Battlefield Hardline: All Evidence Locations and Complete Case Files

Find all Evidence and Complete all Case Files to earn the World's Greatest Detective trophy.
This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

One of the greatest factors in a game’s value is whether or not players have a reason to dive into it a second, third or even fourth time. Often that comes down to alternate endings, dynamic events and even the desire for players to find all of the collectibles. With Battlefield Hardline, it looks like the team at Visceral Games was hard at work on the latter.

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Today, we’ll provide players with a walkthrough for all of the game’s collectibles, also referred to as Evidence. However, collecting individual pieces of Evidence alone will not lead to trophies or achievements. Snatching up all the Evidence required to complete the game’s Case Files does that. By collecting all of the Evidence found in the game (thus completing all of the Case Files), players can expect to earn three trophies/achievements for their mantle.

  • Keep Digging, Detective: Complete Any Case File
  • True Detective: Complete 3 Case Files
  • World’s Greatest Detective: Complete All Case Files

Of course, this being a Battlefield game, there is more to the side action than just Evidence and Case Files. Gamers can also expect to spend some time hunting down Suspects with Warrants. Not to brag or anything, but our guide on the subject is the best that any virtual police officer could hope for. Once players finish with the Evidence and Case Files, that’s a solid next step.

Tip: Evidence is collected by equipping a Scanner and analyzing it. The first episode makes these collectibles easy to find, but later on, things get tricky. Players will know Evidence is close by when their controllers begin to rumble, or they can equip their Scanners to see the distance to the closest piece. Of course, for those who want to make life easier on themselves, our guide will alleviate the headaches that come with completing all of the Case Files.

Episode 1: Back to School

Ledger and Money | The Hot Shot File

The first piece of Evidence is found when players get an objective that requires them to Investigate the Room. Equip the Scanner and analyze the document sitting on the desk.

Surveillance Photo of Stoddard | The Hot Shot File

The second piece of evidence is located in the same room as the first, but this one is on a counter close to a printer. Use the Scanner to analyze it.

Box of Hot Shot | The Hot Shot File

The final collectible of the episode is in the next room. Use the Scanner to analyze the trace evidence  sitting on the table. This will complete The Hot Shot File and unlock Keep Digging, Detective.

Episode 2: Checking Out

Box of Hot Shot | Hot Shot Supply Chain

Enter the laundry room and head to the back-right corner. Players will find their next piece of Evidence, a Box of Hot Shot sitting near some steps.

Care Instructions Memo | The Elmore Hotel Investigation

From the entrance to the laundry room, players will want to look left, spotting a Hawaiian shirt that hangs from the shelves. Scan it to collect this piece of Evidence.

Drug Purchase List | The Elmore Hotel Investigation

From their positions inside the laundry room, players will head into the break room on the right for the next piece of Evidence, a Drug Purchase List found on a table.

Vial of Hot Shot | The Elmore Hotel Investigation

After entering the hotel lobby, scan for a thug that guards its entrance named Javier Rosado. Neutralize him with non-lethal methods, then search his person for a Vial of Hot Shot.

Tablet with IM Client | The Elmore Hotel Investigation

When players are inside the hotel lobby, they will find the next piece of Evidence behind the reception desk. Scan the Tablet with IM Client that’s sitting on top of the multi-purpose copier.

Answering Machine | The Elmore Hotel Investigation

The final piece of Evidence of this episode is found in an office next to the reception desk. Players will find the Answering Machine by searching one of the desks in the room.

Episode 3: Gator Bait

Exploded Drug Bale | Hot Shot Supply Chain

The first piece of Evidence in this episode is found during the Investigate the Boathouse objective. After using the Zipline and taking out the three hostiles, find the Exploded Drug Bale on the ground.

Toxic Barrel | Internal Affairs

Players will find the Toxic Barrel Evidence on their way to the boathouse. It’s in the water at the corner of the dock. Use the Scanner to analyze it.

Regional Zoning Map | Internal Affairs

This piece of evidence is tough to find. Once players are in the airboat, head north and then swing right when a dock comes into view. Use the Grappling Hook to climb up the tower, then the Zipline to reach a lower platform. It’s there that the Regional Zoning map can be analyzed using the Scanner.

Chemical Barrel | Internal Affairs

The next piece of Evidence can be found south of the gator farm and east of the nature reserve. Look for a group of huts, then another structure further on. There will be a Chemical Barrel sitting close by.

Kilo of Cocaine | Internal Affairs

Head to the south end of the lake, near a sawmill to find the Kilo of Cocaine. Exit the airboat and use the Grappling hook to climb a tower. Scan the Evidence sitting on the table inside.

Newspaper Story | Internal Affairs

Look for a group of criminals in the middle of the gator farm. Scan them to locate Thomas Bell, then take him down using non-lethal tactics. Searching him afterwards will reveal the Newspaper Story.

Torture Traces | Internal Affairs

The next piece of Evidence is located in a longer building on the right side of the gator farm. Look for a pair of boots sitting on the floor, using the Scanner to analyze them.

Dead Gator | Internal Affairs

Players will find this piece of Evidence on the north side of the lake, once again at the gator farm. Look for a Dead Gator in the middle of a boardwalk.

Stained Fanboat | Internal Affairs

The Stained Fanboat Evidence resides beneath a shelter near the sawmill. It’s possible to use the Scanner to analyze this from the tower.

Water Sampling Equipment | Internal Affairs

Just like the last piece, this Evidence is at the sawmill. Leave a large barn using a door on the left, then look for a shack with a workbench. The Water Sampling Equipment is sitting on top.

Note Pinned with Switchblade | Internal Affairs

Head east from the big barn to find a log pile that contains this episode’s second to last piece of Evidence. A Note Pinned with a Switchblade will be found on the end.

Manila Envelope | Internal Affairs

The final piece of Evidence in this episode is also at the sawmill, sitting on a desk inside of a makeshift office found in a cargo container. Use the Scanner to analyze it.

Episode 4: Case Closed

Barrels of Dye | Internal Affairs

The first of 10 pieces of Evidence can be found on the first floor of the warehouse, along the back wall. Look for the Barrels of Dye and use the Scanner to analyze them.

Gym Bag of Money | Hot Shot Supply Chain

Just like the last piece of Evidence, this one is found on the first floor of the warehouse. Look for an office, entering to find a Gym Bag of Money sitting on a table.

Burner Cellphones | Internal Affairs

The Burner Cellphones are found on the third floor of the Neltz’ warehouse. When players are in the central corridor they’ll need to enter an office on the middle-left. The Evidence is in the garbage can.

Talking Tamu-Tamu Stuffy |Internal Affairs

This piece of Evidence is found on the third floor of the warehouse, in an office next to the break room. It’s in a corner, and pretty hard to miss.

Elmore Plaza Business Card | The Elmore Hotel Investigation

The final piece of the Case File for the Elmore Hotel Investigation is found near the break room on the third floor of the warehouse. Head up the stairs to the manager’s office to locate the Elmore Plaza Business Card sitting on the desk.

Poster for Tamu-Tamu | Internal Affairs

Shortly after entering the Domo Roboto warehouse, players will find the Poster for Tamu-Tamu. It’s sitting underneath the Tactical Gear. Use the Scanner to analyze it.

Tamu-Tamu DVDs | Internal Affairs

To find the Tamu-Tamu DVDs, move out of the upstairs office and look for a shelf in the center of the Domo Roboto warehouse. Use the Scanner to spot the DVDs and analyze them.

Letter from Neltz’s Business Manager | Internal Affairs

Below where players entered the Domo Roboto warehouse is a bigger office that contains this piece of Evidence. Search the desk at the back of the room for a Letter from Neltz’s Business Manager.

Flyer for Tamu-Tamu | Internal Affairs

The next piece of Evidence is in the downstairs office of the warehouse. Look for a bookshelf next to a water cooler to find a Flyer for Tamu-Tamu.

Crate of Hot Shot | Hot Shot Supply Chain

Head to the basement of the Domo Roboto warehouse to find a Crate of Hot Shot, the episode’s final collectible item. Take out the guard controlling the camera, then find the Evidence in the back corner.

Episode 5: Gauntlet

There is no Evidence to be collected in this episode, which means progress toward completing the game’s Case Files will be halted temporarily. We’ll pick up the search for Evidence in the next episode.

Episode 6: Out of Business

Purchase Order for Bianchi | Power Play

The first piece of Evidence is inside the dealership. Look for the Purchase Order for Bianchi sitting on a desk near the front. Use the Scanner to analyze it.

Letter from Kang’s Wife | Power Play

The Letter from Kang’s Wife can be found in the back office. Look for a desk with an unconnected computer. The Evidence is on the opposite side.

Boomer Photo | Power Play

Look for a thug named James Mun behind the garage in the salvage yard. Neutralize him using non-lethal means and search his body to find the Boomer Photo.

Designer Luggage | Power Play

Take care of all the criminals both inside and outside of the salvage yard, then search the garage to find the Designer Luggage. It’s on a table.

K-Pop Album | Power Play

The K-Pop Album is found in the warehouse, sitting in the corner opposite the office. Look for a boom box nearby, using the Scanner to examine the case and insert.

Remote Detonator | Power Play

Located in the salvage yard warehouse, the Remote Detonator can be found sitting on a workbench  close to one of the cars. Use the Scanner to analyze it.

Photo of Lily Kang and Roark | Power Play

Head to the back of the chop shop and through the door next to the tracks. The Photo of Lily Kang and Roark is on the left desk of an office.

Bomb Under Kang’s Bianchi | Power Play

While players are inside the chop shop, they’ll find a white vehicle with its doors open. Look for a device attached to the underside of the car to locate the Bomb Under Kang’s Bianchi.

Pallet of Hot Shot | Hot Shot Supply Chain

The final piece of Evidence is also found in the chop shop, this time sitting against a wall and underneath a walkway. Use the Scanner to analyze it.

Episode 7: Glass Houses

White Van | Power Play

Look for a garage near the utility room that has a white van sitting inside. Use the Scanner to analyze the label on the side to collect the first piece of Evidence.

Shipping Labels | Power Play

There’s an office near the dining room of the first floor of the mansion. If players head inside that office they will find the Shipping Labels on the desk.

Wall of Photos | Power Play

Head to the opposite side of the mansion from the garage and enter the gymnasium. Look at the right wall, opening the panel to reveal a secret door. The Wall of Photos are pinned to a corkboard.

Safe Combination | Power Play

Following a meeting there will be two men in the downstairs living room. After identifying one as Cameron Briller, take him down using non-lethal means and search his body to find the Safe Combination.

Tanks of Tear Gas | Power Play

There is a single bad guy in the greenhouse. Take him down, then look for a closet that contains the Tanks of Tear Gas. Use the Scanner to analyze this and log it into evidence.

Box of SS190 Cartridges | Power Play

This piece of Evidence is found inside the shooting range. Look for the Box of SS190 Cartridges on the shelf at the booth of the only shooter.

Rifle Suppressors | Power Play

The Rifle Suppressors are close to the previously discovered Evidence. In fact, they are in the shooting range, just one booth over from the lone shooter.

SWAT Flak Jackets | Power Play

This Evidence is found inside a small room inside the shooting range behind the mansion. Look for the SWAT Flak Jackets sitting on a shelf.

File Inside the Safe | Power Play

Players will eventually plant a phone, but before doing so, they should open the safe inside of Roark’s pool house. The final piece of Evidence, the File Inside Safe, is found there.

Episode 8: Sovereign Land

Bomb Blueprint | The Boomer Connection

Meet up with Boomer inside the communication trailer outside the compound. The Bomb Blueprint will be found inside.

Hot Shot Lab | Hot Shot Supply Chain

This Evidence is found in a trailer to the left of where players will disable the alarm. Look on the stove and cabinet for the Hot Shot Lab. This will complete the Case Filed titled Hot Shot Supply Chain.

ATF Agent’s Badge | The Boomer Connection

Inside the trailer park is a man named Jim Preston. If players take this suspect down using non-lethal means and search his body, they will find the ATF Agent’s badge on his person.

Torture Room | The Boomer Connection

Using their gear as a starting point, players will exit into the interior of the compound and find a ladder that sits on the side of a trailer. By climbing onto it and entering another home ahead, players can use their Scanner to analyze the table, chair and other torture equipment.

Cell Phone | The Boomer Connection

This piece of Evidence is found inside the trailer that contains the torture equipment. It’s a Cell Phone that sits in one of the corners, next to a boom box.

Boomer Dossier | The Boomer Connection

The Boomer Dossier can be found in a trailer in the southeast corner of the compound. Players can expect to find the Evidence on a table near the front.

License Plate | The Boomer Connection

Following the assault on the gas station, players will need to run around the building and look for a four-door sedan. Use the Scanner to analyze the License Plate.

ATF Agent’s Grave | The Boomer Connection

Using the gas station as a starting point, cross the street toward a burned out house. The ATF Agent’s Grave can be found on the left side.

Ricin Bomb | The Boomer Connection

The Ricin Bomb can be found in the hanger at the airfield. Head inside and turn left, looking for a workbench in the corner. The Evidence will be found there. If this guide has been followed, this should complete the Boomer Connection Case file.

Episode 9: Independence Day

Box of Books | Preferred Outcomes

After neutralizing the two guards in the alley, look for a Box of Books that sits in front of the dumpster. Use the Scanner to analyze it.

Staffing Chart | Preferred Outcomes

After entering the high-rise through the loading dock, players will come to a security office. Take out the only guard, then find the Staffing Chart sitting on the desk next to the calendar and lamp.

Letter from Chicago Politician | Preferred Outcomes

Head up to the 20th floor of the building, sneaking into an office near the reception desk. The Letter from Chicago Politician is on the desk.

Revenue Sketch | Preferred Outcomes

On the 20th floor, players should look for a meeting room with some fruit on the table and a whiteboard in the corner. Use the Scanner to analyze the Revenue Sketch (whiteboard).

Notice of Transfer | Preferred Outcomes

From the 20th floor, head down to the 19th and look for a suspect named John Starnes. Arrest him and search his person to find the Notice of Transfer.

Email from Dawes’s Computer | Power Play

This piece of Evidence is found on the 21st floor, inside the main office. Approach and view the monitor on the desk to see the Email from Dawes’s Computer. This will complete the Power Play Case File if players followed along.

Photograph of Dawes’ Wife | Preferred Outcomes

Look for an elevator in the office on the 21st floor. There will be a wooden cabinet to the right, and the Photograph of Dawes’ Wife can be found on top.

Bank Website | Preferred Outcomes

When players reach the penthouse, they’ll want to enter an office that sits to the left of the vault. Inside a laptop is the Bank Website. Use the Scanner to analyze it.

Photo of Dawes’ Dying Wife | Preferred Outcomes

While inside the office on the penthouse level, players will find some stairs that lead to a bedroom. From the foot of the bed, look for a nightstand on the right. It’s here where the Photo of Dawes’ Dying Wife can be found.

Episode 10: Legacy

Fax from Neil Roark | Preferred Outcomes

Using the roadblock as a starting point, head for the building at the back where the alarm is located. Head inside to find a Fax from Neil Roark sitting on the fax machine.

Summons from the IRS | Preferred Outcomes

Locate the hut close to the second alarm box and enter it. Walk behind the bar and look for the Summons from the IRS sitting on a shelf.

Dossier on Cpt. Hector Mendoza | Preferred Outcomes

Head to the southeast building in the utility complex, then head inside. There will be some papers sitting on the desk, and by searching through these, players will find the Dossier on Cpt. Hector Mendoza.

Surveillance Log | Preferred Outcomes

Head to the north side of the mansion and use the grappling hook to access the rooftop. Go inside the glass doors and enter the room ahead, finding the Surveillance Log that sits on the coffee table. This will complete the Preferred Outcomes Case File, as well as all the Case Files if players followed our instructions.

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