Mad Max: Camp Dismantling Guide

Find all of the Scrotus Insignias, destroy oil pumps and transfer tanks for 100 percent completion.
This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

This guide will tell you how to destroy all of the camps in the Mad Max video game for PS4, Xbox One and PC. We will reveal secret entrances and all item locations, including pieces of scrap, Scrotus Insignias and ammunition. 

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Black Maws Region 

Bonecrack Oil Pump Camp

Approach the main gate and attach the harpoon on the Magnum Opus to a post below the sniper. Yank down the post, face the gate and then pan the camera right to locate a weak spot (you lean of this west of this camp, on top of a hill). Use the harpoon on this weak spot, then exit the vehicle and go into Bonecrack Oil Pump Camp. 

After Max squeezes through the crack, go left to the main path and then take a right. You will see a fuel can on the right, but since you’re not in the Magnum Opus, consider leaving it alone. Of course, you’re free to ignite the fuel can and use it to blow up some enemies, especially since there’s another one to the south.

Look left, climb onto the platform and collect the shotgun ammunition. Go back down and then take a left to battle a bunch of enemies. When they’re dead, look right and you will see an entrance to a new area where you’ll discover a Scrotus Insignia. 

Exit this room and then go straight to encounter another bad guy. Kill this fool and then ascend the ladder, go left and pick up some food.  Devour it if Max needs health and go left. At the end of this path, travel left and go all the way around to find scrap. 

From here, turn around and continue along the main path. Walk across the bridge on the right and then enter the room ahead to find another Scrotus Insignia (blast it). Walk into the room on the left and pick up scrap, then go into the room on the right for some much-needed water. Refill Max’s canteen and once again step onto the main path, but go to the left. 

You will see two fuel cans all the way in the right corner. If you wrap around the corner on the left Max will run into a War Crier and weaker foes. Beat them up or throw one of those lit fuel cans. After they’re disposed of, bust though the gate on the right of the War Crier’s wench. Head inside the room and pick up more scrap. 

Face the War Crier’s wench and look left to see a gate Max can kick apart. Go inside and then take a left (avoid the bridge for now). Walk to the end to find scrap and a Scrotus Insignia. Now do an about face and take that bridge!

Kill the enemies and go left to pick up more scrap.  Now go right to discover a water source on Max’s right.  Refill the canteen if necessary and continue traveling along this path. Prepare to battle multiple opponents!

Pummel these guys and continue walking down this same path until you reach the oil pump. Look left and you’ll see a room on the far left containing a History Relic. Then look at the northern outer wall of this room to spy the last Scrotus Insignia. 

Go behind the oil pump and pan the camera northeast. You will see a platform with a crane, along with a glowing connector. Destroy this connector and then pan the camera right to see a ladder.  Give it a kick to access the below area. Now you have a shortcut that’ll take Max to the camp entrance. Don’t be hasty, though. It’s not time to leave yet.

Face the oil pump again and look left to see another room. Bust through the door and you will discover a fuel can and scrap piece. No exit the room, set the tank on fire and hurl it towards the oil pump for 100 percent completion in this camp.

The Edge Oil Pump Camp 

Approach the main gate and look east. Max is able to sneak around this mountain. Do this and then travel down the narrow path.

While exploring this secret path you will find a bunch of fuel cans on the left and some baddies on the right, including a War Crier. Kill them and then travel southwest to the building with the gate. Kick through the gate an then cross the bridge. 

After crossing the bridge, look right and enter the room. Pick up the scrap and then exit this room and go around the corner on the right. Climb up onto the path and take it left, then enter the first room on Max’s right to locate more scrap. Now continue moving along the path.

Kill the enemy below you and then pass through the entryway south to discover a melee weapon and scrap. You will also see two small rooms. Explore to find a History Relic and Scrotus Insignia. Do not use your newly acquired melee weapon to destroy the Scrotus Insignia because said weapon will only take so much punishment before breaking. 

Pick up everything, exit the room, walk west and kick open the door.  Go into the next small room to find a Survey Crew project part.  Use this to build the Survey Crew Project back at Jeet’s stronghold. There’s also food nearby if you need health.

Leave the room, look right and go up the stairs. Kill the enemies at the top and then into the next two entryways.  After passing through the second, look left and climb the ladder. Now go to the far side to see a Scrotus Insignia and scrap. 

Descend using the same ladder and then take the path across another bridge.  Beat up whoever gets in your way and then kick open another gate. Head right and enter the room on the left. Pick up the scrap, exit and take the ladder on the right. 

Continue along this path on the right and you will walk onto a ramp. Go into the below area to find the oil pump. Don’t destroy it yet. Look to the right to find a ladder, and then look to the far right to see the entrance to the spot below the ramp you walked down. Climb the ladder and you will find a water source for refilling Max’s canteen.  Visit the area below and you will spot a Scrotus Insignia, scrap and a shiv.  You will also find  fuel, and we suggest igniting it to blow up the Scrotus Insignia.  

Return to where the oil pump is, head east and go behind the wooden structure to find scrap, as well as a thunderstick weapon and fuel can. Go to the southwest corner and climb the ladder to score more scrap. Collect a thunderstick and walk east to discover the remaining Scrotus Insignia on the other side of the gorge. Use the thunderstick to destroy it. 

Finally, take out the oil pump with the fuel. Now step onto the yellow line to the east and the game will let you use a zip line to send Max back to the camp entrance. 

Top Dog Gasworks Camp

Providing Max has sniper ammo, remain a safe distance away and kill the sniper hanging out in front of this camp. If you do not have sniper ammunition, focus your attention on this sniper and then destroy the other towers. With no foreseeable threats, use the harpoon to take down the gate, then head west around the camp, where you will discover a way to get in through the fence. 

Pan the camera right and make note of the two ladders, but do not climb either one yet. Instead look left and break the Scrotus Insignia. After doing this, walk into the open area, defeat the bad guys in your way and check out the Scrapulance vehicle to the southeast. When you’re finished with this camp, you’ll want to take this back to the stronghold. Additionally, you will find two fuel cans west.

Don’t worry about the Scrapulance yet. Instead, return to where Max entered and go up the first ladder. Get to the top and collect the scrap, then activate the valve, which deactivates the flame thrower preventing you from going through the main entrance. Now go down and take the next ladder. Follow the path at the top and Max will discover sniper ammo. 

Fall into the middle section, head south and bust through the gate. Go into the tiny room and you will see a water source to refill Max’s canteen and scrap.  Now look right and climb the ladder. When you reach the top, destroy the Scrotus Insignia on the left and then walk up the steps. 

Kill the bad guy waiting for you and pick up the shiv he dropped, then go up the ladder. Continue climbing every ladder you see until you come to the gate all the way at the top, which you will then kick open.  Take down the enemies and notice the flames in the way. Pan the camera north and you’ll see more scrap, then travel southwest until you come to the wall with the yellow mark.  There’s a gap you can cross by sticking to this wall (Max will do this by himself). Just make sure you’re ready to kill the enemy on the other side. 

Go to the end of this path and take down the two enemies. Now interact with the valve, which eliminates the aforementioned flames. Travel east and pick up the scrap, then destroy the crane on the left; this creates a shortcut to the area Max previously visited. There’s a zip line, but instead of using it right away, take the shortcut. 

Walk to the far right and go down the stairs, then up the ladder. Go into the room and eat the food if necessary. Walk through the entryway and go left to see a Scrotus Insignia, which you’ll want to break. Now walk down the steps and walk into the tiny area.

Engage the War Crier and his fellow goons, then travel south (left of the stairs Max just walked up) to locate the remaining Scrotus Insignia, as well as scrap and a fuel can. 

Turn around and head north, where you’ll acquire even more scrap. Set the fuel tank on fire and use it to blow up the door. Enter and pan the camera right to see a ramp. Take this ramp up and you’ll come to a ladder.  Look left to fine more scrap and then climb this ladder.

When you reach the top, walk along this path and then climb onto the platform, which will take Max to another ladder. Climb this ladder and you will see a water source, and (surprise!) another ladder. We hope you enjoy climbing! 

This takes you to the camp’s Top Dog, and you must defeat him to achieve 100 percent completion on this camp. We suggest knocking him into the flame spouts nearby so he takes more damage during this battle. 

During the fight, wait until the Top Dog charges Max, then dodge. After doing this, quickly approach and land some punches. When he starts to block your strikes, dodge again and repeat this strategy until he’s dead. Be sure to rummage through his remains for shotgun ammo and scrap. 

There are two valves nearby to turn off the flame spouts, on in the southern corner and another in the southeast. Pan the camera southwest and take the path to the very top of this camp. Now take the zip line on the left to reach the zip line we told you to avoid a short while ago. This will take you to the camp entrance, and make sure you leave with the Scrapulance. Take this to the stronghold for scrap. 

Parch Moon Region

Rook Nest Transfer Tank Camp

There’s a secret entrance to the Rook Nest Transfer Tank Camp, but regardless of how you proceed, the sniper needs to die. 

With the sniper out of the way, take the road to the east. Go all the way to the dead end and you will find a crack Max can fit through. Kill the sniper on the other side of this area, then walk to the yellow paint on the ground to see a zip line. 

Take the zip line, head north to the above walkway and pick up the fuel can. Deal with the first transfer tank and then fall into the below area. Go northwest and defeat the enemies (War Crier included). Now walk southwest, pick up the scrap and access the valve on the right to nix the flame in Max’s way.

You will see a ladder behind the flames, along with some maggots on the left. This will likely sound disgusting, but eat these maggots if Max needs health. 

Go up the ladder, look left and pick up the scrap. Now you will see a closed gate on the right and a cage ahead of Max. Go left around the cage to discover an entrance. Collect the scrap inside and then bust through that gate and go into the room. Refill your canteen at the water source and collect the scrap on the left.

Keep moving left and go to the end of this path to find a fuel can and History Relic. Right before these items is a ladder on the left by the second transfer tank. Ignite the fuel can to destroy the transfer tank, then go up the ladder.  Look left and you will see some scrap. 

Take the path east, pass through the container and then pick up sniper ammo, a shiv and a fuel can. Do an about face and you will see scrap and a Scrotus Insignia at the left of the exit. Destroy the insignia, pick up the fuel can and then go through the container. When you return to the previous area, head right.

Max will come upon the next container. Look right and gather the scrap, then walk left around the container. You will see steps, but also a War Crier and some additional bad guys. Before reaching these steps, look left and you’ll find sniper ammo and a shiv. Now use that fuel can to destroy some of the enemies, then kill the remaining adversaries. 

Go down the stairs and head east to find some scrap, then pan the camera east to see paths in the northeast and southeast. There are some oil drums situated between the paths. First, walk up the steps to find another fuel can. If you have trouble locating it, walk up the steps and then go right. Push forward along this path until Max can take a left. Now walk through the container and pan the camera left to see the fuel can. 

From here, return to the place with the paths and oil drums. Set a fuel can on fire and toss it towards the oil drums (another transfer tank) to blow them up. Be sure to ignite the fuel can a safe distance from the oil.

Now travel down the southeast path to locate scrap on the right, along with the remaining Scrotus Insignia on the left. When you take the northeast path, look for a fuel can on the right opposite the third transfer tank. Ignite a fuel can and blow up the tank, then keep moving along this path. The remaining transfer tanks are at the end, held in place by yellow locks.  Destroy the locks to subsequently break the tanks. This camp is complete! 

Knick Sack Region 

Havoc Point Oil Pump Camp 

First off, make sure you take out the snipers located at the camp’s edge (using the Long Shot is your best bet). From there, drive around the outer barrier and make your way to the main gate. A simple shot from your harpoon, and some reverse speed, should bring it down. Pull out your Long Shot and take out the War Crier before entering the area, so you don’t bring any further attention to yourself. 

Alternative path: don’t feel like messing with the gate? Head to the right and you’ll see a small crack Max will have no problem slipping through. Your call, of course. 

After getting inside the camp, one of three waves of foes will come at you. Take out the enemies with Thundersticks first, as they may fire at you from a distance, which can be quite difficult to dodge when you’re surrounded. Make sure you parry each attack and take everyone out accordingly, and watch out for others that may sneak in behind (use the camera to see who’s coming in from where). Land a few perfect parries (watch for the circle with the Y or Triangle key, depending on the version) and you’ll wipe these guys out fast. 

After refilling any lost energy, make sure you snag the Thundersticks left behind and use them against enemies you’ll come across in the next wave (unless they get close, then use your shotgun or your fists). Don’t forget you can also hit the oil drums to destroy multiple enemies in one shot with your Thunderstick. 

Upon finishing them off, head straight through the big container, than hang a right and work your way into another nearby container, where scrap can be collected. Make sure you check the one across the way as well, which will have a bit of ammunition. 

Up next, you’ll want to keep an eye open for the Scrotus Insignias. The first one can be found by a rack of Thundersticks to your right, while the other can’t be missed, perched atop a large pole. Destroy them, then use more Thundersticks to bring down the three oil pumps. 

Revisit the container on the far right and you’ll find additional piles of scrap to pick up, as well as a water source to refill your canteen. Go back to the main open area and check the corner to the far left to pick up a little more scrap, located next to another Thunderstick rack. 

Head back to the north side and work your way up the adjacent ladder, where you’ll pick up even more ammo. Double back to the entrance and find the ladder right next to the initial container you walked in through, and climb up to get to a new location. You’ll see some ammo and a Survey Crew project part to your right, as well as two more pieces of scrap to the left. Keep going a little further and you’ll find the last Scrotus Insignia, which you can easily destroy by walking up to it. This should clear the camp 100 percent, and you can drop down via a zipline back to the Magnus Opus and continue onward. 

Grave Bridge Stank Gum Camp 

Upon viewing the camp from a distance, you’ll see a War Crier and two snipers. Make sure you kill them first before going anywhere, then head up to the camp. You’ll find an entrance to the west by the bridge. Locate the wench in a small area nearby to lower the ramps, then cross over and head up the ladder.

Once you get to the main part of the structure, turn left and move through the area towards the stairs. Head down and then take out the group of foes waiting for you with well-timed counters and strikes. From there, seek out the halved bus located to your northwest and clear out the ammunition inside.

Head back up the ladder and you’ll find additional scrap and ammunition on the platform to the northwest. Move back down and find another halved bus just in front of you. Go to the other side and destroy the Scrotus Insignia inside.

Go back to the small area and locate a small scrap crate on the right. Clean it out and then go back to the bus, exiting through the northern doorway. A flight of stairs will be ahead of you, so head down and fill up your canteen with the water station and pick up the extra scrap right next to it. Make sure you stay on the defensive, though – enemies will be able to lob objects at you from afar, including bombs. 

Bust down the door (just to the south of you) and move left. More enemies will be waiting, so take them out. From there, find another halved bus and go around the north side. Another Scrotus Insignia will be inside, waiting to be broken. 

Go past the stairs and find a small item to the east to locate two more scrap containers. Pick them clean, then go upstairs (located to the southeast) and climb the nearby ladder.

Once you move up another flight of stairs (to your very left), pick up the scrap right next to the wench. Make sure you break it, as that will lower a bus hanging in the air, opening up a new area for you to explore. Head back down and work your way through it, and you’ll find a few Warboys waiting. Beat them, and don’t forget to take out the War Crier as well. 

To achieve 100 percent completion in this camp, work your way down to the southwest of your immediate area and you’ll find more scrap. Quickly spin around and go through the small structure, where ammo and a fresh water await. 

Head back from where you came and go east, and you’ll find some food to restore any lost health. Go upstairs (to your left) and you’ll locate a History Relic for your collection. Keep going, and you’ll eventually see a path open up to your right. Go into the nearby bus (to your right) and you’ll find the last of the scrap in the camp. From there, loop back around to the far left corner, where a door can be kicked down. Get through it and destroy the Scrotus Insignia inside. 

Once you’re done with that, the final item is up the stairs. You’ll see a floating structure outside of your reach holding the final Scrotus Insignia. One well-timed blast of your shotgun will wrap things up for this camp.

Colossus Region

Rust Bird Stank Gum Camp

The first thing you should do is make note of this camp’s lackluster outer defense. Make sure you relieve the sniper located by the main entrance, then move through the tunnel into the main area. From there, you’ll need to defeat about a dozen enemies, with the first four located in this quadrant. Beat them, then make your way up the ladder. You’ll find a Scrotus Insignia to your left, as well as some scrap located in the adjacent right corner. Take care of them, then move on to the next ladder to the left.

From there, make your way down the wing, where you’ll find some additional ammunition. You’ll spot a ladder to your left that will provide you with a secondary way into the camp, but considering the defenses on hand (especially with the defeated sniper), it isn’t entirely needed.

Once you get back to the main area (a simple doubleback), find the door to the northwest and kick it open. You’ll find some scrap and food, so make sure you pick up both. There will be another door to the southeast corner. Kick it open and take out the two enemies waiting for you. There will be a tiny bit of scrap located in the area to your east, so pick that up, then locate a tent to the southeast to get a bit more.

Head southeast through a nearby corridor, and move down the ladder. Some scrap will be waiting just to the south, so make sure you pick this up. Return up the ladder, then turn to your left and take out the other enemies in front of you. From there, you’ll find one more Scrotus Insignia to the north, right of some damaged fuselage from a plane. It’s easy to spot. 

After hitting it with a well-timed shotgun blast, go inside the plane and pick up the last piece of scrap, then turn around and pick up the last Maggot Farm project part.

Once you’re done, hit the zipline to your right, as this will take you back to a familiar area. Head southwest and you’ll find a water source to refill your canteen, and replenish energy you lost. Make sure you check the mattresses to your right, as you’ll find another History Relic, thus completing all the objectives in this particular camp.

Great Watcher Top Dog Camp

The first thing you’ll want to do is watch for the snipers, as there are a number of them in this camp. Find a spot in the north and you’ll be able to perch and take most of them out with ease. Be on the lookout for towers as well, as they could pose a problem. Once you find a chance, look for a crack located on the rock surface to the northwest and you’ll be able to sneak right in. 

Once you get to the first tiny area, you’ll have to deal with a couple of thugs. After you’ve taken care of them, go to the west and you’ll locate a ladder. Move along and you’ll find some scrap to pick up, then work your way up a series of two additional ladders. Once you reach the very top, some scrap will be hanging on the wall to your left. 

Go up the stairs and you’ll find a few more foes waiting for you. Defeat them, then head to the far left corner, where a couple of additional pieces of scrap can be picked up. Head off to the north and pick up the nearby Thunderstick, then aim at the red oil drums just ahead so the walkway can be lowered.

There will be another Thunderstick nearby. Snag and hurl it at the nearby Scrotus Insignia right next to the walkway. Once it’s destroyed, go through the doorway and take out the thug waiting there. Move to your right and pick up the scrap waiting right next to the ladder. There’s some ammo as well, so make sure you pick that up. From there, head up the ladder and destroy the Scrotus Insignia located right at the end of the path. 

Now go back down the ladder, then locate the wench located to your southeast to open up a new route. Cross the walkway and beat the enemies waiting just on the other side, then check the far left corner for another Scrotus Insignia. From there, work your way inside the nearby building and stop by to pick up the ammo to your far right, as well as the scrap to your far left.

Work your way through the building and make sure you pick up the ammo waiting by the fuel can on the other end. From there, check behind the ladder to find some food to replenish some lost health. Return to the ladder and go up, but stop by the far right corner to pick up the scrap at the very top. 

Once you’re there, go to your left and make your way upstairs. You’ll find a ladder at the very end, so go up and head to your right to fill up on some lost water for your canteen. Go up the next flight of stairs past that and you’ll find another Top Dog just waiting to be defeated. The dodge-and-strike techniques from other fights still applies (and works very well), but keep an eye open for enemies to appear, as well as flame spouts that could cause havoc to your health bar. Keep attacking, and eventually the Top Dog will be defeated. Make sure to listen for creaking pipes so you know which flame bursts to avoid. 

After the Top Dog is finished, make your way east and kick down the door on your left hand side. Once you’re in, check to your immediate left for some scrap, then move through the nearby door. There will be one more Scrotus Insignia to break (to your left) and if you make your way to the right, one last piece of scrap will be waiting, along with another History Relic.

Cadavanaugh Region 

Blood Ridge Oil Pump Camp

You won’t have to worry about any defenses (snipers, towers) at this place, but you’ll deal with a few thugs waiting in the first part of the camp. Clear them out, then make a stop by the Scrapulance located to your southwest. Take a ride with it down to Gutgash’s compound and you’ll clean up with a nice scrap bonus.

Move past the Scrapulance and you’ll find a piece of scrap to your right to add to your total. From there, head south down the path, take out the thug waiting at the end of it and pick up some scrap located west. Move down the path (which will take you east) and you’ll reach an open area with a few more baddies. Clean them out, then pick up some scrap that will be on your north side. Keep an eye northeast, where you’ll find a Scrotus Insignia to destroy. 

You’ll find a door nearby (to the southeast) that you can easily kick open. Go through it and over the bridge. Keep an eye out to your left while on the rocky path to locate some food if you need an energy refill, then head to the right. You can pick up ammunition placed right at the left of the structure’s entryway, along with a refillable water source, inside and to your right. 

To its right you’ll find a door that can be kicked open. Once you’re in the room, take a quick right turn and you’ll find some scrap on the wall, as well as additional food to scarf down, should you need it. Go around the path and you’ll reach another open area, with a War Crier above. Take him out quickly with a shotgun blast, then defeat the remaining thugs. You’ll see a pump that needs to be destroyed, but first head around the southeast corner and you’ll find another Scrotus Insignia. 

Go up the ladder right next to it, then head right to pick up a little more scrap, along with the fuel can needed to blow up the pump. Go up the staircase to your immediate right and you’ll find a Survey Crew project part. Snag it, then go north to find some extra scrap. A staircase will be nearby. Go up it and you’ll find more ammunition, if needed. 

Right behind the stairs is a ladder. Kick it and head down to the room where you previously picked up scrap on the wall. You can exit this and head back to the oil pump to destroy it, then find a door to your northwest. Go through it and you’ll find a Scrotus Insignia on the left hand side. One more piece of scrap will be to the right of the stairs. Grab it, then head up. 

Once you go up the ramp, you’ll see one last scrap piece to pick up, to the far side of the ramp. Once these are done, find the nearby zipline ahead and use it to get back to the entryway instead of doubling back. Camp cleared! 

Proving Ground Top Dog Camp

First off, make note of the sniper in the entrance – you’ll want to eliminate him first. From there, destroy the towers right next to the entryway, then make your way up the nearby ladder, which should be to your adjacent right. Find the two valves right next to it and shut them off, so you can turn off the fire stream and head into the entrance. 

From here, there will be a massive battle with waves of enemies. Clear them out quickly (there will be four waves) and you’ll then be face to face with a Top Dog. Keep a close eye for enemies coming at you from behind while focusing on his attacks, so you can dodge and counter as necessary. The yellow enemies pose the biggest threat with their charging attacks, so clear them out as quickly as possible. Make sure to keep a close eye on your energy, and when you find a chance, take a quick glug of water to avoid dying. Weapons will also be scattered here, and can go a long way to efficiently taking out thugs in a hurry. Once everyone is defeated, head to a valve located on the south side and use it to open the nearby gate.

As you make your way inside, stop to destroy the Scrotus Insignia to your left, as well as some scrap that will be located right in the next room. Double back and head to the corner to the nearby ladder. Head down the main path for a little bit, then go to your left to spot the throne of the Top Dog you just defeated. Right next to the throne (on the left) are two piles of scrap and ammunition to pick up. On the right you’ll find even more scrap and ammunition, along with a History Relic. Get all of these and then take the upper path to find one more Scrotus Insignia, which will be on your left hand side. 

Head down a little more and you’ll see an entrance. Go in and pick up the scrap, as well as a valve. Turn it to open a new gate, leading to the northern part of the camp. Head back down and go through it, then stop in the nearby room to pick up the scrap to both the right and the left (there will be three pieces in all, so don’t miss any). Double back to the entrance to find the final Scrotus Insignia, right by the entrance. A single blast should destroy it and wrap up the objectives for this particular camp. 

Reek Hills Region 

Scorched San Transfer Tank Camp 

Don’t go charging into this camp. Instead, find a good spot to park and use your Longshot to kill the snipers. From there, quickly bring down the Molotov Sling towers, as they can wreak havoc. The Longshot is effective for them as well, although close range techniques also work if you’re low on ammunition.

There’s an open flame by the camp. You can either walk around it or head to the right side of the entryway to turn it off with the valve. There’s also a narrow crack you can slide through, if you prefer to go into the camp that way. 

The alternate path leads to some scrap and ammunition, so it never hurts to stop by there anyway. From there, you’ll find a door to your south you can open, where some thugs are waiting. Don’t forget to kill the War Crier with a quick blast before dealing with the enemies. Going in through the main entrance will have you deal with them as well, but you can still get the scrap and ammo by kicking down a door to your north side that way. Either way, your call. 

From there, use a Thunderstick to take out the transfer tank, which is on your west side. If you don’t have one on hand, go to the southwest corner near a staircase, and you’ll see a rack where you can stock up. 

Once the tank’s destroyed, go upstairs to another Thunderstick rack and use one to destroy the door located at the top. You’ll take another left, where you can get even more Thundersticks. Deal with the thugs waiting there and you’ll see another Transfer Tank to your southwest. Quickly take it out with a Thunderstick throw and move on.

As you move on, you’ll see more Transfer Tanks ahead. However, before taking them on, go upstairs to the north and destroy the Scrotus Insignia that’s right there. Go back down and take the staircase to your north and you’ll find a History Relic waiting to be picked up, along with some valuable scrap. Head back down, but make sure you have Thundersticks on hand to destroy the two awaiting Transfer Tanks (there are racks in the previous locations if you need more). Another one is in the small space to your right, so take it out as well. 

Go back to the main entrance, where you’ll find a staircase to your north side. Go up two flights, then take a turn around the corner and fill up your canteen with the nearby water source. A wench will also be there. Break it and you’ll see a lowered path to your right, which you’ll be able to cross over to reach the next area. A War Crier and enemies will be waiting, so blast the Crier and take down the enemies.

Take a peek over the nearby railing to the northeast and you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia that you’ll be able to blast. Grab the nearby fuel can after you do that (to your west) and use it to destroy the Transfer Tank, which will be on the north side. 

That leaves one more Transfer Tank to be destroyed. Pick up a secondary fuel can in the area, then go up to the northwest corner via ladder. You’ll find some scrap to your left that you should collect, along with a door around the corner. Use the fuel can to blast it open and go through. 

There will be a zipline nearby, but don’t go down it just yet. A small room is here. Head in and pick up the scrap inside. Then go back to the zipline, which will take you around the entrance again. Take out the thugs (if there are any), then check out the staircase to your west side, where another Scrotus Insignia will be waiting. (A good Thunderstick throw will destroy it.) Hang a right to go through a nearby doorway and you’ll find another piece of scrap to be picked up to your right. Come back out, then go upstairs.

There will be a doorway to your right. You’ll see the final Scrotus Insignia in the very last room. Destroy it, then kick down the nearby door to the left and defeat the thugs waiting inside. There will be some scrap to your southeast, so pick it up, then climb up the ladder on your right side. You’ll make your way around another corner and doorway, where there will be some scrap to your right. Go to your left side to kick down a nearby ladder, then head back the way you came, where you just fought the previous thugs. 

There will be some stairs located to your southwest. Ascend them and make sure you pick up some ammo, located to the right of the nearby Thunderstick rack. There’s some food on the left as well, should you need it. After you pick up the food, look to your north side and you’ll see the final Transfer Tank. One good Thunderstick throw and that should clean up the camp completely. 

Before you head to the camp, find a handy spot to take out the first two snipers, which will be on the south side. As for the other two, the only way to take them out is to find a spot just south and east of the camp. Once you get to this point, you should be able to bring them down with some well-timed Longshots. 

Molotov Sling towers will pose a threat, but you should be able to bring them down, although two of them require close range attacks in order to effectively destroy them. Use boost on your Magnum Opus to break through the first roadblock, then activate your harpoon to destroy the final Molotov Sling station. From there, make your way to the nearby fenced area (on your left) and find the valve that will let you turn off the fire stream blocking your path. From there move in. 

You’ll see some ammunition and fuel cans to your left hand side. Pick up the ammo, then prepare to deal with thugs and a War Crier in the open area. Take out the War Crier with a quick shot, then destroy the others. If you have lost health from this fight, there’s some food to the northwest. 

Go to the barrier to your south and you’ll be able to pick up some scrap, then head northwest to find even more scrap, along with a fuel can. Don’t forget to stop by the northeastern side as well, where there will be a Scrotus Insignia to destroy right next to the barrier.

Make sure you pick up the fuel can last, which you can use to blast the two Transfer Tanks to the east. They’re stacked atop one another, so one good throw should do the trick. Once they’re gone, head to your northeast and kick down the nearby door. Once you enter, stop and turn around real quick, as you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia hanging right above it. Take it out and continue. 

Once you’re through the door, stop and pick up the scrap inside, then keep heading down. More scrap can be picked up, first to your left and then your right. Take out the enemies waiting at the end, and don’t forget to fill up your canteen at the water source, which is close to the center of the room, to the east. Stop by the outer wall and you’ll see some scrap to collect, along with a Maggot Farm project part further down the path to your left. Make sure you visit the far end and destroy the Scrotus Insignia hanging right in the middle of it. You’ll find another fuel can, so carry it with you. It’ll allow you to destroy another Transfer Tank, waiting right by the southwest corner of the fence. 

You’ll see a door at the end of this room you can kick down (to your southeast), along with another door right behind you that can be blown open with a fuel can. By doing this, you’ll get some attention from thugs, so take them down. Take a look behind you and go into the next room, where another thug will be waiting. You’ll want to finish him off quickly, as he hurls Thundersticks. 

After that, take a look to your northwest and pick up the nearby scrap pile. Head back to the east side and get that scrap as well, as you might have missed it when the enemies distracted you. You’ll also see a Scrotus Insignia on the other side. Grab a Thunderstick and quickly destroy it.  

One more Transfer Tank will be waiting as you head towards the structure to your west side. Another Thunderstick should easily take it out, so head over to the structure and aim just above to destroy it. It may be hard to spot, but it’s definitely there. 

Make sure you have another Thunderstick on hand as you move down the south corridor, and don’t forget to stop and pick up the ammo located to your left. A door is here, which you’ll be able to blow open. Once you go through it, the path will take you back to the room you originally came in from, although there will be some bear traps here, so watch your step. 

Once you make your way back to the entrance and before you exit the camp completely, stop and hang a right. You’ll see a small path that will give you a chance to climb to a higher area. Follow the path on your left hand side and you’ll come to a wooden bridge. Go over it and stay to your left, keeping close to the right wall so you don’t fall off. You’ll come across one last piece of scrap and a ladder you can climb down to reach the entrance. Consider this camp done! 

Dry Gustle Region 

Ironclad Stank Gum Camp 

Before heading into this camp, be sure to take care of the sniper keeping tabs on the area, along with the Molotov Sling towers located around the perimeter. Once you take those down, locate the ramp on the southeast side and make your way in. Head up the wall on the other side, then make your way towards the inner section. You’ll find a few enemies waiting. 

Make sure to stop by the south corner to grab some food (if you need an energy boost), then kick down to the door to your northeast. You’ll find some scrap to be picked up down the hallway a bit, to your left. Once you get it, head right and work your way up the nearby ladder. A Scrotus Insignia will be waiting, so make sure to destroy it. 

Once you’re done, leave that area and go east, where you’ll find a nearby structure with a Survey Crew project part off to the right. Pick it up, then make a stop in the next room to fill your canteen at the water source. Make your way out, then head left to enter another small area. You’ll score some scrap here, and be able to take out a nearby Scrotus Insignia. 

Head back out and make your way down to the lower part of the camp, then head eastward. This will take you back to a previous area, but you’ll find a door to your north. Kick it in, then make your way down and to the left. There will be another Scrotus Insignia to break to your far left, along with a door to your right. Go through it, and be sure to pick up the two pieces of scrap, which will be hanging in the corner. 

Go back out and head north, and you’ll see it split up between two paths. Take the lower one on your left, but make sure to look out for some paint near the large rusted steam pipe above. A Scrotus Insignia will be there, which you can blast with your shotgun. Once you do, go ahead and move down.

One more group of foes will be waiting. Defeat them, then head to a door located to your south. You’ll find scrap to be picked up in the adjacent area, along with a wall to climb up on your right. Head up, then stop and pick up the nearby food (if needed) before working up another nearby wall (to your left). One more ladder will be nearby. Go up it, pick up the scrap at the top, and you’ll have picked this camp clean.

Wreck Hill Transfer Tank Camp 

Don’t worry about snipers here, but make sure you take out the Molotov Sling towers that are surrounding the area. Head in through the north and destroy them, then watch for a tiny room which will be located to the right of your entrance. This will enable you to shut off the flame stream by turning a valve that’s inside. 

Head in, beat up the thugs that are waiting just inside, and then snag a fuel can that will be located either to your west or south side. Hurl it at the waiting Transfer Tank to your west to destroy it. If it’s a good enough throw, you’ll be able to take out the nearby Scrotus Insignia as well, hanging above the Tank. (If not, just blast it with your shotgun.) 

Be sure to pick up a second fuel can, as you can use it to bust open the door located right next to the Transfer Tank. You’ll see a nearby wall to climb, but don’t go up it just yet. Instead, move around to the northeast, and you’ll find another wall that you can climb up instead.

Ascend up that wall and the nearby ladder, then hang around the corner. You’ll spot a Scrotus Insignia to tear apart, along with a door that can be kicked down. Head in and pick up the two pieces of scrap, which will be easy to pick up. 

Head back down to where you were before, and you’ll find a door to the right of the Transfer Tank you destroyed. Now, climb that wall and you’ll reach a few more foes to defeat, along with a new fuel can. Hurl it at the Transfer Tank that’s waiting to your south to blow it up. Before you move on, though, look for a Scrotus Insignia to your northeast, which you can easily blast apart with your shotgun.

From there, go through a container that’s located to the left of the destroyed Transfer Tank, then fill up your canteen with the nearby water source, just to your left. Head back around and you’ll find some scrap to add to your collection. From there, make your way through the container, and pick up the fuel can right at the end of it. You’ll need it to get through the door that’s located in the far right corner – though you may need to set it down to defeat a waiting enemy really quick. 

Once you blast open the door, head through it and make your way through to a waiting ladder. Climb up, then go left to find another one waiting, which you can climb down. Head to the northeast corner and you’ll find a small gap, which you can squeeze through to find the very last Scrotus Insignia, as well as two pieces of scrap right next to it.

After taking care of that, climb back up the ladder, then move as far left as you can, where more scrap is waiting, along with some ammunition and a few more fuel cans. There will also be a crane, which you can break with ease. From there, double back to where you were originally. 

You’ll reach another open part of the camp where a few thugs are waiting, along with a War Crier. Remember, take out the Crier first to avoid reinforcements, then the others. Before you go any further, though, head southwest and grab the nearby fuel can, which you can hurl at the Transfer Tank waiting to the west of you. There will be a small crack to slip through to your north side, and once you get through that, you’ll find a ladder to go down, with a History Relic and another piece of scrap waiting at the bottom. 

Finally, head back up the ladder and return to where you were before, with the destroyed Transfer Tank. There will be a ladder to your east that you can ascend, with another ladder right in front of it. Before you go up the second one, though, make sure you grab a nearby fuel can, located just to the north of you. Pick it up and climb back down, and you’ll find another Transfer Tank, which you can destroy with a well-timed throw. And that’ll do it for this camp!

Fuel Vines Region 

The Pipes Oil Pump Camp

Don’t go charging into this camp right away, as there will be some snipers and Molotov Sling towers waiting. Use your longshot to take them out first, along with the first of two War Criers from a distance. Make your way close to it, but be sure to destroy the oil tanks that are located to the east and wide parts of the camp. Using the harpoon on your Magnum Opus should do the trick, and doing so will take out the flame shooters that are blocking the entrance. 

The gate won’t have anything to latch onto, so you’ll need to use something explosion-related to bring it down, like a fuel can or the Thunderpoon. There’s also a small area to your southeast that you can squeeze through, just look for a yellow paint parker with the nearby crack. Either way is up to you. 

Going in through the crack will lead to a few enemies that need to be defeated, along with the War Crier if you didn’t shoot him before. Take them out, then head back into the room you were in previously to collect a pair of scrap pieces right in front of you. (If you came in the other way, through the gate, just go to your southeast and you’ll find this room.)

Head to the west where you’ll see a fence, and you’ll find scrap to the left, along with a fuel can just to your right. Stock up on them, then head over to the northeast, where you’ll find a pair of ladders. There’s a corridor between them, leading to a container. Make sure you bust it open, and take the scrap that’s inside.

Before heading back down the corridor, look for a door you can blast open. Before you do, though, you’ll find a middle ladder, which has a Scrotus Insignia waiting at the top to be destroyed (look to your right). Head to your immediate left and pick up a fuel can (right by the fence), along with some ammunition just beneath the tent in front of you. Collect this and go back down, and use the fuel can to go through the waiting door. 

You’ll make your way onto a bridge and take out a few more thugs, along with the remaining War Crier, who you should take down first to avoid reinforcements. Taking them all out from a distance is an option, provided you have enough ammunition. If not, just fight them off. Once you get over the bridge, there will be some foes to take out in the next area. Beat them to a pulp, then head to your immediate northeast, where there will be some scrap, along with a History Relic. Go to your west after that to find more scrap, along with a staircase that will take you up to some ammunition (look to your southwest). Once you get all of this, look for a path to the west side of you, and you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia hanging above. Destroy it and move on. 

Head down the path, and you’ll see a door right in front of you. Use the fuel can to your far left (past the door), then head back and blow it up. Once you’re in, go down the left hallway, and you’ll find some food on the ground to your left. Don’t eat it right away, though, unless you’re low on energy. From there, you’ll get to a fence. Check to your right, and you’ll see a hatch that you’ll be able to open up.

Head down and make your way around the corner. You’ll see another Scrotus Insignia that you can bust. Keep heading down and you’ll see a container at the end, with scrap located on both sides. Pick it up, then go back up from where you originally came in through the hatch, and make your way south.

There will be a ladder a ways down, but be sure to take a walkway to your left first, where there’s a water source to fill your canteen with. You’ll see stairs that you can go down. Head that way, and take out any enemies you didn’t kill when you were on the bridge. (More will appear anyway, so be ready for a fight.) 

Once you finish them, you’ll see a doorway to your north side. Head in and pick up the scrap (to your right), along with a fuel can right in front. Turn around and you’ll spot a Scrotus Insignia that needs to be destroyed. Snag the fuel can, and use it to blow up the oil pumps, which are located in the area where the thugs were previously. (You can’t miss them.) That will conclude the primary objective for this particular camp, but you’re not done yet. 

To complete everything, look for stairs to your northeast, then go back around until you see a nearby ladder. Head up, and you’ll find one more piece of scrap. There will be a nearby doorway, which will enable you head back to the entrance from where you came. Now everything’s wrapped up here. 

Black Sands Oil Pump Camp 

There will be a sniper waiting on the south side, along with a few Molotov Sling towers nearby. Take them out, then make sure you destroy the oil tank that’s right over the entrance, as it’s fueling a flame shooter that is blocking your path. Like before, there will be a hidden entrance marked by yellow paint, to your northeast, if you prefer to go in quietly. 

Either way you take, you’ll find a group of enemies that need to be defeated first. From there, you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia hanging to your west, although it’ll be just outside your reach. There will be a pathway under it, so go through and head to the left, where you can get through a nearby door. Head up the ladder inside, and you’ll find scrap to your west side. A path will be nearby to your east. Head down, and you’ll be able to handily destroy the Insignia you previously saw. There will also be a water source nearby, in case you need a quick fill-up.  

Head to your northeast and break the nearby wench, which will lower a bridge for you to cross. Go over and make your way down to your northeast, where a few more thugs will be waiting. After dispatching them, go southeast down a nearby corridor, and you’ll reach another area. A nearby wall (to your east) can be climbed up, so head that way, then make your way around the right corner.

There will be another area with a nearby ladder, but before you go down, move north and you’ll find another Scrotus Insignia, hanging on a wall on your right hand side. One blast should make quick work of this. Before you leave, grab the scrap that’s located to your south, then head back to the ladder. Go down, and you’ll see a door to your east that can be kicked down.

Snag the ammunition and scrap that’s on the floor just inside, then look for another ladder. Go down and you’ll find some scrap just behind it to be picked up. You’ll see a doorway to your west. Go through, beat up a nearby thug real quick, then go to your north. A bit of a ways down (past two doorways), you’ll find another water source to fill up on. 

There will be doors on both sides. Break open the left one and you’ll be able to snag some food. In addition, you’ll also see another Scrotus Insignia hanging right above. Destroy it quickly, then go through the right door. You’ll locate some scrap, along with another History Relic. (Prima-Screen-51) 

You’ll head back out of the room again to where the water source originally was. Look for a doorway to your northeast and head through. There will be a few rooms attached to this, so go through them. Two thugs will be waiting. Beat them, then go through a doorway to your northeast side, where you’ll find some more scrap. From there, head back, and you’ll see a door just waiting to be kicked down. 

Go through it, and you’ll find a ladder to guide you on an upper path. A fuel can will be waiting just to the southwest of it. Grab it, and you can destroy the last oil pump, which will be located to your south side, through the door. That does it for this camp, and to leave, all you have to do is head towards the next ladder, which will take you back to the original open entrance.

The Heights Region

Wheel Greaser Oil Pump Camp

Before you jump into the camp, drop by the south end. Look for an Intel encounter on that side and eliminate the three snipers watching over the area using your longshot. From there, you’ll have to shift around a little closer to the camp to kill the fourth, located on the camp’s west end. Try coming in from the southwest and you can take him out, as well as the Molotov Sling towers nearby. Watch out for the Thunderpoon launcher, too – it’ll do damage if you get too close. Try to find a good shady spot, then take your shot. 

From there, move around to the north side of the camp where there are other defenses in place. There will be a few more Molotov Sling towers, along with Thunderpoon launchers, each with better firing mechanisms.

Look for the first of the Molotov Sling towers to the north, sitting next to three of the seven oil pumps near the camp. By destroying it, you’ll be able to take them down as well, leaving four more to decimate.

Unlike other camps in the game, you’ll do most of the damage inside your Magnum Opus. You’ll need to drive around the area in order to locate the remaining oil pumps to take them out. You can easily do this by shooting a Thunderpoon at them, although fuel cans can also get the job done.

Two of these fuel pumps can be found to the southeast side of the camp. Just look for the outer road. You’ll need to destroy a Molotov Sling along the way, but you can use the Cocktails they launch to destroy the nearby pumps. If not, a good shot from your Thunderpoon or fuel cans will do the trick. 

Make your way around the camp after these five pumps have been destroyed (along with the snipers, towers and Thunderpoons), heading south. Here, you’ll see an oil drum located north of the main gate. Take it out quickly, and the flame stream guarding the entrance will turn off. From there, get out, but take a quick left by the entrance to locate some scrap. You’ll turn back around and head into an open area, where you’ll find additional scrap and fuel can to your north, and a nearby ladder on the right hand side. Head southeast from here and you’ll find even more scrap, along with two pieces of ammunition in a nearby red container. Make sure you stop by the water source as well, right next to said container, so you can fill up your canteen.

Grab the fuel can you spotted earlier and take out the oil pump right in the middle of everything, and pick up the scrap it leaves behind. Double back to the ladder and climb up, and snag the scrap located at its peak. From there, head back down to where you destroyed the pump and go southeast, where you’ll be able to ascend a wall. 

Stop and pick up the scrap that’s hanging on the nearby wall, then look for a broken down bus to your left hand side. Find the doorway around it and head inside to find a Scrotus Insignia on your right to destroy, along with some ammunition. That marks all the collectibles for this part of the camp, so head back to your Magnum Opus and drive to the northwest side, which you can easily pinpoint on your map.

There’s a gate in front of you, so just blast it with the Thunderpoon. Get out of the Opus and head in, then look for a ladder on your left hand side. Climb up and look for a bus ahead of you, where there will be an Oil Well project part inside. Make your way through the bus, out the doorway on the other side, and you’ll locate another water source, as well as another Scrotus Insignia to destroy. 

Once you’ve taken care of business, skip the climbable wall nearby (there’s nothing up there) and go back to where you were. There will be a small room to the north, where you can head in and pick up some ammunition. 

Head to the northwest of this area, but stop and take a look to your left. A little alcove contains more scrap on the wall, along with a fuel can just to the right of the entryway. Make sure you pick up the scrap right next to it as well. Once you get all of this, utilize the fuel can to take out the remaining oil pump, which will be right in the middle of the area. Scrap can be located on the far right wall (to your southeast). Head northwest and you’ll spot another destroyable Scrotus Insignia hanging on the back wall.

Climb back in your car and make your way northeast. Here, there will be a tiny room with a Scrotus Insignia hanging of a pole inside. The harpoon will make quick work of this. Get out of your car and head to the northeast side of this area. There will be a ladder there. Climb it and pick up the last two pieces of scrap above. That’s it for this camp! 

Skull Top Transfer Tank Camp

There will only be one sniper guarding this camp, and he’ll be on the east side. Find a shady spot and take him out with the longshot. From there, you can start to close in on the camp, but watch out for a variety of Thunderpoon launchers. Your Thunderpoon will make quick work of them, although you can also use the regular Harpoon to incapacitate them as well if you’re low on ammo. Make your way towards the blockade and drive through it and you’ll come upon a gate. With a level six harpoon, you can make quick work of it. Otherwise, use a Thunderpoon, or simply ram through it. 

Hop out of the Magnum Opus and make your way inside. Quickly defeat the enemies. After they’re done for, look for some broken down cars to your left, and you’ll find some food to replenish lost energy.

Make your way to the far left corner, where some scrap will be waiting, then head back to the door and kick it down. Before you make your way across the bridge, look on your left hand side, where a Scrotus Insignia will be sitting on a table. Destroy it, then keep going left to locate some ammunition. A doorway will be on the right hand side. Go through it and then pick up the scrap just outside of the entryway. 

Go back to the bridge and make your way across, then take out the enemies on the other side. Watch out for the one holding the Thunderstick, as he can do greater damage. Defeat him first, then switch attention to his buddies so you don’t have to worry about projectiles. Once they’re done, keep an eye out for a fenced area to your left (after passing the bridge) and pick up the scrap next to it. 

There will be a climbable wall ahead of you. Go up and check out the room to your right to locate a water source to refill your canteen. There will be a nearby doorway to your right. Head through it and pick up the scrap located right outside. Turn around and pick up additional Thundersticks on the nearby rack, then use one to take out the three Transfer Tanks across your way on the left hand side. This will take some aiming since they’re a little higher up, so arc your throws a bit higher. As for the third, just aim for the fence and you’ll hit it.

Make sure you stock up on Thundersticks, then climb back down to the lower area. There’s some ammo located just across from the Thunderstick rack, so pick this up and grab the scrap located to the right. There will be a makeshift area across from you. Head in and you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia on the left hand side to destroy, along with some scrap hanging to the right.

Leave and go up the ladder on the southeast side. There will be some scrap located to the corner, along with a crane on the right hand side. Use it to destroy another Transfer Tank beneath you, then head back into the lower area and make your way northwest. 

You’ll see a plane wing. Go across it, but stop to the right after going over to see another piece of collectible scrap. Snag it and turn around, where there will be a door on your right hand side. Throw a Thunderstick at a War Crier hanging above you (or a shotgun blast, which works just as well), then defeat the remaining thugs in the area before moving on. 

There will be a fenced area to the south hand side. Go in and pick up the ammo and scrap. There’s also some food located in the area right across to the north if you need an energy refill. Some Transfer Tanks will be nearby, but don’t engage them yet, as you may not have enough Thundersticks to get the job done. 

Head to the southeast, where there will be a nearby opening. Two cranes and a ladder will be inside. Destroying the two cranes will take care of the Transfer Tanks attached to them. From there, head southeast and you’ll see another Scrotus Insignia waiting to be destroyed. It’ll be right on the nose of the plane hanging over the cliff. 

From there, work your way through the opening to the left of the ladder, where you can pick up some more scrap, along with a History Relic. Turn around before you leave and you’ll see the final Scrotus Insignia hanging above the door. Once it’s destroyed, go back and head up the ladder, where you’ll spot another piece of scrap, along with a Thunderstick rack next to it. Snag the loot and use a Thunderstick to destroy the remaining Transfer Tanks you spotted earlier. (Standing on the metal platform nearby will give you the best shot.) If you need to be reminded where they were, head back to the area where you were previously to get a better idea. Once they’re done for, look for a zip line on the opposite side of the platform and take it. You’ll be able to return to where you first entered the camp.

Wailing Wind Region 

Stonehold Oil Pump Camp 

Before heading into the camp, make sure you take care of the single sniper and two Thunderpoon launchers outside. The sniper can be killed with the longshot, and then you can move in to destroy the launchers. Afterwards, use a level six harpoon to take down the main gate. If you aren’t leveled up that high, a Thunderpoon will do the trick, along with ramming through it. 

Get out of the car and head inside, stopping just to the right to pick up a pile of scrap. From there, head further into the camp and you’ll spot a water source to refill your canteen. Make your way up the nearby ladder (located at the end) and snag the scrap at the top, just before you head left down another path. Make your way downward, where a few enemies will be waiting. Finish them off and move on.

Stop by the fenced area to the east and you’ll see extra ammunition should you need it. Then head north and you’ll find a fence with a door attached to it. Kick through this door, but stop just to the left of the doorway to find some food if you need an energy refill. There will another door inside you can kick down, and you’ll be able to cross the far end to reach another piece of scrap metal on the other side. Snag it, then look for a ladder to the left and make your way down. 

Look to your southwest and you’ll see a raised bridge, along with a Scrotus Insignia hanging right above it. You won’t be able to shoot the Insignia directly. Instead, shoot the fuel can left of the bridge. This will destroy it, as well as lower the bridge so you can continue onward.

Don’t be in a hurry to go over the bridge. Stop by the water source located to the east, and then head down the zipline to the left of it, which will take you to another area.

You’ll see a stairway to your left. Take it, then look to a building on your left hand side. A Scrotus Insignia is hanging there. You can either shoot it now, or wait a bit and you’ll be able to get closer to it, so you can destroy it by hand and save ammo. The choice is yours. 

There will be a nearby staircase. Take it and you’ll reach a new bunch of enemies to defeat, along with a War Crier. Eliminate him first so you don’t attract more foes with increased damage boost, then take out the ones that remain. Shooting the wench left of the stairs (near the top) should do the trick.

Once they’re finished, head to the northwest and get through the door. Go left and you’ll see the area where the Scrotus was hanging before. Make sure it’s destroyed (if it wasn’t already) and then go to the south to pick up the piece of scrap on the ground. 

Make your way back to the area from where you were, but don’t go through the door. Instead, find the climbable wall right in front of you, make your way up and pick up the scrap at the top. Head back down and go right (where the enemies were) and look for another wall to climb, this time south. 

Once you ascend that wall, look for a staircase on your left hand side and go up it. Once you’re up there, stop and check your immediate left for some scrap. There’s also some food on the nearby balcony ahead of you. After snagging these, stop by the staircase you just went up, but head east into a nearby room. Look to the right and you’ll see some more scrap waiting to be picked up. 

Go back downstairs, then head south. You’ll come across another set of stairs, but before you go up, stop to the right and pick up a nearby pile of scrap. Then head right and follow a pre-set path, which will take you into a nearby structure. Here you’ll find ammo, along with a Scrotus Insignia that you’ll easily be able to destroy. Watch for a doorway to the right of it, though, where you can pick up even more scrap.

Go back to the stairs where you were before, then go up and take the path to another part of the camp, where a few more thugs are waiting. Take them out, then look for a door to your east and bust through it. There will be a ladder a little further down. Make your way up, then look for a doorway right at the top. Inside you’ll find one more Scrotus Insignia to destroy. 

Make your way to the lower platform and look for a set of stairs southwest. Head down and make a left at the next junction, where there’s an oil pump on your right hand side. Don’t destroy it just yet. Instead, find the stairs ahead and go up. You’ll go into another structure with a ladder to your right. Make your way left through a nearby doorway. There will be some scrap. Head back out, go up the ladder, and get the scrap up there as well.

Hang a right at the next doorway, then you’ll see another doorway to the left of you with a History Relic located inside. Snag it, then head down to the right, where a bunch of fuel cans are available. Pick one up, then make your way north, where you’ll get to the oil pump. Before you destroy it, take the stairs to your left and pick up the last piece of scrap. Once you have it, use the fuel can to destroy the oil pump. This will complete the camp. 

Hell’s Grill Transfer Tank Camp

Make sure you start from the west side of this camp. This will allow you to take out the three snipers with ease using your longshot. You’ll also be able to destroy a War Crier as well, rather than dealing with him up close. There will be two Thunderpoon launchers waiting nearby, so make sure you take care of them once you get close. After they’re cleared out, you can head into the camp through various means. The level six harpoon can easily tear down the main gate, although you can also go in through a diner on the south side. Here, you can bust through a door, or slip through an opening just past it. Either way, it’s easy to get into this camp. 

After exiting the diner, a few thugs will appear. Defeat them, but make sure you stop to pick up the food on the ground, which should be right next to the doorway you broke down. If you came in through the opening, you can find this to the right of the door. Once you pick up the food, go through the doorway on your right hand side. 

There’s a diner just ahead, but make sure you enter and pick up some scrap  hidden behind the counter. Go through a door on your east side and you’ll find a door to kick down on your right. There’s a bus ahead, with a Scrotus Insignia hidden inside. Walk in and destroy it. 

Once you head out of the bus, keep an eye open for a Transfer Tank, which will be right next to it on the northeast side. There’s also another one across to the southeast, as well as another bus. Head inside and locate the scrap on the floor, along with a fuel can located to the left on the end. You’ll be able to climb up a ladder inside, where you can easily move around and blast both the Transfer Tanks with the fuel can. You can shoot them as well if you have enough ammunition. After you do, make sure you pick up the scrap that’s on the roof, then climb back down and head inside the main building. Hang a right and go through a nearby door.

While you’re in this first room, keep an eye out for scrap on the ground (just to your right) as well as a water source. You’ll see an exit to your north. Head through it and you’ll reach an open area where a large amount of foes await. You’ll need to fight through them, then head to the southwest, where you can snag another piece of scrap. Look for a large opening to go through (should be to your south) and you’ll locate a fuel can, along with a Scrotus Insignia nearby. Destroy it, then snag the fuel can, pick up the ammo that was right next to it and make your way down the nearby staircase.

There will be a trio of thugs in the basement, so take them out, then pick up the fuel can (if you don’t have the previous one) to the southwest. This will enable you to blast open the door to your east. Head through and make a left, and you’ll see some scrap on the right hand side at the other side of the hall. Grab it, then look for an opening to your left and head through. 

Look out for two more Transfer Tanks here, as well as a fuel can to your north and ammo right next to it, just a little bit west in the corner. Use the fuel can (or your shotgun) to destroy the tanks, then make your way back upstairs, heading back to level ground. There will be another open area, where you can grab a fuel can in a room located to your east. You’ll see a Transfer Tank on the left hand side. Using your fuel can should do the trick – just make sure you throw it into one of its openings to get a maximum effect. 

Remember that doorway you first entered through? Head back that way and you’ll find a ladder just to the south. Go up, defeat the thug that’s waiting there, and then look to your west to find more scrap, on a nearby roof. Look up and you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia hanging atop a rusted sign, which you can easily destroy with your shotgun.

Head west and you’ll find some ammunition on another roof, right above the main entryway. Work your way back down to the open area, and you’ll see a ladder to your north. Head up and look for a water source on a nearby roof (if you need the refill), along with some scrap just to the right of that. Head back down from there. 

You’ll see a main gate, along with several fuel cans that you can easily pick up. You’ll be able to use these to destroy a pair of Transfer Tanks, which are waiting on the south side of the nearby bus. Blow them to bits, then snag the scrap that’s inside the bus. Head back to the main gate and you’ll see some scrap just to the north of it. Pick it up, then find the opening to the left of the bus – on the north hand side – to get in.

There will be one last piece of scrap located to your northwest, along with a doorway to your east. Grab the scrap and then work your way there. Some ammunition will be inside, along with one last Scrotus Insignia to destroy. Take it out and this camp is history!

Grit Canyons Region 

Gob Stone Oil Pump Camp

First off, head to the east when you get closer to the camp, as this’ll allow you to eliminate the sniper and two Molotov Sling towers from a distance. From there, you should only have to deal with the main gate. However, your harpoon won’t get the job done, and there will also be a flame stream blocking your path. Make your way to the northeast and you’ll spot yellow paint right on the face of the cliff. You’ll be able to get out of your car and work your way inside a small opening to get into the camp. 

Half a left and you’ll locate a few fuel cans right in front of you, on the other side of the main gate. You’ll be able to use one of these to light up the red oil tank just to the right of the gate. This’ll blast it to pieces, and stop the flame stream as well. 

Turn around and you’ll see a Scrapulance right near the entrance. You’ll be able to drive this later on to Gutgash’s or Jeet’s camp to earn some additional scrap. For now, though, leave it and head straight, where you’ll run into a few foes. Take them out, then look for a fence on the east hand side to find a Scrotus Insignia. Destroy it and move on. 

Look around for another fence near the south wall, and you should be able to find a piece of scrap to be picked up. Head inside the nearby small hut, and look to your right to pick up some ammunition. Make your way east from there, and you’ll find two additional pieces of scrap, along with a fuel can.

Move to the right of the hut (where you first located these goods) and make your way south. From there, you’ll be able to kick down a door. Look to your left and you’ll see a water source if you need to fill up your canteen. Fill ‘er up, then head through the door.

You’ll reach an open area where a War Crier and enemies are waiting for you. Take down the Crier first, then deal with his allies. After taking them out, head inside the nearby structure to the south, where you’ll find a History Relic, along with a Water Storage project part. There’s also a fuel can on the opposite side (be sure to pick it up), to the north of the structure, and a Scrotus Insignia just outside of the southern wall. Destroy it, then make sure you fill up on ammunition, which can also be found in the southeast corner. (You may need to get closer to it.) 

After taking care of this stuff, make your way north. You’ll see a pile of rubbish on your right hand side. Look around it and you’ll find more scrap. Use the fuel can you snagged earlier to destroy the oil pump, which will be on your north hand side, and that should complete the main objective assigned for this particular camp. That said, there’s still a little more to be done. Head to the left of the oil pump, where there’s a pathway, and work your way up a ladder at the other side. You’ll see another ladder, but before you go up, head left and pick up the nearby scrap that’s there. Once you snag it, climb up.

One more Scrotus Insignia will be waiting up top, to your right. There will also be some additional scrap and ammo to pick up as well. Snag these, destroy the Insignia, and this camp will be done. Use the zipline and you’ll head right back to the entrance. 

Black Cove Oil Pump Camp 

You’ll find a sniper and two additional Molotov Sling towers waiting for you. Make your way north and you should be able to find a good spot to take out the sniper with your longshot. As for the towers, you’ll have to get closer, and you can either use your longshot or, if your car is close enough, your harpoon.

From there, head to the main gate and rip it down with the harpoon, then make your way out of the car and into the camp. Head up the ladder, and you’ll find a staircase. Go up, and then work your way into a nearby open area. A War Crier and thugs will be waiting. Take out the Crier first, then beat up the other foes and move on. 

There will be a door to the north. Kick it down and you’ll find some scrap and food inside, should you need an energy refill. Move back to the open area and look for some huge gates to the south of you. You’ll work your way across a bridge, then find a fence lining up along the left hand side. There should be some scrap there, so pick it up. Go down the nearby ladder, and you’ll spot another pile of scrap on the wall, just to your northwest, as well as another pile, while you can find by going east down a narrow path. It should be at the other side. 

Climb back up the ladder where you came from, and head towards the bridge. Before you get there, though, hang a left through an open doorway. There will be  a water source to fill up your canteen. From there, work your way around the nearby path (on the right hand side) and pick up the ammo located there. Shift through a nearby doorway, and you’ll find a few more thugs waiting. Take them out.

You’ll see a building to your west. Go around the north side of it, and you’ll find the entrance. Head in, and you’ll find food to scrounge down (if needed) as well as a Scrotus Insignia to destroy. Take it out, then make your way east, where you’ll find a door to kick down. 

There are some stairs ahead, but don’t use them yet. Instead, head left and you’ll find a wench, which you can break to drop down a bridge that’s hanging above you. Go across, and make your way to the ladder on the other side. There will be a staircase to go up, with a water source located at the top. Fill ‘er up, then find a door to your west to kick down. 

Make your way to the other side, and you’ll find a History Relic to be picked up, along with a piece of scrap, located to your left on a nearby balcony. From there, you’ll spot a ladder. Go up and hang a right, and you’ll see another staircase. Before you go up, pick up the fuel can right in front of it. Head up, then pick up the scrap at the top. There will be a nearby zipline. Use it, and you’ll find another part of the camp with a Scrotus Insignia, just waiting to be destroyed.

Make your way back to the lower area, then pick up the fuel can that’s nearby and blast the nearby oil pump (to your left) to bits with it. There will be a ramp on the right hand side of the now-destroyed pump. Head up, then make your way up another staircase to find the last Scrotus Insignia in the camp. One more flight of stairs awaits, so go up it and look for the final scrap pile at the top. From here, look for a climbable wall, and locate a ladder. Kick it down, make your way down, and you’ll be back at the entrance. Camp completed!

Overlook Transfer Tank Camp

You’ll find a pair of snipers and a flame spout waiting for you here at this camp. First, take out the snipers by setting up a shady spot to the north, and using your longshot. You’ll also see an oil tank that’s right above the main gate (to the left hand side). Destroy it, and that’ll take care of the flames. 

Move into the camp on foot, and you’ll find a pair of enemies to defeat, as well as a fuel can to the west hand side. Grab it, and then hurl it at the transfer tank that’s in the same area. After destroying it, head southwest to find a nearby water source, in case you need an energy refill. You’ll see a door just off to the right. Kick it down, and move into another area with a War Crier and enemies. As usual, take out the Crier first, then clean house on the others. 

Two Transfer Tanks will also be here, but ignore them for a moment. Defeat the foes, then make your way up a wall (just to the northwest, right behind a Transfer Tank) and destroy the Scrotus Insignia that’s up top. There will also be a pile of scrap to pick up as well. 

Head back down, but ignore the tanks and move to the ladder to your south. There will be a doorway with some thugs inside. Finish them off, then make your way back to see a Transfer Tank on the one side and three fuel cans on the other. There’s also a nearby Scrapulance on the other side of the fuel cans, which you can take to a nearby stronghold once you’re done cleaning up this camp, for extra scrap.

The fuel can is ideal for destroying the Transfer Tank, so blast it, then look for a tiny structure just to your southeast. Head in and pick up the scrap that’s inside, then move down the path that’ll be to your southwest. Head into a lower area, then make your way around the left hand side to find a piece of nearby scrap to add to your collection. Head back, but this time move west, where there’s a crane. Go around it, then make your way to the right. 

Another Transfer Tank will be waiting, along with a structure to your right that will have some food inside (behind the tank). Be on the lookout for a fuel can on the far right side as well, along with three fuel cans, a scrap pile and a wench (with two more Transfer Tanks) to the left side of it. Any of these fuel cans are ideal for destroying the tank, so use whatever you want. From there, grab the food (if you need it), pick up the scrap, and then destroy the wench. This will take care of the two Transfer Tanks on it automatically, without needing to waste a fuel can. 

Heading north will take you to a familiar area, but you won’t need to drop down into it. Instead, look to the left of the dropoff point, and you’ll see some scrap to pick up. Make sure you have the fuel cans you picked up earlier, as you can use them to destroy the Transfer Tanks you passed by earlier. After they’re finished, make your way down the path to the previous area, where you were before. 

Make your way south (away from where you were previously) and you’ll spot several cranes. You can go around these and drop off into a lower area, where you’ll find a ladder. Make your way down, and then make your way along a lower staircase to find a water source, should you need to fill up your canteen. From there, find another staircase, go down, and look for a nearby ladder to climb. 

You’ll run into some thugs here, so take them out. After you do, look to the north to find a nearby door to kick down, as well as a ladder to descend. Head down, then move along the path. Stop when you see it go left, though, as you’ll find some scrap here. From there, head back and go to your right, and you’ll be able to climb up a nearby wall.

Look for a wench that will bring down a nearby bridge. Once it’s down, make your way across, and look for a ladder to climb up. You’ll find another Transfer Tank at the top, but don’t engage it yet. Instead, look to the left for a spot with yellow paint. You’ll be able to access this balcony, where you’ll find additional scrap, along with a fuel can. 

Use the fuel can to destroy the Tank, then head southwest. The path will take you to the right, but stop and look for a climbable wall first. Don’t go up yet, but make note of it. From there, head to the path and you’ll find a fuel can on the other side, along with some more scrap. You’ll see another Transfer Tank right above you. Light up the fuel can and blast it to bits. 

Go back to the climbable wall and head up, where a pair of thugs are waiting. Bust their heads, then pick up the fuel can that’s right nearby where you first climbed up. Also, look to your west, where you’ll see some scrap to pick up. One more Transfer Tank will be waiting on your left hand side. Blow it up with the fuel can, then look for a path off to the left of its debris. Here, you’ll find a crack to slip through, with food to eat (if needed) and a Scrotus Insignia to destroy. 

Head back to the area where you destroyed the tank, then look to your northwest for a path. Make your way down it, but look for the scrap hanging on the right hand side. Snag it, then continue to find a tent ahead, where there’s some scrap inside. Look to the right of the tent and you’ll find one more Scrotus Insignia to take out. From there, look for a ladder on your left hand side. Head up, and move to the far platform to find an Oil Well project part. With that, this camp is done, and you can drive the Scrapulance back from here to collect even more scrap. 

Balefire Flatland Region 

Sand Sifter Oil Transfer Camp

There will be a few snipers on the front side of the camp, but you should be able to set up a spot just south of it to take them out, along with a War Crier that can be spotted from this point. You may also be able to spot a crane that you can shoot with the longshot, which will destroy a Transfer Tank that’s hanging above. Take care of these, then head to the main gate and yank it down with your harpoon. If you prefer a quieter way in, there’s also a small entry on the east hand side to slip through. Just look for the area with the yellow paint. If you took care of the War Crier, you only need to worry about a few thugs that are waiting in the open area. 

Once you’re done with them, head to the northeast to pick up some scrap, then straight across to the southeast to pick up some ammo. Head southwest and you’ll also find a fuel can, which you can use to destroy a Transfer Tank that’s to your north side. There are six overall that need to be taken out in the camp, so make note of these.

Look to the right of the main entrance and you’ll find a covered area. Head to the north side of the outer area and you’ll find a ladder to go up. Make your way to the other end of the path, and you’ll find two pieces of scrap to pick up. 

From there, work your way back to where you fought the thugs, then find a staircase to your north and head up. Move around to the left hand side and you’ll find a Scrotus Insignia to destroy. Make sure you’re on the end of the path to get the best shot, then hang a left. You’ll see a ladder that you can climb. 

Don’t use the ladder just yet, though. Go around the left and you’ll find another Scrotus Insignia in the back room that you can easily destroy. Continue to the next area and you’ll find food, should you need it, along with a doorway to your right, where you can find a Survey Crew project part. Move to the next room beyond that and you’ll find a water source to refill your canteen, and some scrap to its left. Watch for the Transfer Tank on the right hand side, along with some fuel cans. Pick up a fuel can and take it out. 

Word of warning: watch when you collect scrap on the plank. You can easily slip off and that means you’ll lose your life. After you (safely) collect it, go back to the ladder you spotted previously and climb up. 

Some enemies will be waiting here, so beat them, then look for some stairs to your north. Stop and look to your left to pick up some scrap before heading up (look under the tent), and then check out yet another scrap pile waiting at the top. Look to the southwest for a small alcove, where you’ll find a third pile of scrap to be picked up. 

Head to the south and you’ll come across a wall that you can easily climb. You’ll see a crane with a wench on the left hand side. Bust it and you’ll destroy the Transfer Tank that was holding it. Head back down to the previous area you were in, then look west, and you’ll see a descending ladder. Head down and you’ll find another ladder that leads to an open area, with another Transfer Tank. There’s a fuel can nearby, so blast it, then climb back up the ladder.

You’ll find the last Transfer Tank to the west of you, along with several fuel cans that you can use. Blast it to smithereens by igniting the fuel can, then look for a door to its left hand side. Bust it down, then move straight ahead to find the last Scrotus Insignia in the camp. Break it, then pick up the scrap that was to the right of it (on the wall), along with more scrap to the left (on the ground). Head back to where you were before (with the blasted Transfer Tank) and locate a staircase to the north hand side (or south of the previous stairs you went up). Climb up, and look for another piece of scrap on the right hand side, located next to a ladder.

Climb up, then move down the path and you’ll find one more piece of scrap waiting in the corner. Camp completed! 

Hollow Point Oil Pump Camp

You’ll see a lone sniper from the south, so shoot him with your longshot, then focus your attention on the fuel bank that’s located to the right of the main gate. That’ll blast the flame stream blocking your path. Harpoon the main gate to bring it down, then head inside. A Scrapulance will be on your right hand side, which you can take to Jeet for a scrap bonus. Do that at the end. 

You’ll move into an open area where a few thugs are waiting. Defeat them, then locate a tent on your northeast side to find some scrap on the ground. (Look for the broken down car.) From there, make your way north, past two more destroyed cars, and you’ll find a tented area on your right hand side, where another Scrotus Insignia can be destroyed. Take it out, then head west up a small stairway, where there will be some ammunition waiting on a platform.

Head back west, and you’ll see another tent that holds a pair of scrap pieces to be picked up. There will be a door to your northwest with a water source nearby. Fill up, then bust down the door. More enemies will be waiting, along with a War Crier. You know what to do – eliminate the Crier first (to avoid reinforcements, then take out the remaining thugs. You’ll see a building to the southwest. Head in, and you’ll find some more scrap, along with a number of fuel cans. 

Take one of the fuel cans and blast the door that will be to your north hand side. Before you head through, though, head west, where you’ll see a ladder. Make note of it, and go back through the doorway. Two enemies will be waiting, so bust their heads, and then break the nearby wench that will be holding up a crane. Head northwest and you’ll spot a small crack in the wall. Slither through and you’ll find another Scrotus Insignia to destroy. 

Double back to find a nearby ladder Make your way down, and pick up a fuel can that’s to the southeast of it to blast the nearby oil pump, which should be right in the center of the area. From there, make your way west, and you’ll find another piece of scrap to be picked up at the end.

Remember that ladder you saw before (after you blasted the door)? Go up and you’ll find a few more goodies, including food, scrap and a fuel can, as well as a ladder on your right hand side. Head up and break the last Scrotus Insignia, which will be located to your right. 

You’ll see a nearby zip line. Head down, and pick up the Oil Well project part at the bottom, which should be to the northeast. Continue your way atop the containers (heading southwest) and you’ll find one more piece of scrap to pick up. This should finish up the camp for you. 

The Dredges Transfer Tank Camp

You won’t have to worry about snipers at this camp, only a pair of Molotov Sling towers, which you can take out with ease  The South one is the biggest concern, so be sure to take that out. After you do, make your way to the southeast gate, which you can ram through. Head in, and take out the thugs waiting for you.

After working your way inside the gate, you’ll see a Transfer Tank on your north hand side, along with ammo and a fuel can ahead of it. Pick up the ammo and destroy the Tank with the can, then make your way through an entryway to your left, where a few more enemies will be waiting. Eliminate them. 

Pick up another fuel can (from the entrance), and that’ll allow you to destroy two more Transfer Tanks waiting in the southwest corner. After taking them out, work your way through a doorway to the south, where you’ll find food (if needed). You’ll see another entryway to the left of the entryway. Head into it, and you’ll find some scrap in the opposite room.

Make your way back to where you were before and look to your west, where you can find a door to go through. Look on the ground to your left and you’ll see some paint. There will be a grating there that you can rip off, and a ladder to access. Before you do, double back and look for a water source to the right of the yellow paint. Fill up, then head down and make your way east. You’ll see a fence to your right that holds an Oil Well project part at the end, right next to a nearby ladder. 

Use this ladder to get to another area, where you’ll find a room with a Transfer Tank inside. There will be a fuel can as well, so blast it, then proceed to the hallway you passed and make your way north. You’ll see a container door you can open up. Head inside, and you’ll find some scrap on the wall, along with another Scrotus Insignia to destroy. 

Head east and you’ll find another piece of scrap to pick up, along with some food and a pair of fuel cans. You’ll make your way around a ridge that will take you to another Transfer Tank, which you can blow up with the fuel can. Work your way down and you’ll find a ladder to head up. Once you’re there, look for one last Scrotus Insignia to destroy by the fence. (You can either shoot it or head to the right to break it by hand, if you want to conserve ammunition.) 

Make your way north, where you’ll find a wench to break. Use it to blast a Transfer Tank that the crane is holding, then make your way into a lower area, where a few more thugs are waiting. Kill the War Crier first, then the others, and then grab some Thundersticks on the west hand side (on a nearby rack) to destroy the three Transfer Tanks waiting in the fenced area. (The fuel cans you saw earlier will do the trick as well.)

Head down this fenced area (to the south) and you’ll find some more scrap, along with a doorway on the southwest side. Use a Thunderstick to blast it open, and look for a Water Source on the left to fill up your canteen, along with some scrap in the nearby room, right behind it. 

Remember the Thunderstick rack you saw before? Head back and you’ll see a ladder, which you can go up (to the east) to get to a higher area. You’ll see another ladder to the south. Head up, and you’ll find some scrap at the tent at the very end of the pathway. 

You’ll see two bridges. Make your way across them, then keep going forward (past the ladder) and you’ll find another tent holding some precious scrap inside. Grab it, then go back to the ladder and head down to make your way through the pathway. You’ll see another ladder that you can break down, but ignore it. This will take you back to where you already were.

Instead, head northeast and find a staircase on your left hand side, where another crane awaits. Destroy the wench and that should take out the final Transfer Tank in the area. You’ll see an opening to your right. Head through, and you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia on the wall to your immediate right. Break it, then head south and you’ll find one more container to head into. Grab the final piece of scrap that’s inside, and this camp is cleaned up.

Rot ‘N’ Rustles Region 

Twin Sisters Stank Gum Camp 

You’ll see a lot of outside defenses at this camp, including three snipers and various Thunderpoon launchers, along with two War Criers that you can pick off. You can easily take them out, but if you approach from the west, you’ll need to only be concerned with a pair of the snipers and a single Thunderpoon launcher. It’s your choice how you want to go, depending on how much time you want to spend at the camp. 

You’ll find two different tower-based structures in the camp. Go ahead and make your way to the one on the south side. You may see a flame spout light up, but you can stop it by shooting the oil drum that’s located atop the tower. The general objective here is to defeat 37 enemies. 

First, head into the camp, and you’ll run into nearly a dozen enemies right there. Defeat them, then make your way to the north where you’ll find a doorway. Go through and hang a left, and you’ll see some scrap on the wall near the end. From there, go to the stairs that are on the southeast (after a little double-backing), but don’t go up yet. Instead, look on the ground for some scrap and pick it up, then head up. 

Once you’re up the stairs, look to your right and you’ll see more scrap to pick up at the end of the hall. Go back and make your way east through another doorway. You’ll see another opening to the right, but before you take it, keep going straight and you’ll find some ammunition at the end of the hall. 

Go back to the stairs and head up, and look to your left at the top to find some scrap, just past the doorway you went through. Go through the next area and you’ll find a water source to fill up your canteen, along with a door that you’ll want to kick down and go through. 

Make your way down the hall, through the doorway, and then take the nearby staircase on your right hand side. Up top, you’ll find nine more enemies waiting, which you can easily take care of. Once they’re done, look for a valve on the oil tank to the west. Turn it, then pick up the ammo on your north hand side. Look for a nearby structure (to your south) and head inside, and you’ll find some ammo right next to the doorway, with a Scrotus Insignia right next to it. Grab the ammo and destroy the Insignia.

Keep looking in the structure and you’ll find some scrap to your southwest side. Once you get it, make your way over the bridge (heading north) and you’ll get to the other tower. There will be a door that can be kicked down here, which will take you down another hallway with a doorway at the end. 

Take the nearby staircase (on the far right hand side) down to find a couple more enemies waiting for you. Defeat them, and a few more (total of seven) will begin working your way, probably climbing up the ladder. Once they’re defeated, look for a water source to your southeast to fill up, and then look for stairs leading down on your northwest side. 

Once you climb down, look for ammo to the left of the nearby ladder, but don’t climb it. Instead, there should be another staircase where you picked up the ammo. You’ll find some scrap on the far end of the room connected with it, along with another set of stairs on your west side. Head down, and look for some scrap hanging on the wall. 

You’ll spin around and find even more scrap on the ground right ahead of you. Pick it up, then look for yet another staircase. Don’t go down yet, though. Instead, take the path to the left of the stairs, and you’ll locate a History Relic at its end.

Grab it, then work your way down the stairs you passed before, which will lead you to the lower level. You’ll go through a doorway on your west side and keep moving along to find some scrap on the far left. From there, go back to the main room where you were and go back up the stairs to the south. 

As you keep going down the hall, look for some stairs to the right, then take them to find some more to climb up to your southwest in the next area. From there, make your way north, and you’ll see a ladder close to a fence on the left hand side (you passed it previously). Go up, and you’ll find another flight of stairs at the end of the hall. Go up and make your way right. 

Once you get through this and go up yet another staircase, you’ll be on the roof, where the rest of the enemies should be waiting. You can beat them and that should give you your enemy defeated count, thus completing the main objective. From there, look to a platform on the north side, and you’ll find some ammunition, along with a fuel can. Stop by the southwest as well and pick up some more ammo here. Look for the door on the south side, and you’ll see another Scrotus Insignia, which you can destroy. Use the fuel can you picked up to blast open the door, then head inside and pick up the final piece of scrap, along with a Survey Crew project part. This should complete everything that needs to be done in this camp, so look for a zip line that’s nearby and make your way back to where you started.

Tyrant’s Lash Top Dog Camp 

You’ll have a few defenses to deal with here, including a trio of snipers, various Thunderpoon Launchers, and a gate that requires at least a level six harpoon to bring down. You’ll have to deal with a pair of flame spouts as well, so you can’t just drive in. Making your way from the southwest will help you to line up the snipers with ease, and you’ll be able to move in close to deal with the others. To take out the flame spouts, look for red oil drums on the sides of the main gate. Once the flames are out of the way, use your harpoon (again, level six) or some Thunderpoons, and take care of the gate. 

If you wish to conserve ammunition, there’s also a hidden entrance off to the right that you’ll be able to sneak through. Just look for the splotch of yellow paint and you’ll be able to get right in. 

Either way, you’ll deal with some enemies in the open area (to your right if you go through the main gate, or right into the area sneaking through). Once they’re done, look for scrap to your northeast side, then find a ladder to your south, where you’ll be able to peer left and see a Scrotus Insignia that you’ll be able to shoot down. 

From there, make your way right, and you’ll see some ammo on your left hand side, as well as some scrap on the far side. Once you get this, head back to the lower part of the camp, and look for a fuel can alongside the east wall. You’ll use this to blast open the door located to your northwest. From here, prepare to be swarmed by a huge number of foes. The shielded ones pose the biggest threat, so counter their attacks, and then beat them to a pulp before worrying about the others. Otherwise, the shielded ones stand a better chance of attacking you while you deal with the lower-level thugs. 

Once they’re finished, check inside the tent on your north hand side (to the west side of the entrance) and pick up the scrap that’s inside. You’ll see a flame spout going off to the southeast, which will keep you going further into the camp. Don’t worry about it for the moment. Instead, look for a door on your left (just by the flames) and get in there to find a container. Open the door to that, and pick up the scrap that’s inside. 

Once you get it, continue through the container (headed north) and you’ll find a ladder on your left hand side. Go up, and you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia to destroy on the left, along with a water source to refill your canteen right in from of you. Head to your right after taking care of these, and you’ll find a ladder you can kick down, along with a valve, which you can use to turn off the flame spout. 

After the valve is turned (and you took care of the other stuff), climb down the kicked ladder into a new area. You’ll now be able to go through the southeast entry that was blocked before. 

You’ll see a staircase going up to the left. Head up, and stop in the room to look to the southeast, where you’ll find another History Relic. Keep going ahead, but ignore the pathway on the left. Instead, look to your right and you’ll see some ammo. Keep going down that path, to the left, and you’ll see some scrap hanging on a nearby fence. Grab it, then make your way back over the bridge you just passed. 

Make your way down a nearby staircase, and you’ll find a piece of scrap waiting in the west corner of the next area, along with some additional scrap waiting under the large tent alongside the nearby wall. Grab both of these, then look for another staircase on your north side and head down.

You’ll head through another doorway. Make your way around the corner, then enter the first nearby room (to your right) and you’ll find some more ammunition, along with a Scrotus Insignia in the corner to your right. Pick up the ammo and destroy the Insignia, then head through the doorway to your far left, which will take you down another hall. Make your way to the right at the end, and you’ll go through another area, reaching a door that you’ll be able to kick down. Do so, then go through it. 

Some foes will be waiting here, so take them down quickly. From there, look for two doorways on the east hand side. The first leads to a door that you’ll need to blast open, so instead take the other doorway (on your left), where you’ll find a fuel can waiting around the corner. Use it to blast open the first door, then pick up the scrap hanging alongside the far wall in the next area. Once you find it, look for some stairs and go up. 

You’ll see a water source right in front of you where you can refill your canteen, along with a door at the end that you can kick down. A Top Dog will be waiting here, along with several of his friends. Take these thugs out first, but watch for the Dog’s charges, which can easily be avoided. As you dodge, hit him a few times, then repeat the process. Once he does, he’ll be defeated. (Note: this procedure is similar to other Top Dog battles you’ll have in the game, so keep it in mind.) 

You’ll see a valve in the west corner that you can turn, which will turn off a nearby flame spout. Once it’s off, find a ladder to your south side and climb up, then hang a left where you’ll see some ammunition off to your far right (where a sniper was previously). Once you get it, you’ll see a path going north. Keep going down until you can reach a lower area on your left hand side. 

Look to your north and you’ll see a staircase which you’ll be able to go up. There will scrap waiting on the wall right at the top, along with two more pieces that will be on the ground. Get all of these, then go back down the stairs and look for a ladder on your east. Head up, and you’ll find one more piece of scrap at the very top. 

Head to the left, but avoid the zip line for now, as this will take you back into another area. You’re not ready to leave yet, though. Instead, make your way north, where you’ll find another ladder on your right hand side. Make your way up and you’ll find one more Scrotus Insignia to destroy. Once it’s done, the camp will be all cleaned up! 

Dead End Transfer Tank Camp 

There will be a trio of snipers and Thunderpoon launchers waiting for you at this camp, along with a flame spout. Thankfully, you can find a good spot to the northwest to take out the snipers with your longshot, giving you clearance to move in and take care of the Launchers in your vehicle. From there, you’ll be able to ram your way inside with ease. 

Look alongside the rail car to the right, and you’ll find some scrap waiting to be picked up. From there, make your way south of the rail car, and you’ll see another Scrotus Insignia in cement, which you can destroy. 

There should be a ladder on your northwest side. Head up and you’ll find some scrap amongst the top of the containers to the west. Grab it, then make your way back down, where you’ll see a wall that you can climb up, between rail cars on the north side. 

You’ll deal with various thugs here, but make sure you pick up the ammo to the left of the doorway and the two pieces of scrap on the right hand side before getting into that skirmish. Once they’re defeated, look to the west and you’ll see a door that you can blast open. For now, though, look for a hallway on your north side, where you can find some scrap inside, just to your left. 

You’ll spin around and see another door to the east that you can kick down. Defeat the thug that’s waiting, and then look next to the doorway to find another water source. Once you’re topped off (if you need it), look for plenty of stuff in the next open area, including some food to the southwest (next to the container) and some scrap hanging on the wall inside. 

There’s also a fuel can next to the nearby rail car, along with some ammunition. Grab it, then return to the door you saw previously and blast it open. The explosion should also take out the two Transfer Tanks that were waiting right by the entrance. (If it somehow misses them, just go back and grab another can to use.) From there, head inside, but stop by the southeast and you’ll see some scrap hanging on the wall. 

After the Tanks are defeated, head back to where the rail car was, and climb your way back up top. But instead of getting a fuel can, make your way right, and you’ll reach another small area, where you can destroy another Scrotus Insignia. 

There will be a rail car to your south that you can go through, but be prepared for some thugs that are waiting on the other side. Defeat them, then make your way south to find a way you can climb up. Once you’re at the top, look for a staircase, with some scrap right next to it (on the right hand side). 

Head back to the lower area and make sure to load up on Thundersticks (on a rack to your south side), then make your way east between the rail cars, where you’ll find three more Transfer Tanks waiting. Destroy them with a well-timed Thunderstick throw, then look for scrap inside the container to your southwest. Make sure to check to the left of the container as well, as you can find a Scrotus Insignia to blow up. It’s in the space between the container and the destroyed Transfer Tanks. 

Once you’re done with that, go back to where you were before, and look for stairs to your southwest. Head up, and you’ll reach the main entrance. But before you go, hop in your car and use your harpoon to unhitch a ladder located along the south wall. Get out of your car and climb up, and you’ll find a room to your south. Defeat the enemies in there, and then grab some fuel cans (in the northeast corner) to take care of the two waiting Transfer Tanks.

Once you’re destroyed, go across to another room, where you’ll find some food and scrap just waiting to be picked up. Take a glance to your north side and you’ll see another Scrotus Insignia as well, hanging right above a cage. Once you destroy it, make your way east, and you’ll find one more piece of scrap in a nearby room, to your south, on the floor. That should pretty much take care of everything in this camp!

Grandise Region 

Old Hole Oil Pump Camp 

First off, you’ll find this camp next to a mountain. It might take some time to figure out the right approach as a result. What you’ll want to do is head around the mountain, and make sure you don’t go too fast. You’ll start to see a pair of guards come into view, right at the entrance. Shoot them down as soon as they’re within range, so you don’t waste any longshot bullets. That should take care of the outside defenses.

From there, work your way into the opening area, where a few thugs will be waiting. Defeat them, then move towards the structure to your southwest, and look inside to find some scrap, as well as a Scrotus Insignia on the other end. Break it, then work your way up a nearby ladder and you’ll find some more scrap topside. 

Go back to the main area where you were at, and look for an entryway on the east hand side. You’ll find a water source on the left to refill your canteen, along with a piece of scrap hanging on the right hand side. After taking care of both, head down the nearby stairs and beat up the thugs that are inside. (Some will pop up out of the sand, so be weary of when they attack.) 

Once they’re done, head to the northeast, where you’ll find a tent with some scrap inside, along with a Thunderstick Rack. Watch out for another enemy as you approach, who will be ready to strike. Load up on Thundersticks, then head southeast, where you’ll see another piece of scrap. You’ll run into two more enemies in the ground, so be prepared. 

Head to the south and make your way to the doorway after blowing it open with a Thunderstick. Don’t go through it just yet, though, as there will be a ladder on the right hand side. Head up and hang a left, and you’ll be able to open up a door up here. Head in, then look up to the left and you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia to shoot down. 

Once it’s done, go back to the area that’s beneath the Insignia, and you’ll find some scrap to collect. Go through the doorway, and head down the nearby staircase, where you’ll find some food on your right hand side (should you need it). From there, go to the lower area, where the blown-open door was, and head through. 

Once you go down the nearby staircase (to the left), you’ll find a Top Dog waiting. He’ll have thugs with him, so take them down first, then dodge the Dog’s attacks and counter-attack accordingly. Once they’re defeated, look for a small space to the south, and you’ll find a valve which should turn off the flame stream in the area. You’ll also find a Scrotus Insignia next to it to break, along with another piece of scrap to pick up, off to the left. 

Be prepared for a few thugs once you turn off the flame spout. Take them out, then make your way north, where you’ll find an oil pump, along with some scrap just to the left of it. Before you destroy it, head to the building to the right side of the pump and go in. (Don’t worry about the ladder that’s in there.)

You’ll find a History Relic just inside, along with a piece of scrap on the other side of the building, outside and to the right. Once you get it, go over to the left a ways and you’ll find some more scrap, along with a fuel can and ammunition just a little more ahead. Go back to the ladder you found before, where there will be some scrap at the top. There will also be another fuel can on the other side (if you didn’t grab the one previously), so use that to destroy the pump you passed by earlier, and this camp is finished. 

The Drop Tog Dog Camp

You’ll have a lot of outer defenses to deal with here, including a pair of snipers and a quartet of Thunderpoon Launchers. Heading in from the east, you should be able to find a spot to kill the snipers with the longshot, enabling you to move in and handle the Launchers at close range. 

Once you get to the gate, a Thunderpoon or level six harpoon will make quick work of it. From there, head in, and you’ll find a Scrapulance on the left that you can take back to the nearest stronghold, along with a Scrotus Insignia right above it. Destroy the Insignia, then look for some ammunition and a piece of scrap in that area. 

As you go into the next room, you’ll see some scrap on the left hand side, along with a number of fuel cans to use. Make your way down the corridor on the right hand side, where several enemies will be awaiting your arrival. Take them down, but make sure you focus on the ones with the Thundersticks first, as they can do the most damage. Once they’re finished, the others will be easy to pick off. 

There will be a rack to the southeast that will have some Thundersticks. Use one (or the fuel can if you picked one up earlier) to blast open the door to the southwest. Inside, stick close to the right wall, which should take you into a nearby room, where you’ll find a piece of scrap, a Scrotus Insignia, and a water source to fill up your canteen. 

Make your way south, and you’ll go into another area, where there’s a room to your left. Go in, pick up the ammo, and continue down the hall. Take out the thug waiting there, then look to the northwest, where you’ll see a Scrotus Insignia, which you can destroy with either a shotgun blast or a Thunderstick. Once that’s done, look for some scrap on the ground to the east (right in the small room), as well as two extra pieces of scrap in another room to your southeast. 

There will be a door on your east hand side. Kick it down, then look for a ladder to your left hand side and climb up. Make your way south at the top to find another piece of scrap on the wall, along with an adjacent room to the northeast, with even more scrap inside. From there, make your way west, and you’ll find another Scrotus Insignia to destroy, along with some hanging scrap to your north side. 

Once you take care of these, go back to the ladder where you were before, but don’t go down. Instead, make your way northeast across a bus, then check to your immediate right to find some scrap. From there, go northwest, and you’ll find another water source to fill up on, as well as some ammunition. There should be a ladder on the north hand side to kick down. Just ignore it for now.

As you go through a doorway to the northwest, you’ll find more enemies to face, along with a Top Dog. As with before, take out the smaller thugs first (particularly the War Crier that’s in this area) as the Dog sits there. Once they’re finished, he’ll come at you. Just avoid his incoming strikes, and counter-attack. 

After he’s done, there will be two valves on each side of the area. These will turn off the flame shooters. Look for a Scrotus Insignia hanging just to your south side, along with a piece of scrap at the end of a nearby platform (off to your west). Once you take care of these, the camp is cleared!

The Choke Transfer Tank Camp 

Before you head into this camp, you’ll want to make sure you’ve taken care of every threat in Jeet’s territory, including Dry Gustle, Fuel Veins, Balefire Flatland, Blackmaws and Colossus). The reason for this is because you won’t get a level six harpoon until you do, and you need one to open this camp’s gate. 

There will be a single sniper visible, but you can shoot him with the longshot from the southwest side. Get a little closer, but not too close, and you’ll be able to target the second sniper before he spots you. 

There will also be an opportunity to shoot a War Crier from a distance via the southwest, but it’s optional. Take down all the perimeter defenses to your west, then go to the east and clean out the others (as well as the War Crier, if you want). From there, you can make your way to the east side of the nearby bridge, where there’s a hidden entrance. It’s got quite a jump ahead of it, though, so go at your own risk.

Once you get through the eastern gate (one way or another), you’ll run into a few foes to bring down. After they’re done, look for a ladder to your northwest side (by the gate) and head up. You’ll make your way right, where you’ll find some scrap to pick up. Head back down, and look for a small structure to your south to go into. There will be some more scrap in there, along with several fuel cans. 

Use a fuel can to blow up the Transfer Tank that’s in the area, then go back and make your way south through the structure. This will eventually lead to a path that goes left. Keep going until you see a crane holding up a Transfer Tank. Destroy the wench to take out the tank, then grab the nearby fuel can (to the west of the crane) to destroy the other waiting Transfer tank, which will be to your north by a fence.

Several enemies will be alerted by this, but don’t fight them. Instead, find a staircase to the west and head up, then look for a climbable wall on your right hand side. You’ll see plenty of enemies holding Thundersticks ahead of you. This is a good spot to see all the enemies coming your way, where you can engage them as they head your way. 

Once they’re all done, go back to the place where you first made your way up the wall. You’ll find a path headed to the northeast, where you can find some more scrap, along with a water source on the nearby balcony to fill up your canteen. From there, make your way across the nearby bridge, where you’ll find some scrap on the other end. Look for a staircase on the right hand side and make your way up. 

You’ll see a platform to your south, where you can load up on Thundersticks in a nearby rack, along with a piece of scrap on the wall opposite from that. Go inside the nearby structure and you’ll find a Scrotus Insignia waiting to be destroyed at the other end. Once it’s done, grab a Thunderstick and go back outside, where you’ll find a staircase to the north. Head on down. 

You’ll find food in this structure, along with ammo just off to the east side. Pick it up, and look for a Transfer Tank right next to it. The Thunderstick will make quick work of it, and you’ll see a staircase just off to your northwest. Climb down, and you’ll reach an open area.

There should be a Scrapulance to your east side, which you can take to a nearby stronghold to clean up on some scrap, so don’t forget it. Look for a wall to climb up on the far right side, and make sure you pick up the scrap on the left hand side (on the ground), as well as a staircase. Head up and you’ll find another Scrotus Insignia to destroy. 

Go back down, and you’ll find yet another staircase on the west side, next to the wall you just went up. Make your way up the stairs, but look for some ammo on the ground as you go up. You’ll find a ladder topside, along with a few more fuel cans and another Transfer Tank. Use the fuel can to destroy it, then go back down the ladder and find the next flight of stairs to go up. 

Once you’re at the top, look for a water source to fill up your canteen, along with a bridge to go across. You’ll find a wench on the other side, destroying three more Transfer Tanks that the crane is holding onto, once you break it. There will also be some scrap hanging on a nearby wall on your left hand side, so be sure to grab it. 

Head east and you’ll find one more piece of scrap to collect, then make your way north and you’ll find a Scrotus Insignia hanging to the left, right near the staircase. Destroy it, and this camp is done for!

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