This past weekend’s EVO 2K13 wasn’t just about the best fighting competitors in the world going at it for infamy and prizes. It was also a place for the community to learn about upcoming projects from the likes of Capcom and other companies – and the big “C” didn’t disappoint.
Ultra Street Fighter IV, the latest “evolution” of the long-running fighting sequel, was announced at the event, and will be released in early 2014. This expansion can be purchased as DLC for any current version of SF IV for $14.99, or bought separately for $39.99.
This new chapter will introduce five additional characters. They include Hugo from Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Poison from the Final Fight series, Elena from Street Fighter III, Rolento from Street Fighter Alpha 2 and a mystery combatant who has never been released in a Street Fighter game before.
The game will also introduce six new stages, along with extra features and gameplay tweaks as suggested by the fighting community.
Ultra Street Fighter IV will release next year for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Published: Jul 16, 2013 12:44 am