A grim darkness has fallen on the Tower. Guardians adorn masks, candy overflows, and Exotics might be the easiest they’ve ever been to farm, at least if you’re getting them in Eerie Engrams. To that end, here are all the Eerie Exotic Engrams you can farm for your favorite class in Destiny 2.
Eerie Exotic Engram Loot Table for Festival of the Lost in Destiny 2
2023 is the first time Destiny is dabbling in a new form of concentrated loot hunting called Eerie Engrams. It might be the best opportunity to get precisely the exotic material you want for your class. To that end, I’ll dive into how to get Eerie Engrams, followed by the loot tables for each class.
How to Get Eerie Engrams in Destiny 2
Eerie Engrams are event-limited Engrams that can only be obtained during the Festival of the Lost, which will run from October 17 to November 7.
During that time, you can get Eerie Engrams from the Haunted Lost Sector playlist. Each time you complete a Lost Sector in this playlist, there’s a chance that an Eerie Engram will drop. Higher difficult Lost Sectors will increase your chance of Eerie Engram drops.
Eerie Engrams are so important because you can use Hocus-Focusing at Eva Levante in the Tower to turn that Engram into an Exotic armor piece that falls within the arms, legs, helmet, or chest category.
Eva will only give you Exotics that matches the class you’re playing on!
All Festival of the Lost Eerie Exotics for Titans in Destiny 2
Exotic Name | Type |
ACD/0 Feedback ’ence | Arms |
Aeon Safe | Arms |
Ashen Wake | Arms |
Doom Fang Pauldron | Arms |
Synthocepts | Arms |
Wormgod Caress | Arms |
Ursa Furiosa | Arms |
Stronghold | Arms |
Citan’s Rampart | Arms |
Icefall Mantle | Arms |
| |
No Backup Plans | Arms |
Second Chance | Legs |
Dunemarchers | Legs |
Lion Rampant | Legs |
Mk .44 Stand Asides | Legs |
Peacekeepers | Legs |
Antaeus Wards | Legs |
Peregrine Greaves | Legs |
Phoenix Cradle | Legs |
The Path of Burning Steps | Legs |
| |
An Insurmountable Skullfort | Helm |
Eternal Warrior | Helm |
Helm of Saint14 | Helm |
Khepri’s Horn | Helm |
Mask of the Quiet One | Helm |
One-Eyed Mask | Helm |
Precious Scars | Helm |
Loreley Splendor | Helm |
Actium War Rig | Chest |
Armamentarium | Chest |
Crest of Alpha Lupi | Chest |
Hallowfire Heart | Chest |
Heart of Inmost Light | Chest |
Severance Enclosure | Chest |
Cuirass of the Falling Star | Chest |
Hoarfrost-Z | Chest |
All Festival of the Lost Eerie Exotics for Warlocks in Destiny 2
Exotic Name | Type |
Aeon Swift | Arms |
Mechaneer’s Tricksleeves | Arms |
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps | Arms |
Shinobu’s Vow | Arms |
Young Ahamkara’s Spine | Arms |
Shards of Galanor | Arms |
Oathkeeper | Arms |
Khepri’s Sting | Arms |
Liar’s Handshake | Arms |
Athrys’s Embrace | Arms |
| |
Renewal Grasps | Arms |
Caliban’s Hand | Arms |
Lunafaction Boots | Legs |
Transversive Steps | Legs |
Geomag Stabilizers | Legs |
Promethium Spur | Legs |
Boots of the Assembler | Legs |
Secant Filaments | Legs |
Rain of Fire | Legs |
Apotheosis Veil | Helm |
| |
Crown of Tempests | Helm |
Eye of Another World | Helm |
Nezarec’s Sin | Helm |
Skull of Dire Ahamkara | Helm |
The Stag | Helm |
Verity’s Brow | Helm |
Astrocyte Verse | Helm |
Felwinter’s Helm | Helm |
Dawn Chorus | Helm |
Fallen Sunstar | Helm |
Sanguine Alchemy | Chest |
Starfire Protocol | Chest |
Vesper of Radius | Chest |
Wings of Sacred Dawn | Chest |
Chromatic Fire | Chest |
Phoenix Protocol | Chest |
Stormdancer’s Brace | Chest |
Mantle of Battle Harmony | Chest |
All Festival of the Lost Eerie Exotics for Hunters in Destiny 2
Exotic Name | Type |
Aeon Soul | Arms |
Claws of Ahamkara | Arms |
Karnstein Armlets | Arms |
Sunbracers | Arms |
Ophidian Aspect | Arms |
Winter’s Guile | Arms |
Contraverse Hold | Arms |
Getaway Artist | Arms |
Necrotic Grip | Arms |
Nothing Manacles | Arms |
| |
Osmiomancy Gloves | Arms |
Fr0stEE5 | Legs |
Gemini Jester | Legs |
Lukcy Pants | Legs |
Orpheaus Rig | Legs |
St0mpEE5 | Legs |
The Bombardiers | Legs |
Star-Eater Scales | Legs |
Radiant Dance Machines | Legs |
Celestial Nighthawk | Helm |
| |
Foetracer | Helm |
Graviton Forfeit | Helm |
Knucklehead Radar | Helm |
Wormhusk Crown | Helm |
Assassin’s Cowl | Helm |
Mask of Bakris | Helm |
Blight Ranger | Helm |
Lucky Raspberry | Chest |
Ophidia Spathe | Chest |
Raiden Flux | Chest |
The Dragon’s Shadow | Chest |
The Sixth Coyote | Chest |
Gwisin Vest | Chest |
Raiju’s Harness | Chest |
Omnioculus | Chest |
Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk | Chest |
Published: Oct 17, 2023 5:09 PM UTC