Platinum Games Producer Hideki Kamiya is known for not mincing his words and his very straight-forward method of critiquing the gaming industry. His latest complaint isn’t against a game, in particular, instead, he decided to go after the Nintendo Switch and its core design.
The Nintendo Switch has been an incredible surprise since launch. Many were skeptical following the flop that was the Wii-U, but the Switch pulled through with its promise of more third-party support than ever before and an on-the-go experience that all can enjoy. But that doesn’t mean its perfect and Kamiya himself points out a seemingly glaring issue, at least from his perspective, in a recent Twitter mini-rant (translation courtesy of NintendoSoup):
“The Nintendo Switch’s Home Menu is a piece of crap, all of the sh**ty gigantic game icons are lined up in a row, but the rest of the games are tossed into a trash can called ‘All Games’…I wonder have they (the people that made the menu) ever played the Nintendo fan boys’ Switch?”
スイッチの糞ホーム、糞デカいゲームのサムネが数個貧相に並んでそれ以外のゲームは「すべてのゲーム」つーゴミ箱に放り込まれててマジありがてえわ…ウドンテンニの人間スイッチ遊んだことねえだろ…? 売ってお終いか…?
— 神谷英樹 Hideki Kamiya (@PG_kamiya) December 30, 2019
This brought up other issues in the thread from his fans, including frustrations over how Nintendo has handled the online community, the lack of in-game chat, the lack of sales on games, and so much more. While the UI is a fairly easy fix to make, it is pretty on brand for the company so seeing a massive change to its operation seems unlikely.
Still, the hybrid platform from Nintendo has been a smashing success. It will be interesting to see what changes will be made to the system as well as any other big gaming surprises that the Big N might have up their sleeves for 2020.
What do you think about Kamiya’s critique on the Nintendo Switch? Agree or disagree? Sound off by hitting us up over on Twitter @PrimaGames!
Published: Jan 2, 2020 9:31 PM UTC