerich

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)

Quest Item – Wedding Crashers
Lullaby PotionLullaby PotionBase: Oil
x1 Poppy
x1 Herb Paris
x1 Thistle
1. Add the poppy and boil for one turn.
2. Add the thistle and boil for one turn
3. Grind the herb paris and add it to the cauldron.
4. Finally, pour.
Herbalist Barnaby
Marigold DecoctionMarigold DecoctionBase: Water
1x Nettle
2x Marigold
1. Add the nettle to the cauldron and boil for two turns
2. Grind the marigold and add it to the cauldron
3. Finally, pour
Apothecary Emmerich

Herbalist Barnaby

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)

Apothecary (Pschitoky)
Mintha PerfumeMintha PerfumeBase: Wine
3x Dandelion
1x Marigold
1x Mint
1. Grind the dandelion and mint and add them to the cauldron
2. Boil for two turns
3. Add the marigold to the cauldron and boil for one turn using the bellows
4. Finally, distil
Apothecary Emmerich

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)
MoonshineMoonshineBase: Spiritus
2x Mint
2x Wormwood
1. Add the wormwood to the cauldron and boil for two turns
2. Grind the mint and add it to the cauldron
3. Boil for one turn
4. Finally, distil
Nighthawk PotionNighthawk PotionBase: Water
2x Eyebright
1x Belladonna
1x Chamomile
1. Grind the eyebright and add it to the cauldron
2. Add the belladonna and boil for three turns 3. Grind the chamomile and add it to the cauldron
4. Finally, pour

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)
Painkiller BrewPainkiller brew PotionBase: Spiritus
3x Poppy
1x Comfrey
1x Marigold
1. Grind the poppy and add it to the cauldron
2. Add the marigold and using the bellows, boil for one turn
3. Add the comfrey and boil for two turns
4. Finally, distil
Herbalist Barnaby


Apothecary (Kuttenberg)

Apothecary (Pschitoky)
Quickfinger PotionQuickfinger potionBase: Water
2x Eyebright
2x Valerian
1x Cobweb
1. Add the cobweb and eyebright to the cauldron and boil for three turns
2. Grind the valerian and add it to the cauldron 3. Boil for one turn
4. Finally, pour


Apothecary (Kuttenberg)
Saviour SchnappsSaviour SchnappsBase: Wine
1x Nettle
2x Belladonna
1. Add the nettle to the cauldron and boil for two turns
2. Grind the belladonna
3. Add the belladonna to the cauldron and boil for one turn
4. Finally, pour
Unmissable – Main Story
Scattershot GunpowderBase: Water
1x Sulphur
1x Saltpetre
1x Leached Charcoal
1. Grind the sulphur and saltpetre and add them to the cauldron
2. Boil for three turns
3. Grind the infused charcoal and add it to the cauldron
4. Boil for one turn
5. Pour into a mortar and grind
Apothecary (Kuttenberg)
SoapSoapBase: Oil
2x Thistle
1x Dandelion
1x Charcoal
1. Grind the thistle and add it to the cauldron
2. Boil for two turns
3. Add the dandelion to the cauldron and boil for one turn
4. Grind the charcoal and add it to the cauldron 5. Finally, pour
Apothecary Emmerich

Apothecary (Kuttenberg)

Recipe Merchants – Herbalists, Apothecaries & More

There are several merchants and traders from whom you can purchase these recipes. A few recipes can only be purchased from specific traders.

Apothecary Emmerich

You can find Apothecary Emmerich at his store in Troskowitz.

He has the following recipes for sale:


You can find Aranka at the Nomad Camp, northwest of Semine.

She has the following recipes for sale:

Herbalist Barnaby

You can find Herbalist Barnaby at his abode north of Trosky Castle.

She has the following recipes for sale:

Apothecary – Kuttenberg

You can find the Apothecary at his shop in Kuttenberg.

Apothecary – Pschitoky

You can find the Apothecary in Pschitoky.


Balthazar is a wandering merchant who you will run into at different parts of Trosky and Kuttenberg. I encountered him at a campsite in Semine. He does not have a fixed location, and you’ll have to keep an eye out for him.

How To Learn a Recipe in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Once you purchase a recipe, you must first learn it. Open your inventory, and hold E while highlighting the recipe. It will then be added to the “Potions” section in the crafting menu.

The alchemy minigame can be a bit difficult at first, but it’s fun once you take the time to learn its intricacies. That said, herbs serve as the main ingredients for the majority of these recipes, and we have tracked down each herb in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, along with tips on how you can preserve herbs and food items.

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Image of Ali Hashmi
Ali Hashmi
Ali has been writing about video games for the past six years and is always on the lookout for the next indie game to obsess over and recommend to everyone in sight. When he isn't spending an unhealthy amount of time in Slay the Spire, he's probably trying out yet another retro-shooter or playing Dark Souls for the 50th time.