FFXIV: How to Catch a Goobbue in Island Sanctuary

No manners. All mass.

Final Fantasy XIV’s latest 6.2 content patch released on August 23, and with it came the introduction of one of the most highly-anticipated new features – the Island Sanctuary. A home away from home of sorts, the Sanctuary offers players a private, secluded island of their own with endless resources to gather, tools to craft, workshops to construct, and more. Amongst the various wildlife available for capture on the island lurks the most ferocious, frightening, and towering creature of them all – the Goobbue. Just kidding! This gentle giant’s worst crime is covering you in saliva and bile after a big, uncovered sneeze. Wanna take one home? Keep reading to learn how to catch a Goobbue in FFXIV’s Island Sanctuary.

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Capturing Animals in FFXIV Island Sanctuary

Although they appear friendly and docile, the wildlife around your island won’t simply follow you back home. You’ll need to craft a specific restraint based on your target’s size. Because the Goobbue is considered a Large animal, only a Makeshift Soporific is strong enough to get the job done. To craft this restraint, you’ll first need to reach Rank 8 and gather the following materials:

  • 2 Island Laver
  • 1 Island Sap
  • 2 Island Jellyfish

After crafting, switch over to Capture mode and select the Makeshift Soporific as your tool.

Capturing the Goobbue – Time, Weather, and Location

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The Goobbue won’t be an easy catch, as their chance of spawning is based both on the Eorzean time of day and the type of weather pattern on your island. This means that you may only get one or two chances per day to even spot them, let alone catch one. Between the morning hours of 9 AM to 12 PM Eorzean time and during “Clouds” weather, you can head towards the north-eastern edges of your island around the (X: 33, Y: 16) coordinates to spot the massive sneezer in action. To check the current weather, hover over the small icon attached to your minimap.

If you see the Goobbue, approach them from behind and use the Makeshift Soporific to hopefully make a successful catch. If you fail to catch them, you’ll have to wait until the next opportunity arises as time and weather align again. If you’re successful, however, you’ll find your new Goobbue friend back at the pasture in your Island Sanctuary stomping around with your other animals. Feed them well and keep their mood levels high, as the Goobbue drops Sanctuary Fang leavings for you to collect once per day.

If this guide helped you out, make sure to check out our other guides on Final Fantasy XIV and more here at Prima Games.

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Image of Matt Vatankhah
Matt Vatankhah
Associate Editor
Matt's writing career began when he joined Prima Games in 2022. As Managing Editor, he tries to make sure everything you read looks as pretty as possible. He's had a passion for video games all of his life and really loves Final Fantasy, retro FPS, roguelikes, and metroidvanias. He will absolutely stomp you in Tetris.