Dragon Age: Inquisition – The Wrath of Heaven

Make your way through the beginning of Dragon Age: Inquisition and beat the Pride Demon boss!
This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

Get to the Rift with Cassandra

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After the opening cinematic, select the dialogue that conveys your emotional state when prompted. Once you can move your character, head down the path and through the gate at the end. Continue down the path to the left to trigger another cut-scene. When the enemies attack, help Cassandra take them out, then select your next dialogue choice.

Continue down the path and pick up the loot (a helmet) by the fallen soldier ahead.  Keep following the path, then drop down to the left when two more Lesser Shades attack. Take out the foes then head to the left to find loot and a crafting Elfroot at the end of the path. Continue down the path in the opposite direction to find another Lesser Shade ahead. Defeat the enemy, then head up the hill to the left to engage the Wraith at the top. Once the Wraith is down, go back to the lower area and head to the far end to find more loot and another Elfroot.

As you make your way down the path, another Lesser Shade and two Wraiths attack. Off to the right are another Lesser Shade and Wraith. Take them down, then head to the far end of the area to find another Elfroot. Turn around and up the stairs to the right. When you reach the top, go left at the fork and engage the enemies ahead to trigger another cut-scene.

Reach the Forward Camp

Jump over the wood ahead and continue down the path until you reach the next set of enemies. You now face a Greater Shade, Lesser Shade and two Wraiths. Have your ranged classes attack the two Wraiths while Cassandra focuses on the Greater Shade and you start with the Lesser Shade, then move on to the Wraiths. By the end of the battle everyone should be focused on the Greater Shade.

Your objective is up the stairs to the right of the nearby house. Scan the area to find more Elfroot nearby. However, before you move on, if you drop down onto the froze river and head to the left you’ll find more loot. When you reach the camp site at the end of the path to the left, take down more Shades, then pick up the accessory and iron near the fire.

Head back to the stairs near the house to continue your journey. Take out the Wraiths and Shades at the top of the stairs, then continue up the hill, following the path to another group of enemies. Defeat them, then interact with the rift to close it.

Speak with Leliana

Open the gate ahead and refill your potions at the supply cache if needed. Open the chest on the right side of the bridge to find loot, then run toward the middle of the bridge to initiate another cut-scene. Move through the dialogue. If you choose to take the mountain path follow the “Reach the temple through the mountain path” route. If you choose to charge with the soldiers follow the “charge forward to the temple with the soldiers” route. It’s recommended to take the “Reach the temple through the mountain path” route to save the soldiers and collect more loot.

Reach the temple through the mountain path

Climb up the series of ladders directly ahead. When you reach the top head to the left and into the mountain to attack the Shades ahead. Continue up the stirs directly ahead, then continue around the corner to the right. Look in the first room on the right to find loot on the ground and a chest.

In the cloudy open area ahead, look to the right to find more loot in two corners of the room. Make your way up the stairs to the left to engage the Shade and two Wraiths that attack. Pick up the loot in the area to the left then head up the stairs to the right. Take out the Shades and Wraiths ahead, then seal the rift.

Enter the temple

After another short dialogue cut-scene, pick up the loot near your feet, then head down the path to the right. Climb down the ladders ahead and make your way toward the waypoint. When you reach the entrance to the temple, jump down to the “Enter the temple” section.

Charge forward to the temple with the soldiers

Head down the path and up the stairs. When you reach the top of the first set of stairs head to the right to find a chest with loot. Continue up the next set of stairs and take out the Wraiths and Shades that attack. Once all of the enemies are down, interact the rift ahead to seal it. If you delay in sealing the rift Terrors will come through and attack. Move through the dialogue that follows the battle, then pick up the loot just ahead after the cut-scene.

Enter the temple

Head toward the opening ahead and pick up the loot directly in front of it. Move down the stairs and around the corner to initiate another short cut-scene.

Find a way down to the rift

Head to the right and follow the path around the corner. Go down the stairs at the end of the path, then drop down near the rift to see another cut-scene.

Boss Battle: Pride Demon

HP: 13,821


  • Electricity Resistance
  • Immunity: Asleep, Frozen, Paralyzed, Physical Effects
  • Perceptive

The key to battling against the Pride Demon is to make sure the main character continues to interact with the rift. While the health bar of the Pride Demon is grey, it cannot be damaged. This occurs at the very beginning of the fight, then periodically throughout. When this happens, target the rift and interact with it to stun the boss and allow you to inflict damage. Do not stand directly in front of the boss to avoid its linear lightning attack. When the adds appear, ignore them unless they’re attacking your character while trying to interact with the rift.

Return to the Dragon Age: Inquisition Walkthrough, or continue to The Threat Remains.

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Image of Bryan Dawson
Bryan Dawson
Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.