Weekly Mailbag: The “Silent Hill Is Boss” Edition

We've got some Q's about Konami's latest, along with Liam Neeson and…a couch?!
This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

Welcome back to the weekly mailbag, kids! We’ve got a bunch of great questions this week, so let’s get right into it!

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And remember, you can always contribute Q’s by tweeting to both @thedcd and @primagames. Don’t be afraid to ask, we’re great people. But no, you can’t have $50. Sorry.

From @bittripfan – Why doesn’t the Vita have more games?

My guess is developers are still trying to get the hang of what the system is truly capable of. But don’t worry, starting next week you’ll see a mess of new games come in, including Street Fighter x Tekken, Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation, PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale, Need For Speed: Most Wanted and Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified. You’re gonna be busy.

From @pixolator – What was the reason for changing Silent Hill gameplay for Vita to something completely different style, big fan here.

I’d guess that Konami wanted something more straightforward for their first Vita experience, rather than something along the lines of, say, Silent Hill: Downpour. I think it works pretty well, but not everyone is crazy about a more action-based approach. Just ask anyone who’s played Resident Evil 6, I suppose.

From @gustavoRAM – Which Silent Hill game do you consider to be the best entry in the series? I still think Silent Hill 2 was the best.

Silent Hill 2 is definitely the best, at least as far as I’m concerned. But the original on PlayStation is pretty damn creepy as well. As for Downpour…um, let’s move on, shall we?

From @nukkus – Does the carpet match the sofa?

God, I hope not. The sofa is green. Yikes.

From @ryanwgleason – Why does the dad in the Silent Hill movies look like a poor man’s Liam Neeson?

Number one, everyone wants to be Liam Neeson. He trained a Jedi AND Batman, for heaven’s sake. And he killed everyone in Paris AND Istanbul. He’s a bad-ass. Number two, who else is Sean Bean supposed to play, Admiral Ackbar? Now that’s a trap.

From @jevonethecon – That Silent Hill movie. How do you think it’ll do at the box office?

Moderate…but it’s leaning way too much on that 3D gimmick. Plus it’s going up against Paranormal Activity 4. Probably won’t be an easy fight. At least Pyramid Head’s in it.

From @jeremy_lamont – Doom 3 now comes with a flashlight. What helpful upgrades would you like to see in other rereleases?

How about the return of some killer weapons? I need something that fires lasers. Hey, they work in Serious Sam 3, so why not?

From @AuburnRDM – In RPG’s, when you are given a choice to use a pre-made/random character or build your own, which do you choose?

I really like building my own. It gives you the opportunity to see what customization is available. Plus, hey, you can create a bikini-clad female ninja warrior or a fat guy that knows how to kick ass. NOT a combination of the two, thanks.

From @DontJudgeMyADD – Do you have any controller throwing/breaking memories? My favorite was cracking a NES con in half playing Megaman 2!

I think the original Ninja Gaiden on Xbox tested my very limits. I broke three controllers in that game’s run, one of which rebounded off the wall and hit me in the head. True story. (Now that’s being a pro.)

From @rann78 – Is Silent Hill PS Vita a survival horror or action horror game?

More along the lines of action horror, but there’s a good variety of puzzles to solve. And a few good scares.

From @angry_bubbles – How many video game consoles do you own?

A lot. I have a bunch of the classic systems, as well as two PS3’s, an Xbox 360, a Wii (with a Wii U forthcoming), a 3DS and a Vita. Oh, and does the new iPad count? I think it does.

From @chtulu80 – Do you ever thing an adult only (AO) rated game would ever be viable?

Probably not, because selling it in stores like Wal-Mart and Best Buy would be out of the question. I think the only one that made it out the door was a 3DO game called Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties…and God, was it awful. We’ll stick to the mature level, I’m pretty sure.

From @bagmanman – How tall is Jak from Jak and Daxter?

Blind guess, but 5’10”.

From @TheJorgeSanchez – Will the next Silent Hill start off by the whole town going on bath salts?

That or listening to the new Nicky Minaj album. Yikes.

From @DWNZeroZeroNine – If you had to only play one previous gen console for the rest of your life, which would it be? Why?

Probably the PlayStation 2, mainly because of the variety of games. And Klonoa 2. Still love that game.

From @vttym – Does Operation Wolf count as a light gun game? Because that’s my fav if so.

It has a gun mounted on the cabinet, so, safe to say, yes. Plus you shoot stuff. Definitely yes.

See you next week for another mailbag!

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