Black Ops 4: Blackout – Zombie and Mystery Box Spawn Locations

Here’s where to hunt zombies and track down the mystery box in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout mode.
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Zombies are one of the major features that set Call of Duty: Blackout apart from other battle royale games. In Blackout, players can battle zombies and obtain new Mystery Box weapons by visiting several preset locations throughout the map. If you’re looking to encounter some undead foes in Blackout or want to roll the Mystery Box for a special weapon, then you’ll need to know where to find each Mystery Box and zombie spawn location in Blackout for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

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How Do Zombies and Mystery Boxes Work in Blackout?

Each zombie spawn location in Blackout will be marked by a tall blue beam of light that can be seen from nearly anywhere on the map. Zombies usually spawn a minute or two after the start of the match. Zombies can drop valuable loot when killed, including weapons, perks, and armor, making these zombie spawns that much more enticing.

Upon visiting a zombie spawn location, keep an eye out for the Mystery Box, which will appear after enough zombies have been killed. A sound will go off that can be heard in the vicinity when the Mystery Box is accessible. The Mystery Box will contain one of the many weapons available in Blackout, but sometimes the Mystery Box will also offer up iconic weapons from past iterations of Call of Duty Zombies, such as the Ray Gun or Zweihander. 

Zombie and Mystery Box Spawn Locations

There are five set locations where players can expect zombies and Mystery Boxes to spawn in Blackout. Each spawn location resembles part of an iconic Call of Duty Zombies map, such as Verrukt or TranZit. Look for the blue beam of light in the areas listed below to find each zombie spawn and Mystery Box in Blackout.

Blackout Zombies and Mystery Box Spawn Map

  • Asylum – The Asylum is one of the easiest places to find zombies in Blackout. Zombies tend to spawn within the main mansion. Look for the Mystery Box on the second floor of the mansion near the bathrooms.
  • Graveyard – Just southeast of the Asylum is a Graveyard where zombies are known to pop up. The Mystery Box will appear in the middle of the cemetery. 
  • The Diner – West of Array is a diner that players may remember from the TranZit Zombies map. Zombies will spawn around the outside of the diner, while the Mystery Box will appear on the rooftop. 
  • The Lighthouse – Players can expect to find a zombie spawn at the lighthouse south of the Cargo Docks on the southwest side of the map. This zombie spawn location harkens back to Call of the Dead. Look for the Mystery Box as you ascend the stairs leading up to the top of the lighthouse.
  • Boxing Gym – Along the road leading southeast out of Rivertown, players will find a boxing gym called The Anvil. Zombies tend to spawn within this building. Kill enough of them, and the Mystery Box will spawn in the center of the boxing ring.

There you have it. Now that you know where to find every zombie spawn and Mystery Box location in Blackout, you should be able to unlock the “Back in the Ground” Dark Ops challenge in no time. Check out some of our other Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 guides for more Blackout tips and tutorials.  

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Image of Larryn Bell
Larryn Bell
Larryn is a content creator on YouTube and a full-time writer who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She can often be found at small gatherings preaching the gospel of The Witcher 3.