Hack Chicago with Prima’s free Watch Dogs walkthrough.
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Mission: The Wards ctOS Control Center
Objective: Locate a guard with the access code.
Objective: Download access code.
Objective: Hack the ctOS server.
Objective: Kill all the ctOS guards or escape the area.
Head over to the gate on the south side of the ctOS area. Access the camera above the gate, then move it to the left to find a second camera. Move the second camera up and to the left to find the guard with the access code standing near the garage door. Hack the guard to obtain the code.
Open the gate and the guard just beyond will investigate. When he’s out of sight of the other guards, use a takedown. Get in the lift to the left and use it to reach the roof. Move toward the waypoint and raise the two protectors to provide cover. Access the camera to the right and use it to activate the forklift and draw the guard’s attention.
Quickly move near the truck by the waypoint and drop down right next to the waypoint while the guards are distracted by the forklift. From behind the truck, access the hacking waypoint to begin the mini-game.
When the mini-game begins, turn the left point once to unlock the lower middle point, then turn the lower middle point once (two clicks in total). Turn the left point once again, then unlock the upper middle point and turn it once (two clicks in total). Turn the left point two more times, then finally the lower middle point twice to unlock the final point on the far right. Click that point to access the camera. Access the camera on the far right, then unlock the ctOS straight ahead.
Once you unlock the ctOS, the guards will be after you. Run (not walk) southwest and jump over the small fence, then make a run for it. You can commandeer a vehicle if you wish, but it’s not necessary as the guards do not pursue in vehicles. Get out of the white circle on the mini-map to complete the mission.
Hack Chicago with Prima’s free Watch Dogs walkthrough.
Published: May 27, 2014 8:10 PM UTC