Perform grapple techniques as instructed by Dimah, then meet up with her again while using your grappling techniques along the way to the destination. After another cut scene, test out your tethering abilities by pulling a barrel into the nearby fence. You can also tether the fuel canisters to each other to cause a few explosions.
When you meet up with Dimah again by the cliffs you obtain the wingsuit. Fly off the cliff to test out your new squirrel-like abilities, and glide toward the bridge below. Place two sets of GE-64 on the bridge where indicated, then head up to the next marker above the bridge and wait for the enemy convoy to show up. When the enemy vehicles are positioned on the bridge, blow the GE-84 to make quick work of them.
Head down the cliff to the SAM site, then hack the two batteries. There are enemies in this area, but you can avoid them if you wish to practice conserving ammo, or gun simply them down. After hacking both batteries, use them to take down the helicopters that attack.
Speak with Dimah and Mario again and pull Mario across the island as you head toward the next marker. This ends the story mission, but there are two liberation missions you can complete in this area. When you’re ready to move on to the next story mission (Mario’s Rebel Drops), head to the marker on the map.
Continue on to Mario’s Rebel Drops or stop and head back to our Just Cause 3 coverage center to find more tips and advice!
Published: Dec 1, 2015 08:00 am