Final Fantasy XIV is an amazing game that continually gets better and better. Longtime fans have enjoyed the wondrous story and plethora of things to do over the years. But, newcomers might find starting somewhat of a daunting idea. Here’s every FFXIV expansion, and in which order to play them.
All Final Fantasy XIV Expansions Listed
When starting FFXIV for the first time, you will be playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. A Realm Reborn was released on August 23, 2013, and was Square Enix’s second attempt at the MMORPG. The original version was a disaster, and ultimately was shuttered, and then instead 2.0 or A Realm Reborn was created. Many people are fond of FFXIV producer Yoshi-P, and it is evident as to why, as he headed this transformation. Now, FFXIV lives on as an amazing success, far from the initial launch. Below are all of the expansions that have been released post-A Realm Reborn.
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

Release Date: June 23, 2015
The first expansion had a lot riding on it. Could it live up to A Realm Reborn? Was the success of the relaunch of FFXIV a fluke, or could it be maintained? Clearly, there was no fluke, and the game has continued to meet success after success. Heavensward is quite gritty, and the storyline is deeper, darker, and more complex. But, that’s what makes the series so great. The way that they are developed, unfold, and relatable through their best and worst moments.
Heavensward set the bar for how nothing is safe nor sacred in this world. And, whilst it is hard to go into details without spoiling anything, you’ll probably need a box of tissues.
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood

Release Date: June 20, 2017
Stormblood shifts its focus to both Ala Mhigo and Doma. Two locations that yearn to take back their own freedom, and have the nations rebuilt. Stormblood improves on Heavensward’s storytelling and does a good job of making players emotionally invested in characters, whether new or old, friend or foe. Unless you’re Zenos yae Galvus, and you’re in a category all of your own.
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers

Release Date: July 2, 2019
FFXIV: Shadowbringers takes place on the First and explores the link between parallel universes. Plus, Emet-Selch. Shadowbringers received wide acclaim from everyone, and the story told is incredibly rich, detailed, and impactful. It also boasts the NieR Automata crossover. But, did I already mention Emet-Selch?
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

Release Date: December 7, 2021
One of, if not the most, emotionally impactful stories told in Final Fantasy XIV. To go into details would spoil the beautiful, potent message behind it. But, it is something that can transfer from the world of FFXIV to the real world, and bring with it a lot of meaning.
Endwalker concludes the Hydaelyn–Zodiark story that has been a theme throughout the series. The story focuses on the prevention of the Final Days and players finally set sail to Old Sharlayan.
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

Release Date: Summer 2024
As of the time of writing, Dawntrail is yet to be released with a tentative release date of around summer 2024. Despite it currently being unreleased, information continues to be revealed regarding certain aspects of the upcoming expansion. Such as very varied and intriguing environments, the Viper and Pictomancer jobs, and much more. With Endwalker finalizing the story told over many years, fans are excited to see the new direction that the story will go.
FFXIV is an amazing game that continues to improve upon itself with every release. It’s an amazing feat, and not only Yoshi-P, but the many talented hardworking people behind the scenes should be proud of what they have accomplished. If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not to jump into FFXIV, there is no better time than the present.
Published: Jan 14, 2024 6:17 PM UTC