Season X has brought plenty of changes to the world of Fortnite Battle Royale. One of the most significant changes made to Fortnite with Season X is the change to the challenge system. Instead of weekly challenges, players now have different mission questlines which offer challenges for players to complete. These mission questlines also offer prestige challenges which provide a harder difficulty and valuable rewards. One of the latest prestige challenges to be added to Fortnite in Season X is to visit two graffiti billboard locations in one match. If you need help with finding these two locations, be sure to check out them out below.
Fortnite Graffiti Billboard Locations
The billboards players are looking for to complete this challenge are marked by the GG yellow head spray. Three locations where players can find these structures can be found on the north side of Shifty Shafts, the north side a hill which can be found between the areas of Shifty Shafts and Salty Springs, and one on the racetrack located north of Paradise Palms.
(image source: Fortnite Search)
You will need to be careful visiting these locations where a graffiti billboard can be found. The reason for this cautious nature is that there are likely to be many players also searching for these Graffiti billboards, which mean you will probably find some resistance when traveling to them.
Are you looking for more help in navigating the world of Fortnite challenges besides finding the locations of a graffiti billboard? Be sure to check out all of our other handy guides for the high-profile battle royale game.
(cover photo courtesy of Android Central)
Published: Aug 9, 2019 06:01 pm