All Sunyata Flowers Locations in Genshin Impact

Magical beings are the best gardeners ever

Sunyata Flowers are one of the main world exploration objectives found in Genshin Impact’s Girdle of the Sands area. They’re not found in the desert properly but in the Vourukasha Oasis, where the Pari race currently lives. And one of them is precisely the NPC, who tasks you with restoring those very special flowers in exchange for some rewards and an extra achievement. Here are the exact positions for each one of them.

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All Sunyata Flower Locations in Genshin Impact

There are four different fields of Sunyata Flowers scattered around the Oasis, and the only requirement is to unlock Sorush through the Khvarena of Good and Evil questline. You can complete them in any order, but one of them is time-gated through another World Quest, also unlocked through completing the main quests in the area.

Their locations are found below:

  • 1 – Southeast area, right next to the Waypoint and Sefana
  • 2 – Smaller field at southwest between two longs
  • 3 – Northwest in front of a cave entrance
  • 4 – Northeast of the Oasis, next to a chest puzzle (quest-only)
Screenshot by Prima Games

After approaching at least one of them, speak with Sefana (marked as “x”) to start her hidden quest of completing all challenges around the Oasis. You can complete all of them before speaking with her but don’t forget to go to her after completing them all for the Sea of Fertility secret achievements.

Go to any of the locations (except 4), and Sorush should trigger some dialogue. Equip her (if she’s not equipped already), and while controlling Sorush, approach the flowers to trigger its special challenge, which consists of touching all flowers to make them bloom and collecting all seeds that appear next to them. Completing the challenge will give you a chest, as usual.

Now you should see some orange fireflies hovering above the flowers. If you don’t see them, pause the game and adjust the time to evening (or teleport away and back until they spawn). Use a charged bow attack to stop one and use Sorush’s skill to capture it. Use it to make the flowers bloom further, and repeat the process as many times as needed until the garden fully blossoms. This will also give you another chest. 

Screenshot by Prima Games

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The fourth field is not necessary for the achievement and only appears during the “An Artist Adrift” third step, but it’s marked here so you know what you’re supposed to do when you get there. There are no fireflies for that one, so don’t bother waiting for them.

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Image of Patrick Souza
Patrick Souza
Patrick has been working for Prima since 2022 and joined as a Staff Writer in 2023. He's been interested in gaming journalism since college, and that was the path he took once he had his degree in hands. Diligently ignores his ever-growing backlog to keep raiding in Final Fantasy XIV, exploring in Genshin Impact or replaying some of his favorite RPGs from time to time. Loves tackling hard challenges in games, but his cats are still the hardest bosses he could ask for.