World of Warcraft Worgen, Goblin Update Coming Soon Alongside Recruit-a-Friend’s Return

The Recruit-a-Friend program is making a return to World of Warcraft in addition to some key visual changes.
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The beloved Recruit-a-Friend program is making a triumphant return to World of Warcraft in addition to key visual changes for our Goblin and Worgen friends in-game. Abandon those rough-looking Worgen and get ready for a neat little makeover, because World of Warcraft update 8.2.5 will be making some beautifying changes to races that have been left in the dust long enough. 

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According to Blizzard, “First introduced in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, worgen and goblins are getting a long-anticipated suite of visual improvements to their character models. These updates include every aspect of how the worgen and goblins look–from their faces to their animations.”

There’s also the 15-year anniversary coming up as well, and the team has a few special rewards planned for players both new and old. “This November marks the 15th anniversary of World of Warcraft, and we have some special things planned to celebrate the occasion. Players who log in during the event period will receive a celebration package in the mail with a Lil’ Nefarian pet and some other in-game goodies. Throughout the duration of the event, you’ll be able to participate in three unique raids with iconic encounters from past expansions along with an old-school-inspired Alterac Valley battleground. Players who defeat all nine bosses in the raid wings will receive the Obsidian Worldbreaker, a Black Dragonflight mount inspired by Deathwing. Players who participate in Alterac Valley and complete an achievement can earn two new mounts: the Stormpike Battle Ram (Alliance) and the Frostwolf Snarler (Horde).

There are also bees – or at least a really cute fuzzy bee mount that Alliance players can work towards earning by helping out Barry and the Stormsong’s Beekeepers. 

Additionally, the studio has introducing Party Synch in addition to the return of the Recruit-a-Friend program, a feature that will go through extensive testing in PTR. It’s a better way to play together, meaning that when everyone in the party syncs up for the same quest state (including phases) as well as a trackable way to see everyone’s progress.

You can read even more that’s on the way with the official Blizzard blog post found here

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Image of Liana Ruppert
Liana Ruppert
With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Dragon Age and Mass Effect, Liana is wildly passionate about all things in the gaming community. From shooters, to RPGs, if it's out - she's playing it. A medically retired US Sailor and now full-time hoarder of gaming collectibles, Liana's passion for everything in the gaming industry is palpable. Also, if you lose her in a crowd, just casually mention any BioWare game and the crazy pterodactyl screech will without a doubt follow. You can follow her on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy or email her for editorial inquiries at [email protected]!