All Elizabeth Requests and Rewards in Persona 3 Reload, Listed (P3R)

More date scenes with Elizabeth when

If there’s one thing our favorite Velvet Room inhabitant has, it’s requests. Here are all of Elizabeth’s requests, rewards, and due dates in Persona 3 Reload.

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All Elizabeth Requests and Rewards in Persona 3 Reload, Listed (P3R)

Starting on 5/10, Elizabeth will offer you your first batch of requests. While these requests are optional, they’re a natural way to unlock new Theurgy for the protagonist, get some great gear, and some very ridiculous outfits for your squad.

 Some quests have expiration dates, while others are open-ended. But to unlock later quests, you’ll need to complete the quests first offered. For example, completing Shadow Hunting Milestone 1 will unlock Shadow Hunting Milestone 2, and so on. You can only talk to Elizabeth about requests outside of the Velvet Room on the ground floor of Tartarus or in the back alley of Paulownia Mall.

Elizabeth will then increase the number of requests available to you on the following days:

  • 6/13.
  • 7/9.
  • 8/8.
  • 9/10.
  • 10/6.
  • 11/6.
  • 12/8.
RequestDescriptionRewardDue Date
No. 1 – Bring me a Muscle DrinkBring Elizabeth 1 Muscle Drink.Soul Drop x 5 
No. 2 – Retrieve the first old document.Bring the “Old Document 01.”10,000 Yen. 
No. 3 – Shadow Hunting MilestoneDefeat a total of 100 Shadows.Cure Water x 3. 
No. 4 – Treasure Hunting MilestoneOpen a total of 50 treasure chests.Snuff Soul x 2. 
No. 5 – Create a Perona that’s level 13 or above.Have a Persona that is level 13 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Bufula Gem x 3 
No. 6 – Create a Persona with Kouha.Have a Persona with the skill, Kouha, in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Fierce Sutra x 2 
No. 7 – Bring me a Juzumaru.Show Elizabeth a Juzumaru.Makouha x 1 
No. 8 – Experiment with fortune telling.Make use of the “Rarity Fortune” that increases the appearance fo rare shadows.Speed Incense I x 3 
No. 9 – I’d like to try all kinds of drinks.Collect 12 different drinks from Vending Machines for Elizabeth.Media x 1 
No. 10 – I’d like to try a beef bowl.Bring 1 Umiushi Beef Bowl.Male Uniforms (W) 
No. 11 – Please prevail in the Big Eater ChallengeComplete the Big Eater Challenge at Wilduck Burger.Twilight Fragment x 3. 
No. 12 – Bring me pine resin.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Toy Bow6/6
No. 13 – Bring me a handheld game console.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Pixel Vest (M)6/6
No. 14 – Retrieve the second old document.Bring the “Old Documents 02.”20,000 Yen. 
No. 15 – Shadowing Hunting Milestone #2Defeat a total of 200 Shadows.Umugi Water x 3 
No. 16 – Treasure Hunting Milestone #2Open a total of 100 treasure chests.Chewing Soul x 2 
No. 17 – Fusion Series #1: Emperor, OberonHave an Oberon with the skill, Mazio, in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Female Uniforms (W) 
No. 18 – I’d like to be gifted a bouquet of flowers.Bring 1 Rose bouquet.Female Winter Garb. 
No. 19 – I want Jack Frost dolls.Bring Elizabeth not 1 Jack Frost Doll, but 3 of them.Twilight Fragment x 3 
No. 20 – Bring me some potent medicine.Bring 1 Potent Medicine.Steel Pipe. 
No. 21 –Retrieve the third old document.Bring the “Old Document 03.”30,000 Yen. 
No. 22 – Shadow Hunting Milestone #3Defeat a total of 300 Shadows.Bead x 3 
No. 23 – Persona Fusion MilestoneConduct a total of 20 Persona fusions.Twilight Fragment x 5 
No. 24 – Create a Persona that’s level 23 or above.Have a Persona that’s level 23 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Sugar Key. Allows you to fuse King Frost. 
No. 25 – Fusion Series #2: Chariot, MithrasHave a Mithras at level 26 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Male Winter Garb. 
No. 26 – Bring me an Onimaru Kunitsuna.Show Elizabeth an Onimaru Kunitsuna.Crit Rate Boost x 1 
No. 27 – Bring me a triangular sword.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Gallant Sneakers.7/5
No. 28 – Bring me a protein not for pros.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Spiked Bat.7/5
No. 29 – I want to look fashionable.Bring a fashionable item.Power Incense I x 57/5
No. 30 – Retrieve the fourth old document.Bring the “Old Document 04.”40,000 Yen 
No. 31 – Shadow Hunting Milestone #4Defeat a total of 450 Shadows.Kamimusubi Water x 2 
No. 32 – Treasure Hunting Milestone #3Open a total of 150 Treasure Chests.Snuff Soul x 6 
No. 33 – Persona Fusion Milestone #2Conduct a total of 35 Persona fusions.Twilight Fragment x 5 
No. 34 – Create a Persona with Torrent ShotHave a Persona with the skill, Torrent Shot, in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Attack Mirror x 3 
No. 35 – Fusion Series #3: Hermit, MothmanHave a Mothman with the skill, Agilao, in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Maid Outfit x 1 
No. 36 – Defeat a rare Shadow #1Defeat the rare Shadow in the third block, Yabbashah, and bring back 1 Rustic CoinOnyx x 7 
No. 37 – Traverse the Monad Passage.Defeat the Shadows lurking within the Monad Passage on the 91st floor in Yabbashah, the third block.Black Sword x 1 
No. 38 – I want to eat some chilled taiyaki.Bring 1 Chilled Taiyaki.Nihil Cloth x 1 
No. 39 – Let me hear music unique to Gekkoukan.Bring a CD associated with Gekkoukan High School.Female Uniforms (S) 
No. 40 – I’d like to see a pair of Max Safety Shoes.Bring 1 pair of Max Safety Shoes.Twilight Fragment x 3. 
No. 41 – Bring me the mysterious person’s autograph.Get an autograph from President Tanaka of Tanaka’s Amazing Commodities.Nihil Blade. 
No. 42 – Please feed the cat.Give the hungry cat some food.Male Summer Garb 
No. 43 – Bring me a Christmas Star.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Jack’s Gloves.8/4
No. 44 – I wish to feel the ocean.Bring something you find from the ocean.Amethyst x 5. Gemstone may differ depending on what item you give her. I opted to give her seaweed.) 
No. 45 – Retrieve the fifth old document.Bring the “Old Document 05.”50,000 Yen 
No. 46 – Shadow Hunting Milestone #5Defeat a total of 600 Shadows.Bead Chain x 2 
No. 47 – Treasure Hunting Milestone #4Open a total of 200 treasure chests.Precious Egg x 2 
No. 48 – Persona Fusion #3Conduct a total of 50 Persona fusions.Twilight Fragment x 5 
No. 49 – Create a Persona that’s level 38 or above.Have a Persona that is level 38 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Marionette x 1 
No. 50 – Perform King and ICarry out the “King and I” Fusion Spell.Guard Incense II x 3 
No. 51 –Bring me an Outenta Mitsuyo.Show Elizabeth an Outenta Mitsuyo.Multi-Target Boost x 1 
No. 52 – I’d like to try a home-cooked meal.Bring a food or drink you made together with someone at the dorm.Legendary Cleaver x 1 
No. 53 – I’d like to see a mysterious potato.Bring a potato that you’ve grown.Ergolite Shard x 1 
No. 54 – Attempt a hundred shrine visits.Bring what you receive from praying at the shrine.Lime Swimwear x 1 
No. 55 – I’d like to see proof of a bond.Bring an item that you can only receive when a Social Link has been maxed out.Space Badge x 1 
No. 56 – Look for the drink with my name.Bring a drink that shares a name with Elizabeth.AS Generic Material 
No. 57 – I’d like to try Aojiru.Bring 1 True Aohige Aojiru.Twilight Fragment x 8 
No. 58 – I wish to become a straw millionaire.Bring what you get after bartering items.Turquoise x 208/31
No. 59 – Retrieve the sixth old document.Bring the “Old Document 06.”70,000 Yen 
No. 60 – Shadow Hunting Milestone #6Defeat a total of 800 Shadows.Soma x 1 
No. 61 – Create a Persona that’s level 46 or above.Have a Persona that is level 46 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Atrophying Sutra x 2 
No. 62 – Fusion Series #4: Lovers, TitaniaHave a Titania with the skill, Matarukaja, in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Male Uniforms (S) x 1 
No. 63 – Fusion Series #5: Magician, RangdaHave a Rangda at level 54 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Female Summer Garb x 1 
No. 64 – Defeat a rare Shadow #2Defeat the rare Shadow in the fourth block, Tziah, and bring back 1 Sumptuous Coin.  Topaz x 7 
No. 65 – Bring me an Ote-gine.Show Elizabeth an Ote-gine.Quality Nihil Ore x 1 
No. 66 – Bring me a giant, creepy doll.Bring a doll that is also used for teaching.Quality Nihil Blade x 1 
No. 67 – Find me a beautiful tile.Bring a tile with a peacock design.Scrub Brush x 1 
No. 68 – Bring me a fruit knife.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Bus Stop Sign x 110/2
No. 69 – Bring me oil.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Rocket Punch x 110/2
No. 70 – Retrieve the seventh old document.Bring the “Old Document 07.”90,000 Yen 
No. 71 – Fusion Series #6 Strength, SiegfriedHave a Siegfried with the skill, Endure, in your possession and report it to Elizabeth.Sky Sundress x 1 
No. 72 – Fusion Series #7: Hierophant, DaisoujouHave a Daisoujou with the skill, Regenerate 3, in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Blue Shorts x 1 
No. 73 – Bring me a Mikazuki Munechika.Show Elizabeth a Mikazuki Munechika.Endure x 1 
No. 74 – I’d like to try sushi.Bring sushi.Ergotite Chunk x 1 
No. 75 – Bring me a Sengoku-era helm.Bring a helm from the Sengoku era.Twilight Fragment x 7 
No. 76 – Bring me a glasses wipe.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Garnet x 511/1
No. 77 – I’d like to walk around Paulownia Mall.Show Elizabeth around Paulowa Mall.Small Cheongsam x 1. Allows you to fuse Hua Po. 
No. 78 – I’d like to walk around Iwatodai Station.Walk around Iwatodai with Elizabeth.Book of the Ancients. Allows you fuse Thoth. 
No. 79 – I’d like to visit Naganaki Shrine.Walk around Naganaki Shrine with Elizabeth.Vitality Sash x 1 
No. 80 – I’d like to visit Gekkoukan High.Show Elizabeth around Gekkoukan High.Sorcerer’s Mark x 1 
No. 81 – I’d like to visit your room.Invite Elizabeth to your room.Tyrant’s Horn. Allows you to fuse Lucifer. 
No. 82 – Retrieve the last old document.Bring the “Old Document 08.”120,000 Yen 
No. 83 – Bring the Progress Report. Bring the “Progress Report”.  150,000 yEN. 
No. 84 – Create a Persona with Tempest Slash.Have a Persona with the skill, Tempest Slash, in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Empowering Sutra x 3 
No. 85 – Create a persona with Auto-Maraku. Have a Persona with the skill, Auto-Maraku, in your possession and report to Elizabeth. Debilitor Sutra x 3 
No. 86 – Fusion Series #8: Death, AliceHave Alice in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Maid Outfit x 1 
No. 87 – Fusion Series #9: Fool, LokiHave a Loki at Level 75 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Masakados x 1. Allows you to fuse Masakado. 
No. 88 – Defeat a Greedy Shadow.Defeat the Greedy Shadow in Harabah, the fifth block of Tartarus, and bring back 1 Gold Medal.Life Aid x 1 
No. 89 – Bring me a Rai KunimitsuShow Elizabeth a Rai Kunimitsu.Prime Nihil Ore x 1 
No. 90 – Bring me a Dojigiri Yasutsuna. Show Elizabeth a Dojigiri Yasutsuna. AS Refined Material. 
No. 91 – Bring me a Tonbo-kiri. Show Elizabeth a Tonbo-kiri. Nihil Black Model x 2 
No. 92 – Go clean a restroom.Bring the cleaning supplies and clean the restroom.Maid Outfit x 1 
No. 93 – Go water the flowers.Water the flower bed at school.Maid Outfit x 1 
No. 94 – Bring me food for a furry friend.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Bone x 111/30
No. 95 – Bring me a Featherman R action figure.Bring the item that Elizabeth is asking for.Sacrificial Idol x 111/30
No. 96 – I’d like to try Oden Juice.Bring some Oden Juice.Winter Uniform x 1 
No. 97 – Bring me my Christmas Present. Get Elizabeth’s present from Santa. Ruby x 3  12/25
No. 98 – Fusion Series #10: Tower, MasakadoHave a Masakado with the skill, Charge, in your possession and report to Elizabeth.Nihil White Model x 2 
No. 99 – Defeat the Shadow of the VoidDefeat the “shadow of the Void” lurking in the Monad Passage on the 255th floor in Adamah, the sixth block.Dead Moons Husk.
No. 100 – Bring me a Bloody Button.Bring the Bloody Button to Elizabeth. Divine Pillar x 1
No. 101 – Take out the ultimate adversary.Defeat the ultimate adversary.Omnipotent Orb x 1
Now that you know how to complete all of Elizabeth’s requests, find out all of the Classroom Quiz Answers in Persona 3 Reload.

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